Even if all the guys got in shape, got emotionally stable, learn game and become economically successful there would still be incels since women only pick the top %nters of men nowadays.
That would be like saying if every man would be a millionnaire, they could all buy a ferrari...nope cause the dealer would simply raise the price.
Add to this the fact that in the west most women are unbearable even before than talking about their size or look so most men are chasing the few decent ones.
We simply have to accept the fact that the current historical, economical and social moment created the base for this to happen.
Take away money froma relationship and most men are useless to most women, take away sex and most women are useless to most men.
If the average woman has an average salary, she has no benefit to get into a relationship with an average man..she would rather share a top dog with other women.
If the average woman is unpleasant, the average man would rather pay to play with a hottie.
Unless of course you wanna send women back to the kitchen and public shame those of them who dont get married and have kids by their late 20s.