The Enmity between male and female is natural


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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A comment online stated that friction between the male and female energy is inherent to humanity. It is ancient and is an immutable part of being alive. This comment is right. Even the very earliest accounts of male and female dynamics have been tales of power struggles between the two sexes. Adam and Eve was a story of a power struggle between the masculine and feminine. The masculine will always be weak to the sensuality of the female and the female will always attempt to usurp power from the male. She will attempt to rebel against his leadership. This will lead to her ultimate demise.

There is a little feminist rebel in every woman. A small piece of them wants to overthrow yet emulate men. They resent the power we yield over them. The "powers that be" knew about this tendency. They are weaponizing it. Ancient traditions like the Abrahamic religions knew about this "little rebel" and tried their best to control it.

Sometimes men go overboard in trying to control this little rebel ( some forms of radical Islam). Sometimes they are too weak in controlling this rebel ( modern liberalism).

A man should strive to keep that little rebel in check. She will thank you for it. Society will be better off if every man could do this. In order to control this rebel the female has to respect the male. Strive to be a man who is worthy of respect.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Strive to be a man that who is worthy of respect.
And don't make typos in the titles of your thread, it makes people think you're using words you cannot spell.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Lol damn I didnt even notice. Good catch.
Self-editing is difficult because you often read what you think you wrote instead of what's actually on the page. At least you were still able to make corrections.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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She slips in female energy because you slip in male energy - at least that's the dynamics in relationship.
Its amazing how many men slip in male energy arena post 40 yrs old. I don't want to be judgemental because I don't have all my ducks in a row either but some guys really are weak men. Weak as in they have no spine at all.

We have to be fair to women. A lot of men are "soft" when it comes to gender dynamics. I have male friends that are just not very stoic or macho. These men are successful and brilliant in other aspects of their lives. They just don't understand the basics of what makes a woman tick. These men were married too.

Their women lost respect for them and took them through the ringer in family court. Again, I do not want to be overly critical. I have my deficiencies too but this woman one seems to be an easy one to fix. Maybe it is not so easy if you did not have a strong male influence in your life.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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As a man, you have to balance out her feminine energy with your masculine energy.



Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Adam and Eve was a story of a power struggle between the masculine and feminine.
I don't recall there being any "power struggle" between Adam and Eve. The story is about succumbing to temptation and eating the forbidden fruit.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I don't recall there being any "power struggle" between Adam and Eve. The story is about succumbing to temptation and eating the forbidden fruit.
Sounds like @Pandora is projecting a little.
As far as I recall, Adam didn't even curse Eva for getting them kicked out of Eden.

For most of us, there is not struggle between the masculine and the feminine, so it's a bit weird to turn that story into a 'war between the sexes'.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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If all a man had to do to be successful long term was exhibit true masculine energy. If only it was that simple.

When he plays his part correctly but she doesnt what do you guys call that? Still his fault? Lol
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Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I don't recall there being any "power struggle" between Adam and Eve. The story is about succumbing to temptation and eating the forbidden fruit.
The reason I said power struggle is because of the following verse. This verse is interesting. God essentially tells Eve that the man shall RULE over you and you will not like that he does.

a part of Genesis 3:16
"Your desire shall be contrary to your husband,but he shall rule over you."

Your desire shall be contrary to your husband is their naturally rebellious nature. They dont naturally want to listen. They have penis envy. He shall rule over you is God stating that no matter what the man will be the leader.

Ancient cultures knew that women were rebels.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Sounds like @Pandora is projecting a little.
As far as I recall, Adam didn't even curse Eva for getting them kicked out of Eden.

For most of us, there is not struggle between the masculine and the feminine, so it's a bit weird to turn that story into a 'war between the sexes'.
Genesis 3:16 is why I said power struggle.
"Your desire shall be contrary to your husband,but he shall rule over you."

Your desire shall contrary to your husband is a power struggle.

I presume that the serpent told Eve that she did not have to listen to the husband or God. That he could exalt her over both of them. This is essentially what modern feminism and technology promised women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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The reason I said power struggle is because of the following verse. This verse is interesting. God essentially tells Eve that the man shall RULE over you and you will not like that he does.

a part of Genesis 3:16
"Your desire shall be contrary to your husband,but he shall rule over you."

Your desire shall be contrary to your husband is their naturally rebellious nature. They dont naturally want to listen. They have penis envy. He shall rule over you is God stating that no matter what the man will be the leader.

Ancient cultures knew that women were rebels.
Actually, that verse depends on the Bible version you're reading:

Genesis 3:16 New International Version

16 To the woman he said,
“I will make your pains in childbearing very severe;
with painful labor you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband,
and he will rule over you.”
Nothing about women being contrary to their husbands.
And this was Eve's punishment for breaking the rules.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I presume that the serpent told Eve that she did not have to listen to the husband or God. That he could exalt her over both of them. This is essentially what modern feminism and technology promised women.
You make a lot of assumptions and presumptions.

I don't want to turn this thread into a religious thread, since we don't have religious discussions here, but if you know the Bible, you also know that there are a lot of different translations that can lead to multiple interpretations.

Best to leave religious scripture out of this discussion.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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How nice it would have been to grow up with a truly "masculine" father.

What comes to mind is that when my mother was angry or even furious over the smallest things, my father would raise his voice and act big (rarely hit her); it was like throwing gasoline on the fire.
He responded to her "tantrums" in this way.

Having grown up this way, I still have difficulty understanding what the best response is, as a man, when a woman has these daily "tantrums."

You could say that I still don't know how to recognize when feminine energy transforms and becomes "rebellious", nor do I know how to "confine" that appropriately.

Instead, I see men who can do this spontaneously.
@Pandora Would you mind doing a real life example of an "event" like that, in an LTR scenario?

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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When he plays his part correctly but she doesnt what do you guys call that? Still his fault? Lol
There are actually guys, including a few on here, who have said some of the most desirable men on earth, including those whose women publicly punk them, such as Tom Brady, Brad Pitt, Will Smith, and Ben Affleck, are not actually “alpha”. Lol.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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There are actually guys, including a few on here, who have said some of the most desirable men on earth, including those whose women publicly punk them, such as Tom Brady, Brad Pitt, Will Smith, and Ben Affleck, are not actually “alpha”. Lol.

In the past, society would shame these women and allow these men (Tom Brady, Brad Pitt, etc. ) to have control over their women... but society doesn't allow that and makes it easy for women to "clown" men and turn them basically into simps. In Islamic countries, this does not happen. Are these men actually simps (Tom Brady, Brad Pitt, etc. ) ? Not sure. If you are a farmer, and you keep your sheep safe at night by closing the fence; however, if every night someone keeps opening the fence and you cannot do anything about it. Are you a bad farmer if a sheep gets lost or a wolf comes into the farm and kills your animals? Does protesting about the fencing opening every night even matter if people will just call you misogynistic?

I feel Will Smith is a cuck. He doesn't even protest his "fence" getting open every night. He kinda even enables it and thinks it's a "good thing". I think Tom brady is the opposite. He seems to hate the fence being open. He even tried to save his marriage, etc.. but society will not allow it. After all, "if the relationship doesn't feel good anymore, you leave him GUrl.. go queen!!!".... What is Tom to do about it? Ben Affleck. I don't know. He seems to play around alot.. not sure if it's a alpha thing or a simp thing..


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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You make a lot of assumptions and presumptions.

I don't want to turn this thread into a religious thread, since we don't have religious discussions here, but if you know the Bible, you also know that there are a lot of different translations that can lead to multiple interpretations.

Best to leave religious scripture out of this discussion.

Religion has been with man kind since he first stepped out the evolutionary mud... To NOT include it with discussions on human relationships, is to deny a vast aspect of what makes "a man, A MAN".. Some religions may say the earth is flat and be wrong. But people have been people for so long, people have been talking to each other and interacting with each other for so long, religion basically is the manifestation of these people lived lives, that even today, religion with respect to human interactions is relevant. People's primary motivations (women and men) haven't changed that much throughout the ages - their wants and needs, etc..

I wouldn't trust religion to give me insights to scientific phenomena; but I would trust it to give me insights to why Bob or Sally might do X or Y thing. Or behave this or that way...

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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In the past, society would shame these women and allow these men (Tom Brady, Brad Pitt, etc. ) to have control over their women... but society doesn't allow that and makes it easy for women to "clown" men and turn them basically into simps. In Islamic countries, this does not happen. Are these men actually simps (Tom Brady, Brad Pitt, etc. ) ? Not sure. If you are a farmer, and you keep your sheep safe at night by closing the fence; however, if every night someone keeps opening the fence and you cannot do anything about it. Are you a bad farmer if a sheep gets lost or a wolf comes into the farm and kills your animals? Does protesting about the fencing opening every night even matter if people will just call you misogynistic?

I feel Will Smith is a cuck. He doesn't even protest his "fence" getting open every night. He kinda even enables it and thinks it's a "good thing". I think Tom brady is the opposite. He seems to hate the fence being open. He even tried to save his marriage, etc.. but society will not allow it. After all, "if the relationship doesn't feel good anymore, you leave him GUrl.. go queen!!!".... What is Tom to do about it? Ben Affleck. I don't know. He seems to play around alot.. not sure if it's a alpha thing or a simp thing..
I don’t know if they’re simps. I do know that there is generally literally little respect for men in America considering men have allowed women to run roughshod over society and have the sexual market in a chokehold.

A hundred years ago, the man Will Smith’s “wife” had an “entanglement” with might have been facing death by his hands.

Though I don’t want Sharia law, I at least give some respect to the Muslims for not letting women be lords of society. 013B1D63-765F-4585-B475-092491BCE3FE.jpeg