Girl deleted my profile after date.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2022
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Text her, no response.

She said in her profile she like breakfast dates. and doesn’t drink. Tbh she was, like 90% of women way under my league. I feel like most women get so easily offended by masculine men that you end up extremely nervous in order not to hurt their feelings by the amount of stupidity these girls are.

She has 2 big dogs that she clearly felt like were a burden when discussing them. And instead of speaking my mind that you should get rid of the devious mutts if they bother you that much, I sat silent listening to the stupid so I wouldn’t have a drink thrown in my face. On top of that this bittch ate her food like a dog. Like completely scarfed it down. I was going to make a comment but didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

I can be nice but sometimes the shyt is so antagonistic towards your intelligence im inclined to tell it like it is especially when the girl acts like her thang don’t stnk.

Also by the end of the date she said some passive aggressive comments, so at that point I kind of knew I had the upper hand.

What frustrates me is knowing I’m a good catch and women know this but still refuse to give me a go, even girls below my level.

I probably should have never even gone on the date with her cause im certain it was a power move on her part. She was the typical small town girl with a chip on her shoulder, with more regrets than accomplishment in life from most likely being arrogant.

You've got way bigger problems than deciding whether to text a woman whom you don't like nor does she like you.

Perhaps this is a bit harsh, but you're going down a bad path with your mindset.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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You've got way bigger problems than deciding whether to text a woman whom you don't like nor does she like you.

Perhaps this is a bit harsh, but you're going down a bad path with your mindset.
Whats a proper mindset?


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Advice from the old lady:

Firstly, my first date with my husband was Sunday brunch. Why? We met the night before, he got my contact info, and he texted me the very next morning wanting to see me for a date.

Now. I never did OLD. Complete waste of time. I've always met people IRL. If our OP has the looks perhaps he should skip OLD and meet people live in person. That way you can go after women you actually find attractive.

You do need to come across fun & micheivious. Can you? That is where you fall short. Attitude issue.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2022
Reaction score
Whats a proper mindset?
Not what you have.

Text her, no response.

She said in her profile she like breakfast dates. and doesn’t drink. Tbh she was, like 90% of women way under my league. I feel like most women get so easily offended by masculine men that you end up extremely nervous in order not to hurt their feelings by the amount of stupidity these girls are.

She has 2 big dogs that she clearly felt like were a burden when discussing them. And instead of speaking my mind that you should get rid of the devious mutts if they bother you that much, I sat silent listening to the stupid so I wouldn’t have a drink thrown in my face. On top of that this bittch ate her food like a dog. Like completely scarfed it down. I was going to make a comment but didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

I can be nice but sometimes the shyt is so antagonistic towards your intelligence im inclined to tell it like it is especially when the girl acts like her thang don’t stnk.

Also by the end of the date she said some passive aggressive comments, so at that point I kind of knew I had the upper hand.

What frustrates me is knowing I’m a good catch and women know this but still refuse to give me a go, even girls below my level.

I probably should have never even gone on the date with her cause im certain it was a power move on her part. She was the typical small town girl with a chip on her shoulder, with more regrets than accomplishment in life from most likely being arrogant.
Re-read what you wrote.

You have so much animosity towards women.

Women are generally very well fine tuned to reading a man's emotional state.

They also feel emotions more intensely.

Couple that with the tenancy of people to seek out good feelings and avoid negative feelings, it generally results in women quickly distancing themselves from people whom make them feel poorly, particularly when those people are relative strangers.

So let's play this out.

Imagine you are a relatively mentally healthy woman, and you meet the male you (without knowing it's you), and you as a woman pick up on your male version's anger towards women.

Ask yourself this now, would you, as a woman, want to associate with that guy?

There are multiple other indicators of your disdain for women in your post, but the following really stood out ... "a b*tch eating like a dog".

Even if she had poor table manners, that's not how someone whom generally likes or loves women would describe her way of eating.

Doesn't matter that you never said it directly to her.

These types of things get picked up on.

Part of this video discusses some of the above.

Starting from about 3 mins 14s to 8 mins 58s for the more relevant section.
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Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Not what you have.

Re-read what you wrote.

You have so much animosity towards women.

Women are generally very well fine tuned to reading a man's emotional state.

They also feel emotions more intensely.

Couple that with the tenancy of people to seek out good feelings and avoid negative feelings, it generally results in women quickly distancing themselves from people whom make them feel poorly, particularly when those people are relative strangers.

So let's play this out.

Imagine you are a relatively mentally healthy woman, and you meet the male you (without knowing it's you), and you as a woman pick up on your male version's anger towards women.

Ask yourself this now, would you, as a woman, want to associate with that guy?

There are multiple other indicators of your disdain for women in your post, but the following really stood out ... "a b*tch eating like a dog".

Even if she had poor table manners, that's not how someone whom generally likes or loves women would describe her way of eating.

Doesn't matter that you never said it directly to her.

These types of things get picked up on.

Part of this video discusses some of the above.

Starting from about 3 mins 14s to 8 mins 58s for the more relevant section.
Always cracks me up when someone says "they are a good catch" when they don't even realize their actual disdain for woman makes them into a 1 regardless of how they look or what else they have going for them.

It literally overrides anything else and makes them virtually undatable unless a woman chooses to ignore it but that usually will only happen with women who have very low self esteem. Yet they ignore this and continue to wonder what they issue is because they can't figure it out.

How about actually like women?


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
I dunno @BackInTheGame78 I think you might have frightened OP right off with your genius. Truth honestly. Hope he listens. A woman's number 1 need is security. Safety & security. Angry men cannot meet that need because angry men are adversarial and bitter.

No woman is going to feel safe with an angry dude she just met. Yikes.

Just like the jaded bitter women who think "all men suck". Each of those attitudes are UGLY, negative and repulsive. And then these repulsive people wonder why nobody wants to date them.

Gee, I wonder. Hmmmmmmmm.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
I also wonder why people date if the attraction is this low.

Maybe it's my age, but I won't waste my time / effort / energy on lukewarm attraction, but maybe that's just me.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2022
Reaction score
I also wonder why people date if the attraction is this low.

Maybe it's my age, but I won't waste my time / effort / energy on lukewarm attraction, but maybe that's just me.
This might not generalize to most men, but in my personal experience, it came from a miscalculation of the risk/reward analysis.

When I've tried to make it work with low-to-medium interest women, I didn't feel fulfilled as is, particularly feeling a lack in companionship. This resulted in a strong emotional pull towards that potential 'reward'.

The risk was underplayed, mostly due to naivety, as well as the likelihood of failure, and so, the attempt to 'make it work' was tried.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
Reaction score
I agree, I probably do have to work on a more positive attitude.

I've been through alot of BS in the last years and am finally moving past it. I think the biggest problem I had was that the girl wasn't on my level to begin with. This stems from when I was in my early 20s I read alot of self help videos and alot of them pushed talking and being friends with anyone who was lacking socially. This mixed with my low-esteem at the time lead me down a bad path, where I was being used and manipulated. I suffered from extreme depression, agitation and anxiety while thinking it was because of me. I basically surrounded my self with the worst of society because I thought their was something lacking in me socially. By the time I knew what was happeing the dammage was done and all the burdons these people put on me had changed my personality for the worse.

I think this date was just a reminder that I need to start vetting people who want to be in my life, even if its just for a 15 min date or even a conversation. I suspect this woman probably goes on multiple dates and does this type of behavior as some kind of rush, knowing full well she has no intention of anything and if i vetted her properly I could have came to the conclusion.

Plus I'm starting to realize im actually very good looking, but have the attitude of a ugly ogor from the people Ive been hanging with.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
When I read the thread title I thought the story would be:

“ I had a great date and took her home afterwards, I woke up the next morning/in the night to see her deleting dating and social media apps off of my phone (how did she get my password?) is this a red flag”


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
This might not generalize to most men, but in my personal experience, it came from a miscalculation of the risk/reward analysis.
So, are your calculations of risk / reward analyses better now?


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Plus I'm starting to realize im actually very good looking, but have the attitude of a ugly ogor from the people Ive been hanging with.
May be good looking but not good at spelling...your 3rd grade English teacher is crying herself to sleep right now...

I think the word you want is "ogre" :lol: :lol: :lol: