does true love exist?


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2024
Reaction score
It would be great if you started a post sharing any pointers you might have. I commend you for 18yrs. Thats impressive.
Hi Duke. I posted some links to my Youtube videos for you (in the post for Chow Mein right above this one) I can repost them. It all starts from the ground up....selection is critical as only one in 3 women (probably less) are LTR material in todays world. Even once I had developed my system it took a few years until it finally produced the woman who is my wife.

From there it is about relationship management. This forum is chock full of great stuff for raising interest level and seduction but less so about maintaining high interest in the long run (decades). 10 years ago I wrote a manuscript about my entire process but only recently decided to publish it. The last thing I want to do is try and sell it on this forum...I came here for the community plus in my Youtube videos I am going to start sending guys over here.

What I can do...and only if it is in line with forum rules, is get you a free copy of my book and kindly ask you to give me your opinion of it. My whole story (26 years in the making) about my journey to a successful marriage is there.

Again, a chunk of my stuff came from here (although I originally started in academia...I am also a PhD...but most academic stuff is terrible). I was influenced by Pook and Anti Dump. Their stuff is here if you search. I also was a member of the original MASForum back when the big names were there.

What are your goals? Do you just want to be a PUA, or do you want (eventually) something long term?

Becoming a PUA is, IMO, the first step in long term success.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Duke. I posted some links to my Youtube videos for you (in the post for Chow Mein right above this one) I can repost them. It all starts from the ground up....selection is critical as only one in 3 women (probably less) are LTR material in todays world. Even once I had developed my system it took a few years until it finally produced the woman who is my wife.

From there it is about relationship management. This forum is chock full of great stuff for raising interest level and seduction but less so about maintaining high interest in the long run (decades). 10 years ago I wrote a manuscript about my entire process but only recently decided to publish it. The last thing I want to do is try and sell it on this forum...I came here for the community plus in my Youtube videos I am going to start sending guys over here.

What I can do...and only if it is in line with forum rules, is get you a free copy of my book and kindly ask you to give me your opinion of it. My whole story (26 years in the making) about my journey to a successful marriage is there.

Again, a chunk of my stuff came from here (although I originally started in academia...I am also a PhD...but most academic stuff is terrible). I was influenced by Pook and Anti Dump. Their stuff is here if you search. I also was a member of the original MASForum back when the big names were there.

What are your goals? Do you just want to be a PUA, or do you want (eventually) something long term?

Becoming a PUA is, IMO, the first step in long term success.
Doc, lets get one thing straight. You claim you don't want to advertise/promote/sell your media yet every single post you mention it. I call that someone who talks out both sides of their mouth.

If you have something to offer, then post it here or take your schitt somewhere else. You have previously been told by a moderator that promoting your media is against forum rules yet you continue. And please don't send me links thru private message.

@Pierce Manhammer


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2024
Reaction score
Doc, lets get one thing straight. You claim you don't want to advertise/promote/sell your media yet every single post you mention it. I call that someone who talks out both sides of their mouth.

If you have something to offer, then post it here or take your schitt somewhere else. You have previously been told by a moderator that promoting your media is against forum rules yet you continue. And please don't send me links thru private message.

@Pierce Manhammer

You asked me multiple times for general help and tips, I merely offered them to you. I don't have any one particular tip unless you have a specific question. I pointed you towards some of my videos because doing so was the best way, I felt, of helping you.

Yet you kept asking me for tips. What question, exactly, do you have?

To moderators: Please pull any inappropriate posts or links I may have posted.
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The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
You asked me multiple times for general help and tips, I merely offered them to you. I don't have any one particular tip unless you have a specific question. I pointed you towards some of my videos because doing so was the best way, I felt, of helping you.

Yet you kept asking me for tips. What question, exactly, do you have?

To moderators: Please pull any inappropriate posts or links I may have posted.
Lol yeah sure dude. You're full of schitt


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
You asked me multiple times for general help and tips, I merely offered them to you. I don't have any one particular tip unless you have a specific question. I pointed you towards some of my videos because doing so was the best way, I felt, of helping you.
I did something similar on Quora. Since I'm a published author with books on the market, I would seek out questions from (novice) writers regarding problems they'd encounter writing, for instance, dialogue. I would give some pointers and then show how I used them by quoting a scene from my own books, with underneath my name and the title of the book with a link to the book on my author website, where you could find more info about books including links to retailers.

I know that I sold books if the answer was upvoted and my sales went up even more if my answer ended in a Quora Digest email sent to 1,000 or 10,000 members. I could see that my sales increased mere days after posting these answers and sharing them to different Quora groups.

Helpful as my answers were, there was still an element of indirect marketing and promoting my own work. I was aware of that, but there's no violation of rules to use this kind of 'soft' marketing.

Although you might have 'good' intentions, posting a link to your YouTube channel generates 'views' and even 'likes'. If your videos get lots of views, you can sell advertising space in your video and that means financially profiting from posting the links.

If this forum doesn't allow you to self-promote your business and you're claiming that you 'just post the links because they explain your point', you are being deceptive in your motivations.

And that, in turn, undermines your integrity and ultimately your credibility.


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2024
Reaction score
I did something similar on Quora. Since I'm a published author with books on the market, I would seek out questions from (novice) writers regarding problems they'd encounter writing, for instance, dialogue. I would give some pointers and then show how I used them by quoting a scene from my own books, with underneath my name and the title of the book with a link to the book on my author website, where you could find more info about books including links to retailers.

I know that I sold books if the answer was upvoted and my sales went up even more if my answer ended in a Quora Digest email sent to 1,000 or 10,000 members. I could see that my sales increased mere days after posting these answers and sharing them to different Quora groups.

Helpful as my answers were, there was still an element of indirect marketing and promoting my own work. I was aware of that, but there's no violation of rules to use this kind of 'soft' marketing.

Although you might have 'good' intentions, posting a link to your YouTube channel generates 'views' and even 'likes'. If your videos get lots of views, you can sell advertising space in your video and that means financially profiting from posting the links.

If this forum doesn't allow you to self-promote your business and you're claiming that you 'just post the links because they explain your point', you are being deceptive in your motivations.

And that, in turn, undermines your integrity and ultimately your credibility. one of my primary theories is based upon the fact that the female brain is White matter driven (what I call process oriented) while the male brain is Gray matter driven (what I call problem solution oriented).

If you want success with women you have to understand this fundamental difference. It is of note that for political reasons, traditional academia, because of its political agenda, refuses to recognize this scientific fact (empirically verified via CAT, MARI, OET and other brain imaging technology). That is why you cannot get good relationship advice from traditional academia.

I have a very good 10 minute video on this topic. I suppose, however, that instead I am going to have to spend an hour unpacking/explaining this concept via the written word and its implications for relationships because no one wants to simply watch the video.