How to keep the power and not lose power?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 24, 2016
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I think some of you may have read some struggles in past threads with a relative who for years belittled, put me down, ostracised, manipulate others, bully.

There are some community members, who do not know me and make ignorant comments and may make fun of me, belittle, sarcasm.

I have stopped being there and blocked people for years. With my academics and self e potential, I've proved then wrong.

They do wish to ruin my dignity and make me a scapegoat. Mess me around saying "get him a women".

How to keep and not lose power:

-Never be there
-Keep my distance
-Be away
-Keep well away

-Do not communicate with them
-Do not be in there connections, links, WhatsApp, groups

-Dont think
-Dont care
-Do not acknowledge them

-Be calm
-Be silent

-Block their social media
-Block them completely

-Do not tell them anything
-Silence, calm
-Limit contact with them

Anything else to add?
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Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
You don't "keep power", it's defined by your actions and what you allow.

Nobody who has power walks around thinking about how they need to keep power. If you are worried about that, then you don't have any to begin with.

It would be like asking "how do I become more confident?"

You become more confident by being more confident. There isn't really any other way to do it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
You become more confident by being more confident. There isn't really any other way to do it.
You gain confidence by challenging yourself and conquering your fears. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear of others, fear of yourself. Confidence is born from accomplishments.

Confidence without accomplishments is arrogance.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
I think some of you may have read some struggles in past threads with a relative who for years belittled, put me down, ostracised, manipulate others, bully.

There are some community members, who do not know me and make ignorant comments and may make fun of me, belittle, sarcasm.

I have stopped being there and blocked people for years. With my academics and self e potential, I've proved then wrong.

They do wish to ruin my dignity and make me a scapegoat. Mess me around saying "get him a women".

How to keep and not lose power:

-Never be there
-Keep my distance
-Be away
-Keep well away

-Do not communicate with them
-Do not be in there connections, links, WhatsApp, groups

-Dont think
-Dont care
-Do not acknowledge them

-Be calm
-Be silent

-Block their social media
-Block them completely

-Do not tell them anything
-Silence, calm
-Limit contact with them

Anything else to add?
I agree with the obstacle being the way, in other words, what is clearly a dread fear of yours can be the path to your power. I will tell you right now, power does not run. So all the evasion and your seclusion is a delusion you have built to go hide in and not face the real world. What about taking some classes and therapy related to social interaction, is it possible as a highly intelligent person you may be neurodivergent?


Sep 10, 2014
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You gain confidence by challenging yourself and conquering your fears. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear of others, fear of yourself. Confidence is born from accomplishments.

Confidence without accomplishments is arrogance.
Not necessarily.

You have to actually believe you can accomplish anything before you actually do it.

And believing that you can do it is confidence.

More importantly it's "self confidence" which is the belief in yourself without needing any external boosters.

Could you imagine where we would be throughout history of all if the people who made groundbreaking new discoveries and technological advancements only did so after they had already succeeded?

We would still be in the stone age because they all would have given up.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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You have to actually believe you can accomplish anything before you actually do it.
First you have to conquer your fear of failure before you actually try to accomplish something challenging.

Could you imagine where we would be throughout history of all if the people who made groundbreaking new discoveries and technological advancements only did so after they had already succeeded?
Most inventors who did discoveries learned to ignore their fear of failure to go against the grain and think outside the box. Often they were mocked / ridiculed / persecuted for challenging the status quo, but their own curiosity was more decisive.
I'm not saying you attain confidence only after succeeding in your goal.
Confidence grows with every step on the perilous path and gains momentum with ever challenge conquered, and with success the confidence becomes more and more internalised, at which point you no longer act confident but actually are confident.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
There are some community members, who do not know me and make ignorant comments and may make fun of me, belittle, sarcasm
Welcome to humanity, hoss. You can get mentally stuck on the passive aggressive digs folks hurl in your direction. You can also consciously choose to DETACH from such noise, and not let them see you sweat