What is the best/most clever way to exchange numbers with a woman at work


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
I know it might sound a bit juvenile, but when it comes to work I always like to be as careful as possible. For over a year now I've been talking to this one woman on and off at work. It should be noted that I only see her very occasionally which is why this has gone on so long without any progression. Overall I estimate that we've talked a total of about 10 times. The convos, though very enjoyable and nice, have always been rather friendly, talking about work, some of our interests, family stuff, etc. That is until recently. She is about to get a promotion in a few months which has been a big topic between us for the last 7-8 months and I (semi jokingly) told her that we have to make a deal to get a celebratory drink (pointed to new bar that opened next to the office) when it happens. She casually laughed and said she definitely, though we moved right on to another topic and if I were a betting man I'd say she didn't take my comment very seriously. The rest of the convo went very well with me for the first time giving her a few subtle compliments.

The goal now is to try and finally start getting a bit closer and feel her out more, so that going out for a drink could feel cool and casual as opposed to something that might make her feel pressure which is the last thing I want her to feel at work. To me it's all about making sure she never ever feels uncomfortable and to keep this very cool and casual vibe I've been pulling off with her for the last year plus. I figured there's no better way to try and do this by exchanging numbers. Problem is we do not work closely at all and have never ever had a reason to give each other our numbers. I'm trying to think of a perfect way to pull this off so it comes off completely nonchalant and indirect. To be clear, I do not and can't see myself simply asking her for it. I have considered doing something along the lines of just finding a reason ti give her my number and saying if she feels like it, text me sometime. Takes the pressure off. Something to that effect. Anyone who'd like to chime in with their two cents, much appreciated.
"Yo... I'm grabbing coffee at (insert time). Join me. We've much to discuss"

Resist the urge to be too clever... That inevitably results in idiocy


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Do you have MS teams? Ask her for lunch to congratulate her for the promotion. Take her to like a chain restaurant. Take her in your car. Gauge her interest and if she has a bf/husband.

Ask for her number to do something at night or a first date if things go right.
Id be real careful what you put on teams. A lunch offer is probably ok but id get her number after that and not use teams and get her number

a coworker was fired for harassing women. The main evidence they had on him was on teams


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
Id be real careful what you put on teams. A lunch offer is probably ok but id get her number after that and not use teams and get her number

a coworker was fired for harassing women. The main evidence they had on him was on teams
Yea, you are right. Even the taking the same vehicle is a little too much when it is preferable to meet at the venue.

I am curious. What happened to your coworker? How did he harass people?