Gotta love copy and paste:
Black pill is basically an updated red pill with limitations taken into account and less delusions, made by and for younger men. The same reactions of disgust blue pill gave red pill is now on red pill giving it to black pill.
I don't understand your sentiment. "These people are just losers." Ok, but they're still men sharing dating advice for 2024. Are you just going to step on them to signify mildly higher status? What does that achieve? The red pill, and subsequently the black pill, were created out of social decay. It makes sense that the dating advice gets more pessimistic as social conditions continue deteriorating. Watch A Christmas Carol (1943). Even in the "bad" universie, the townspeople still had a healthy community with them to endure hard times with and no desire to abandon it. The directors at the time couldn't comprehend a life where most neighborhoods are composed of distrusting strangers shut in their houses who make no effort in maintaining relationships.
I explain in the link that your pill philosophy is tied to your social strata.
Accepting my point that simps are low tier men trying to mimic the blue pill philosophy of the upper classes,
it's actually blue pill that contains the least amount of losers.
Don't believe me? Drive through an elite neighborhood on the coast of Maine and you'll see what I mean, the ones with gigantic rainbow flags hanging on the side of their mansions. You'll see many children, everyone dressed for success, women in dresses, large in tact wealthy families, and friendliness and hospitality where ever you go. These people offer a sense of belonging as part of an intergenerational story. They maintain their traditions, have a wide network of high quality family friends, take on large responsibilities, practice table manners, go to quality private schools, practice exclusivity, socialize often with random encounters ("third places"), have safe streets to walk on, eat well, were raised collectively, mothers were around to raise the kids as a unit, they know their neighbors, they have more average intelligence, they are pushed to positions of presitgue from a young age, have high school sweethearts they eventually marry, a low rate of divorce, and everything needed in their own neighborhood for a happy and prosperous life. People are actually outside and active in these communities. It's a place they can call home with people they can truely connect with. Many times it's obvious who their spouses will be when they're teenagers, and parents will help them get together.
"Just be yourself" works for them because it's presumed that "yourself," your upbringing, and your social circle is already good. Red pill advice is seen as sneaky, manipulative, and a compensation to hide flaws. The fact that such a taboo exists and is enforced by this class is evidence of a homogenious culture with a sense of unity against "the other." You can't buy this, and you can't achieve this lifestyle within one lifetime either. And, most importantly, you can't do it alone as individuals. It needs to come from the effort of a flock.
There's no such thing as "moving in to a good neighborhood" because good neighborhoods are always built. If you moved in a wealthy blue pill neighborhood with your lone-wolf red pill game, you'd be stinking up the place and dragging down the average quality of the area.
Blue pilled dating advice, if allowed to be spoken in public, would revolve around gaining approval from parents + grandparents of both sides to approve of the relationship and then gradually organizing the family together as one unit in order to replenish the older generations and keep their story going.
By comparison, red pill men are off-the-shelf disconnected individuals who offer above average spending power and a physically fit bodytype. They're plug and play romantic candidates and are often first-generational success stories. Each red pilled man has some kind of baggage with them from not being raised well, hence the re-learning of things when we matured.
We all got here because something went wrong and blue pill didn't work. I have no problems listening to black pill, as I know this is just the next generation of dating advice and is probably more accurate to those aged 25 and below. "Go to the gym" is the new "take a shower." The majority of men below 25 on the dating scene today already employ red pill advice anyway.
Lots of name calling and avoiding dicussions going on from red pill these days. It's easier to just blow off struggling poeple than to listen to what they have to say.
Also, this is "outside" for the majority of people nowadays.
Yes, let's all just yell at the zoomers for not being here:
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To contrast, here's "outside" in an elite blue pilled city. Here, you'll actually be able to find someone.
This whole event is one big match-making event, and they hold it every month.
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(I searched for "portland maine town center people" on google images and this was the first result)