The top 20% of men are rotating between 80% of women. There's a lot of good data backing this up, and the 80-20 rule for dating is highly reproducible. This is where simps are coming from, the pool of 80% of men that are pushed out. This doesn't just happen on its own out of nowhere. About 1/3 of gen z men have nobody, and I've been told many times gyms are full of zoomers going the red pill route. It's not a made up problem in their own heads.
A big crisis of our time is that there is currently no mechanism for the dating market to correct itself at all. The concept of one-man-one-woman in marriage until the end has already been dissolved. How does it self correct now?
Predictions of the form "All X will begin to Y, then Z will happen" almost never hold up because it's looking at the problem from a bottom-up populist / democratic viewpoint, where major social changes just sort of happen spontaneously without any leadership, elite support, financing, promoting incentives, or top-down decisions (everyone is afraid of being called conspiracy theorist, so they never bother asking who's in charge nor reading their books).