Bud, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but practically every person alive on this planet (including myself) has had the same feeling. "If I could just figure out a quick easy way to make a pile of money, all my problems would go away."Any insight on the financial side of things? I'm getting frustrated because I've tried so many things thinking "this is it", only to not have them pan out.
I don't know anybody who makes great money and feel like if I can figure this out that I won't have nearly the amount of problems I have now.
I haven't read your entire thread, and I don't know what your abilities are aside from being attractive and good at getting a$$. I'm short, average looking, and by no means good with women, but I know a thing or two about making a buck.
If you're going to be financially successful, you're going to have to put in the time and effort. Forget about all those douchebag dip$hit influencers on YouTube. There are plenty of legitimate self help videos to be found, but if you think you're going to watch a few grant cardone videos and then have a multi-million dollar business by the end of the year, you're going to be disappointed. It's going to take hard work, and lots of it. Lots of evenings and weekends, too.
It's time for you to decide what you want to do with your life. Figure out what you enjoy doing, and set about becoming as good at it as you possibly can.
Pinballing back and forth from one get rich quick scheme to another won't get you anywhere. I've gone down a few of those paths as well, and it always ended up in wasted time and effort. You've got to pick something and stick with it for the long haul.
My situation is probably quite a bit different from most, as I grew up in a family business, and have basically been "at work" in some capacity since I could walk. I knew from a young age what I wanted to do, and that made a big difference. I'm always, always learning new skills, be it from books, YouTube, or watching people around me. You're either progressing or you're regressing. You're never standing still.
I'm not rich by any means, but I do ok. It's been a long uphill battle, but success is compounding. Each new skill learned builds on the last, and makes what I do easier, faster, and more profitable.
One last thing that's helped me immensely is making connections. Be someone people respect, enjoy working with, and want to help.
As far as you're parents' hoarding is concerned..... that's another subject I have far too much experience with. I can tell you with 100% certainty there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Getting rid of current junk will just make room for new junk. Focus on getting your own place and leaving that situation behind.