5 Predictions For Dating In The Next 10 Years (and Beyond)


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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I have said so many times before in different threads I feel like a broken record so I will just leave this here...from Page 1

Most women if they don't know you. Don't even know you have money unless you lead with that. It blows my mind that guys keep bringing up money. Guys really need to stop watching these RP podcast where girls are talking out of their ass about wanting guys making 6 or 7 figures. We know statistically speaking there aren't that many single guys to go around and once you start adding other preferences (height, weight, race, no kids, don't do drugs etc) the number of single men that qualify dwindles down to 0.01% (Just a guess) From personal experience, money should be utilized in these 3 ways regarding women

  • Logistics-nice apartment, house, being in a great area in your city or town, close to the center, being able to go to nice places
  • Access-Nice car, high-earning social circles, house parties, expensive or exclusive events, nice restaurants to network
  • Retention-A woman is likely to stick around if you ain't stressing about money, number 1 reason for divorce is lack of finances

^^^^how do you not grasp this? THESE ARE ENHANCERS. READ MY OLD POSTS FROM HERE. You do not need money to get women I got laid more when I was broke then now that I have money. When I was 24 years old making 30K a year broke as a joke. I took two girls home had a 3some. Was I rich? nope? am I Tyrone? nope I was in a flowstate and pulled the best game in my lif that night. I don't say this as an insult but for guys who aren't making 6/7 figures, you guys only view money as black and white(if a guy has money he must be a trick or buying escorts) and don't understand there is nuance outside of tricking and escorting. This may be true for some tricks and simps but if you are RP aware and understand that money can create opportunities you will realize this.

I'm done arguing with you because I realize you will continue to argue in bad faith.
That's the thing, I'm not arguing, I'm challenging this thing that you wrote:

How many guys are making 150K or even 90K a year? If you're making 130K+ a year that puts you in the top 20% for income as a man(149K puts you in the top 5%-10 % depending on the state that you live in). If you are still struggling with women at that point the problem isn't women but you


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Many guys dont understand what a game changer such thing is.
They don't understand because they can't relate I don't mean it as a insult. I used to view money the same way. But living in a nice condo or apartment can do a major difference for your dating life. Are you buying the condo for women? of course not you buying it to live in a nice area to rest your head but guess what living in a nice place there tons of beautiful women that may live in your building complex(I have dated girls that lived within walking distance of me), if you live in the city you may be living in the hub of your town to meet women(bars/clubs/parks/lakes within walking distance or biking/uber distance). This means you are in a Target-rich area. A nice place to live can make a difference because now you can meet people BOOM you're part of a social circle with high-earning people and the effects compound.

I can't explain it to someone who can't relate but the best way to put it, it's like college for adults minus going to school


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
Reaction score
buying it to live in a nice area to rest your head
A nice place to live can make a difference because now you can meet people BOOM you're part of a social circle with high-earning people and the effects compound
This is the advice I can relate to and men should follow. Not in the back of their minds thinking that they'll meet beautiful women. We can agree in something.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Money will only enhance your lifestyle and game in that aspect yes it will help if you utilize it properly however a lot of guys who don't have money view money as thinking they will get their dream girl, which is folly. There is no honor in being a trick!
I think most of these guys don't understand that money shouldn't buy you the assets to attract women, but the confidence to relax about money and just carve out a good life for yourself.
If you have a good life, people will be attracted to spend their time with you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
In far left US metros (San Francisco, Seattle, Portland), it's becoming more common for mediocre to subpar looking women to have a rotation of multiple betas who sometimes look rather soy in a poly style rotation.
Most societies have considered a woman that has a rotation of men to be a "fallen woman" ... and she usually gets paid for the pleasure. :eek: