Incel Circlejerk


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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IMO I don't take people seriously who talk about the experience of high earners but haven't been around them or make a high-earning living themselves. I take everything with a grain of salt however when it comes to money it's easy to tell who has it on this forum and who is just recycling talking points. I don't know if SW is around high earners or not but if he is, he really needs to dig in cause a lot of his stuff is based on these RP talking points.

The obsession of money will improve your life with women usually comes from guys from the outside looking in, I know when I was making less money I had a lot of views about money that was just rehashed redpill talking points. If you struggle to get women while you broke you will still struggle if you make money. Money only matters to women if they are looking for a provider or a Golddigger. Women who like you will not a make a big fuss. I remember in 2010 I was broke i had women come to pick me up and go on dates and pay granted these women were subpar, I have said it countless times but money should be used to enhance your lifestyle guys who don't make money instantly think of tricking!

Once you start making more money and start to experience things yourself i.e. social circle, dealing with high-earning women, living in a logistical target rich area etc. It completely changed my view. A lot of the stuff you see especially on youtube is dorks giving a an "anime harem" fantasy which is delusional. Yes you can meet higher quality women and not have to spent a lot, however, there was a popular game guru who recently was exposed for tricking of money on Onlyfans thots and prostitutes why would I take advice seriously from a guy like that? lmfao
It sounds like he is rehashing RP talking points but coming short on substance and personal anecdotes. These same RP talking points can flip to BP if it is too overwhelming to meet the self improvement targets.

In my case, having money could lead to both better self improvement outcomes (ie can afford the time and money to use a personal trainer and diet accountability) and focus on sculpting a better body and hair transplanting, etc..... and could get professional photos done, not to mention to afford dates and having someone to take care of mom or folks. With me, its hard to believe money would NOT make a difference. This is not even taking into account geomaxing and escortcelling.

But hey, maybe being broke is keeping me, to some degree, on the straight and narrow.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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It sounds like he is rehashing RP talking points but coming short on substance and personal anecdotes. These same RP talking points can flip to BP if it is too overwhelming to meet the self improvement targets.

In my case, having money could lead to both better self improvement outcomes (ie can afford the time and money to use a personal trainer and diet accountability) and focus on sculpting a better body and hair transplanting, etc..... and could get professional photos done, not to mention to afford dates and having someone to take care of mom or folks. With me, its hard to believe money would NOT make a difference. This is not even taking into account geomaxing and escortcelling.

But hey, maybe being broke is keeping me, to some degree, on the straight and narrow.
You know Corrector, I'm still waiting for you to "correct" your course and right the sinking ship you've been riding for a long time. Here you are again talking like you know something. The only one keeping you where you are at in life is YOU. YOU control how fat, broke, womanless, and lazy you are. Nobody else. When was the last time you went out on a real date with a live human being? Sitting in the lunch room 10ft away from a girl staring at your tablet doesn't constitute a date.

Go ahead and block me for the 10th time because I told you someting you didn't want to hear. You're a big windbag full of excuses on why you can't do something and another one that needs to find a new forum.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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I've always gotten the impression from reading PUA type material that it is only a minority of men who really succeed and "live the dream" as put forth by the gurus
Only a minority of men practice what they've learned. Crops don't grow, without planting seeds and regular watering


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
The obsession of money will improve your life with women usually comes from guys from the outside looking in....
Let's return to earning a decent living for ourselves, first and foremost, shall we? Much as we all enjoy sex, isn't being able to afford a decent home and nutritious meals also pretty important?

Again, this stuff was all self-explanatory, to men who lived in the not-too-distant past


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Sitting in the lunch room 10ft away from a girl staring at your tablet doesn't constitute a date.

Go ahead and block me for the 10th time because I told you someting you didn't want to hear. You're a big windbag full of excuses on why you can't do something and another one that needs to find a new forum.
You are saying, sitting away from my CRUSH, who REJECTED (ie was AMOGGED by a gay dude who later resigned from the place) me, does not constitute as a date? Ok, thank you for your input. Noted. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, as usual, for your very helpful and very informative and insightment assessment of my dating life as asusual. Oh, lazy me, I can't be bothered to block the likes of you. It takes too much effort to press the ignore button. Yeah, I guess another one of my excuses.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Hi guys,

Long-time lurker, first-time poster.

I haven’t been a member for long, but I’ve noticed an increase in posts focusing on the negativity of dating and certain lifestyles, as well as claims that self-improvement is impossible for some individuals. I joined because I had an issue with a specific woman and needed second opinions, and I had my reasons for staying. I thought this forum was meant for discussing strategies, dating scenarios, and self-improvement. However, it seems like the tone has shifted recently, which might be affecting traffic.

For those who have been here for years, is this the norm? Is it cyclical, or do you think it’s a permanent change?
Strategies, scenarios & self-improvement are on tap here, but at least from my perspective, there is noticeable trend that I have noticed with long-timers that they start out thinking that learning the secrets of "game" will unlock the key to dating success, but the steady arrow of time steadily shows an increasing internalization that while "game" helps around the edges, the brutal reality of the hypergamic dating dystopia is a far stronger force.

Self-improvement can never hurt, but in the end, men learn that they are prisoners of their genetics. A short, ugly ethniccel that pumps iron is simply a short, ugly ethniccel with larger muscles (i.e., a gymcel), etc. There are other ways of self-improvement, but it only has any type of effect if such improvement makes one famous (which is why men who CriminalMax seem to do well).

Many newbies like the OP have already succumbed to pedestalization, and has come here trying to get techniques to win over that one gal. Of course, this begs the question as to why the OP feels the need to hang on for dear life with his oneitis - the answer of course, is that in our dystopia, our chances are so few & far between that we must hang on, as it could be a very long time before the next one comes around. :mad:

Most long-timers who enter black-pill territory simply wither away - either that, or they have ascended. :rolleyes:

As for myself, this forum represents Hope (I guess it would be Hope-Cope), and without Hope, Agency withers away. It is this Hope that keeps me macking away - as the canard applies, "what else are you going to do?". :confused:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Let's return to earning a decent living for ourselves, first and foremost, shall we? Much as we all enjoy sex, isn't being able to afford a decent home and nutritious meals also pretty important?

Again, this stuff was all self-explanatory, to men who lived in the not-too-distant past
We seem to be past the point where ProvisionMaxxing works to any desirable degree (it remains to be seen if the recent trends in chicks RetroMaxxing becomes a meme of consequence). I mean, the attractive woman is going to go for the unemployed Chad instead of the Normie (to say nothing about the Incel), only finding the Normie interesting when she has more than her own mouth to feed. :mad: Among childless women, it seems like it is only the fat chicks that have any elastic sensitivity (in an economic sense) to a man that can bring home the bacon (a great pun but not intended) - it's like the figure that since they can't get a Chad, they will go to a Normie, but then have these provisioning demands.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
In my case, having money could lead to both better self improvement outcomes (ie can afford the time and money to use a personal trainer and diet accountability) and focus on sculpting a better body and hair transplanting, etc..... and could get professional photos done, not to mention to afford dates and having someone to take care of mom or folks. With me, its hard to believe money would NOT make a difference. This is not even taking into account geomaxing and escortcelling.

But hey, maybe being broke is keeping me, to some degree, on the straight and narrow.
Are you thinking about going to Turkey to HairPlugMax?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
Long story short:

-Red Pill Theology refracted Intersectionality's assertion that life is polarized between Oppressors and The Oppressed. Only in this case(so we're told, by The Ayatollahs of RPT, anyway) it's we MEN(rather than women, non-whites, gays, and trannies)who are The Oppressed, by a Gynocentric, Feminine Primary social order that was allegedly set up for the express purpose of keeping us under foot

-A sizeable portion of the male population found this new religion just as comforting as Intersectionality is to women, non-whites, gays, and trannies

-Being a True Believer in such a theology inevitably results in a mindset which dictates "I was screwed over by Gynocentism, therefore I shouldn't have to do anything to help myself, even in just small ways, such as putting on fresh clothes each day, throwing on deodorant, and washing my ass at least once a day. The System needs to collapse in it's entirety, so that we can build The Kingdom Of Heaven on Earth... One where no bias towards and prejudice against men exists"

As to whether or not this is cyclical: Yes and No. While poisonous dogmas like these have always been with us, in some form or fashion, we definitely go through societal cycles in which they're mistaken for an advanced way of existing by a sizeable chunk of the citizenry. We're in the midst of one such cycle today
I believe in the idea that gynocentrism has wrecked me.

I stop short of thinking we should become total slobs, however. I have good hygiene, not fat, yet I still struggle (that's what pisses me off)


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
I believe in the idea that gynocentrism has wrecked me
Like a woman, who believes "Patriarchy wrecked me!!!", and refuses to get specific about what's bugging her. I'll let you in on a little secret, GM:

You mentioned that your mother said mean things to you as a child, and that they hurt. Sad as that is, this is something that many folks, men AND women alike went through. This isn't the result of empty fuzzwords like Patriarchy or Gynocentrism


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Oh, lazy me, I can't be bothered to block the likes of you. It takes too much effort to press the ignore button.
I've never been a fan of blocking people. First off, I like to see everything that is said, even if I don't agree with it. Second, if I actually consider someone's comments to be of absolute zero worth, if I don't have the self discipline to skip over those posts, that's on me. IMO, it's the blocking that's lazy.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
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For the posters that are still willing to keep “helping” these people.

“Infectors can be recognized by the misfortune they draw on themselves, their turbulent past, their long line of broken relationships, their unstable careers, and the very force of their character, which sweeps you up and makes you lose your reason. Be forewarned by these signs of an infector; learn to see the discontent in their eye. Most important of all, do not take pity. Do not enmesh yourself in trying to help. The infector will remain unchanged, but you will be unhinged.

The other side of infection is equally valid, and perhaps more readily understood: There are people who attract happiness to themselves by their good cheer, natural buoyancy, and intelligence. They are a source of pleasure, and you must associate with them to share in the prosperity they draw upon themselves.”



Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
I stop short of thinking we should become total slobs, however. I have good hygiene, not fat, yet I still struggle (that's what pisses me off)
Why? Because you expect to be rewarded for not becoming a smelly fat slob? :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
I believe in the idea that gynocentrism has wrecked me.

I stop short of thinking we should become total slobs, however. I have good hygiene, not fat, yet I still struggle (that's what pisses me off)
There certainly is a bifurcation in how to deploy one's agency while facing a decaying social structure - do you be constructive and try and fix it, or do you just throw in the towel and take the "let it burn" attitude? Indeed, a big incel meme is that in a torched society, at least the women won't be able to picky anymore. :eek:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
For the posters that are still willing to keep “helping” these people.

“Infectors can be recognized by the misfortune they draw on themselves, their turbulent past, their long line of broken relationships, their unstable careers, and the very force of their character, which sweeps you up and makes you lose your reason. Be forewarned by these signs of an infector; learn to see the discontent in their eye. Most important of all, do not take pity. Do not enmesh yourself in trying to help. The infector will remain unchanged, but you will be unhinged.

The other side of infection is equally valid, and perhaps more readily understood: There are people who attract happiness to themselves by their good cheer, natural buoyancy, and intelligence. They are a source of pleasure, and you must associate with them to share in the prosperity they draw upon themselves.”

View attachment 13182
So basically, learn to cope with being an involuntary monk by being "happy". :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2024
Reaction score
Negative people are like crabs in a barrel. They'll try to pull you down with them.

I just tune them out. We all get to complain sometimes but then you have to take some sort of action.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2022
Reaction score
I mean, the dating market has certainly become far more difficult for the vast majority of men.

I'd consider myself decent looking based on my results, but even then there's still the issue of the overly competitive dating market (online dating exacerbates this) where you can simply be replaced by a better prospect or she'll just get bored of you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Hi guys,

Long-time lurker, first-time poster.

I haven’t been a member for long, but I’ve noticed an increase in posts focusing on the negativity of dating and certain lifestyles, as well as claims that self-improvement is impossible for some individuals. I joined because I had an issue with a specific woman and needed second opinions, and I had my reasons for staying. I thought this forum was meant for discussing strategies, dating scenarios, and self-improvement. However, it seems like the tone has shifted recently, which might be affecting traffic.

For those who have been here for years, is this the norm? Is it cyclical, or do you think it’s a permanent change?
The red pill deeply affected male dating advice spaces, but I’m seeing it start to weaken now thank god.