Would it look awkward if I were to read a newspaper or book at a bar or Pub?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I read all the time, doesn't matter where I am. Anytime I have to wait for something and people whip out their phone, I whip out my e-reader and continue reading. That's the nice thing about e-readers, you don't need to bookmark your page, just switch it off and it will open on that page when you switch it on again. And I have a stack of unread e-books waiting. Currently working through Iain M. Banks Culture series.
When I'm reading in a bar, it's never considered weird or awkward, but even if it was, I wouldn't care.


Sep 10, 2014
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Because I'd rather not come off as an anti social douchebag.

But yes you're right....I should stop really caring about what others think....aslong as Im minding my own business and not hurting anyone, Im good to go.
Most people care far more about themselves than they do about anyone else.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I've seen this happen before at bars. Now, if it's like on a weekday during one of those casual hours, then sure. Go ahead. But doing it during any of the active peak hours is where it comes off as weird and unsociable. It doesn't give you any social points, either. If you're drinking at a bar, you're there to socialize, especially during said hours. Even if you are lounging, someone inevitably is going to come up to you.

Some guys do this to try to appear smart as a tactic to make girls try to come up to them. I'm here to tell you, it's not attractive nor is it like in the movies where this interaction is dramatized. Same for cafes. If you're legitimately there to chill, then that's fine. It is when you take it to a bar where it becomes cringy.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
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So, have we been to a bar in the past couple of weeks? Did you talk to women? How did it go?


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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I'm pretty much a solitary guy and go on a lot of solo outings.

Would it look awkward if I were to read a newspaper or book in a bar or Pub? Say if I were to spend a solitary evening there by myself and I got no one to talk to. I think this act would be more suited for a coffee shop.......but say you wanna get a glass of beer or wine. What do you guys think?

I think I'd sit in a less crowded area and away from all the noise especially if there showing sports games lol
I don't think that it would be awkward but it seems kind of pointless. If you just want to have a beer and read a book, why not do it at home? Why pay more for alcohol at a bar? Other than for the social aspect, I don't see the point of going to a bar.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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I don't think that it would be awkward but it seems kind of pointless. If you just want to have a beer and read a book, why not do it at home? Why pay more for alcohol at a bar? Other than for the social aspect, I don't see the point of going to a bar.
Pretty much agree with what you're saying.

Cafes are somewhat quiet (as far as public places go). So it's no surprise reading a book is common at a cafe (hell, Barnes and Noble has a cafe for that purpose). A bar, on the other hand, is loud enough I imagine it would be hard to concentrate on a book.

One potential happy medium: It's becoming more and more common for cafes to serve alcohol (the cafe I frequent serves alcohol). Getting an alcoholic drink at a cafe (while reading a book) is an idea.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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I've sat in restaurant bars reading a French frequency dictionary, and never felt awkward, don't care what other people think, and never had a problem with concentration. I can understand, though, if a bar was more of a nightclub, that distractions would be more of an issue.

I get social interactions with the bartenders, but not the other people around me, unless they are a regular.