Soon as a man and woman are one on one together the game is ALWAYS on
Always. If an rather attractive man walks into a hookers room she'll obviously be pleasantly surprised, unless she has a bad day.
It was also rather about the MEN their experiences and how THEY felt it was better than xyz.
The anticipation, perhaps (easy)access to a woman hb8,5 or higher ,favorite sought after race, fantasy came true(no diddy) that he could never fulfill with a woman he dated seriously.
Another BIG factor can be the amount you are willing to pay. Overhere I know that from 200 euro and up you will get a pretty woman who will give you a GOOD time. Returning costumers..these women use their body to run a BUSINESS, and can easily make up to a 1000 bucks a damn day...for fecking perhaps even good looking well trained men with money .
On top of that its indeed her DUTY to make the experience a good restaurant you know? The chef might go through a divorce and be heartbroken, the food will still taste supreme..
I also think a lot of you underestimate how much criminal money goes directly to( higher end) prostitutes . Its basically a perfect combination of badboys and bad girls. This all happens behind the curtains of "normal society ".
As my uncle always used to say: " once they're sitting doggy in front of you they're basically all the same..". A player will wanna feck EVERY woman and make some kinda impression. Even the biggest slvt will scream when you hit it right.
You are right. Although
@The Duke made a golden post there, the OP comes from a place of a "dying bedroom ". Sounds dramatic but its true..we've ALL been there at least once.
Its extremely difficult to KEEP her in that perfect submissive position long as you'll be with her. And once you invest big(kids house ect) you'll need her to stay there for many, many years..good luck with that nowadays..
I sound doom and gloom when I say let her go

. I bet there are deeper underlying issues at play.
In this case OP wants to know how to pursue a woman to do things she always refuses.
Basically OP needs to open up (Just to name few) about;
- how/who he is now and how/who he was when they met.
- what she refused to do(I can geussbut still)
-is there room for personal improvement? A long list : from personal hygiene to swag to dominance to actual skills in the sack..time spent together ect ect ect
@BeExcellent say something about this. ..