How successful/well off guys do things differently.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
What it looks like is me getting into the industry that I want (which I won't share here) on my terms, being able to travel and help people not just in my family but also in my community in the forms of job creation among other things. As you and I have discussed before hard times are coming and with hyperinflation and the potential loss of jobs due to the rise of AI, many folks are going to need help even with just basic necessities

My ideal lifestyle would be to live on a farm or ranch with my future wife and living of the land, eventually maybe even moving away from America to somewhere else. I have no desire to become wealthy and blow money on clubs and partying been there and done that, as a guy who is older now I want to focus on helping family, friends, and my community and spread the gospel of Christ!
I've been noticing a trend with young(ish) men that have discussed their desires to retire early, get out of the rat race or even pseudo check out from society. This is a feeling I've had within my self for a long time now as well, though I felt I was an outlier until not that long ago. There was a guy I knew from the gym, haven't seen him since the summer of 2023, that was around 26-27 at the time and he mentioned something about how he wanted to retire by 45 so he could "play video games and workout out" lol. There was another guy I knew around 40 that quit a very high paying engineering job working for a defense contractor and instead decided to get into homesteading. He had made some comment about how he did not want to be working for a company that created technology that was ultimately going to kill people.

I personally like working but I have a job that is very laid back and flexible, so in a way I consider myself pseudo retired. I want to just go to the gym, go hiking and maybe do some travelling. I have 0 interest in clubs/bars, fancy cars, expensive stuff of any sort.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
How to flirt is such an important esoteric thing that nobody seems to be able to articulate to many socially awkward people on here. You've stated he is very good at flirting with women. It would be helpful to the site to go into detail about the context of his body language, what was said between him and the women etc...
Most of these situations were at bars were Booze is involved, I'm sorry but I don't remember the conversations. He is just one of those guys that knows how to speak with women, witty banter, sexual flirtation, etc. He just knows how to say the right things at the right time. To me that's a sign of a person with a High social IQ it can't be taught you either have it or you don't. You can practice it though by reading books to improve your vocabulary, watching movies. Look at Robert Downey JR for instance in Iron Man (my buddy is just like that except less ****ier and way more funny) or read Mr Fingers old threads he was dope at this.


Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
None of them are trust fund babies except for one. Most of them just went to good schools, lucked into niche roles in the right companies after at least 5 years of grinding, and now make serious bank.

Contrary to popular belief in the Manosphere, NONE of the, are in sales. They are in the following roles:

1. Niche law firms, cannot really get into specifics but they work closely with politicians

2. Engineering hybrid for software, energy, or manufacturing companies

3. Business owners (a good number of them really)

4. VP level or above in the business world but more for startups that are stable

5. Medical field and got into the right specialities that pay bank

None of them look like crap and all of them have above average social skills
Some could also be toads.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
Reaction score
He is just one of those guys that knows how to speak with women, witty banter, sexual flirtation, etc. He just knows how to say the right things at the right time.
There must be some moment you remember where he was sexually flirtatious.. What was said?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
There must be some moment you remember where he was sexually flirtatious.. What was said?
You can pound on that, but in most cases it's not what was said, but how it was said.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2023
Reaction score

Bro, you are totally correct. @Jesse Pinkman is either full blown making these stories up about these guys up OR these men have severely over exaggerated their earnings to him. Only a tiny number of men are legitimately going to be making anything well over 100k under the age of 40 lol, let alone 250k lol. What are the chances some random guy on the internet knows not one but several guys like this?

This thread is a bunch of nonsense. The overwhelming majority of millennials are broke AF, I bet having even 50k in savings or investments puts you in the top tier.
$100k? I'm pretty sure a lot of people under 40 make that.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
$100k? I'm pretty sure a lot of people under 40 make that.
I said well over, meaning close to 200k or more. Majority of the people that would be close to this particular bracket at this age would be living in major metros with substantially higher costs for living. Making 180k for instance doesn't really go that far in NYC given the cost of living and even the taxes that would be taken out.
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Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
$100k? I'm pretty sure a lot of people under 40 make that.
Actually they don’t. Only 18% of individuals make that.

I make low six figures and it feels like nothing. The new “six figures” is 200k.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Actually they don’t. Only 18% of individuals make that.

I make low six figures and it feels like nothing. The new “six figures” is 200k.
There's a lot of hidden costs to making six figures in the USA that do not understand. Yes, you make six figures, but you might have lifestyle inflation, live in an expensive area due to work, have more stress relief hobbies from the job, debt from student loans, debt from fvck ups caused by stress. The ideal position is to be in a stress free 50k-75k job with little to no debt working from home or in an area that doesn't have a high COL.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
You remind me of these people that go door to door trying to solicit random services and products lol. I live in a desert in a semi rural area and a while back had a guy come to the door trying to sell pest control services. He made some comment about how they clean up the black widow webs, which are very common here, and something about scorpions lol. I remember saying something about how I wasn't interested, and he literally just stood there in the door for several seconds staring at me haha. I literally had to say if he needed anything else before he left lol.
It was an insurance job so basically pretty similar SMDH


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
I found that if they have no clue about your affluence, your IDGAF attitude is often translated as 'high status'.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
Actually they don’t. Only 18% of individuals make that.

I make low six figures and it feels like nothing. The new “six figures” is 200k.
There's a lot of hidden costs to making six figures in the USA that do not understand. Yes, you make six figures, but you might have lifestyle inflation, live in an expensive area due to work, have more stress relief hobbies from the job, debt from student loans, debt from fvck ups caused by stress. The ideal position is to be in a stress free 50k-75k job with little to no debt working from home or in an area that doesn't have a high COL.
There's a lot that needs to be taken into context.

As you both know, and has been mentioned on this thread, location is a huge factor. In places like CA, NYC or any of the major coastal metros the cost of living is incredibly high. In many of these areas, you are looking at an averaged sized house being 500k+, in fact closer to a million dollars or even more for some of them. You could easily be paying 10k per year in property taxes alone, a huge liability. For decent rent you are probably looking at a minimum of 2k per month, probably closer to 3k or even higher. You need to be pulling close to 100k or over this to be comfortable. However, add this with a higher income being taxed much more aggressively by the federal government and you are even tighter. In addition to this, many of these states also tend to have high state incomes taxes.

Obviously, if you are living in a lower cost of living state this changes, but you'll also find that you typically make quite a bit less as well. It depends upon a lot of factors. Many of the states that used to be very affordable not that long ago are becoming somewhat more comparable to that of the major metros. You can find that real estate prices in the major metros haven't changed that much over the last 20 years, but you'll also see that the once cheaper states have taken off dramatically. Places like NC, TX, NV, ID and AZ that were once fairly cheap and had mass migrations to for years are now getting up there in price, especially since the pandemic. Phoenix and Boise are two really good examples. A suburb of Boise, Meridian, had a population of around 10k in 1990 and now is something close to 200k. Phoenix and AZ as a whole has grown tremendously over the last roughly 30 years. You'll find that many of the homes are from the late 90s/early 2000s.

I live in AZ and bought my first home, a 2 bed/1 bath, that was in serious need of some cosmetic work for 75k in 2015. The market had still not recovered from the 2008 housing crash, so this was a golden opportunity. It was a solid house in a nice development but the broader area it was in was not the best. Approximately 4k was invested into the place to beautify it, just needed tile floor and some fresh paint. I sold it for profit and repeated the process 2 more times. That very same house is now estimated for around 230k or so.

Texas actually has very high property taxes, but you'll find that there plus with these other states you have the option to move further out and still get a lot of land, house, etc. Remote work is definitely one of the best answers to this, but also the willingness to commute.

I saw this video here and one of the towns he mentioned in the video was 50 miles away from St. Louis. I'm not saying you need to move to these places, they are cheap for a reason, but there are solutions.

Top 10 Cities to buy CHEAP HOUSES (less than $100,000) (

@CornbreadFed You bring up an interesting point about debt. I mentioned this earlier in the thread, but a dentist may make 200k+ potentially but it's also very normal for them to have close to a million dollars in student loan debt. Someone who is a doctor was more or less a professional student for over a decade and didn't get into their career until maybe their mid 30s, though I'm not sure what kind of debt they typically accrue in that time frame.

I also agree with you about lifestyle inflation. Most people honestly are terrible with money and spend frivolously on things they don't need. Our economy is based around excessive spending and endless cycles of debt, but it doesn't mean you need to follow along with it. I personally am extremely frugal and it can be difficult for me to spend money on myself. I never eat out and make everything at the house, which is the best way to save money btw. I literally just pay for essentials and invest a ton of my money. My hobbies are gym/working out, hiking, sauna, playing chess and just reading or watching youtube videos about things that interest me. These are things that are incredibly cheap or completely free, something that you'll find is a trend for the hobbies and pass times that are best for you.

@Solomon I enjoy your posts, man, but you don't need to spend much at all to have a great life. I don't believe in being excessively cheap but when you start getting into pointless spending on clothes, cars, jewelry, entertainment, etc. is when you get into trouble. There is nothing wrong with it, but as far as I'm concerned you are really only impressing people that you really shouldn't want around, especially gold digging women. It's insanely easy to get into a loop where you need to keep spending and spending to keep up with your appearances instead of focusing on building true wealth. I don't like phonies, so I'd rather not try to attract them.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Texas actually has very high property taxes, but you'll find that there plus with these other states you have the option to move further out and still get a lot of land, house, etc. Remote work is definitely one of the best answers to this, but also the willingness to commute.
Texas is not this cheap low cost of living paradise that is portrayed in the media, but that is a discussion for another topic lol.

I also agree with you about lifestyle inflation. Most people honestly are terrible with money and spend frivolously on things they don't need. Our economy is based around excessive spending and endless cycles of debt, but it doesn't mean you need to follow along with it. I personally am extremely frugal and it can be difficult for me to spend money on myself. I never eat out and make everything at the house, which is the best way to save money btw. I literally just pay for essentials and invest a ton of my money. My hobbies are gym/working out, hiking, sauna, playing chess and just reading or watching youtube videos about things that interest me. These are things that are incredibly cheap or completely free, something that you'll find is a trend for the hobbies and pass times that are best for you.
I am trying to live a more frugal life while balancing out some luxury necessities I need to maintain sanity. I will spend the money on my hobbies, and I love nice vehicles lol. To @Solomon points, I disagree and agree. There are some luxury things that I think are worth the money like gym memberships, airline tickets, kitchenware, clothes, and etc. However, the 5 star hotels, food delivery(yes I consider that a luxury), and fancy expensive dinners are all vastly overrated IMHO.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Texas actually has very high property taxes, but you'll find that there plus with these other states you have the option to move further out and still get a lot of land, house, etc. Remote work is definitely one of the best answers to this, but also the willingness to commute.
Texas is not this cheap low cost of living paradise that is portrayed in the media, but that is a discussion for another topic lol.
Try renting an apartment in a desirable neighborhood of Dallas or Houston. It's going to be expensive.

Right now, a very basic one bedroom apartment in a non-ghetto area of Dallas is around $1,300-$1,400/month. This is likely to be a 40+ year old apartment that is minimally updated and isn't an impressive bachelor pad. 10 years ago, that same apartment would have been around $850. Rents in Dallas have skyrocketed.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
There's a lot that needs to be taken into context.

As you both know, and has been mentioned on this thread, location is a huge factor. In places like CA, NYC or any of the major coastal metros the cost of living is incredibly high. In many of these areas, you are looking at an averaged sized house being 500k+, in fact closer to a million dollars or even more for some of them. You could easily be paying 10k per year in property taxes alone, a huge liability. For decent rent you are probably looking at a minimum of 2k per month, probably closer to 3k or even higher. You need to be pulling close to 100k or over this to be comfortable. However, add this with a higher income being taxed much more aggressively by the federal government and you are even tighter. In addition to this, many of these states also tend to have high state incomes taxes.

Obviously, if you are living in a lower cost of living state this changes, but you'll also find that you typically make quite a bit less as well. It depends upon a lot of factors. Many of the states that used to be very affordable not that long ago are becoming somewhat more comparable to that of the major metros. You can find that real estate prices in the major metros haven't changed that much over the last 20 years, but you'll also see that the once cheaper states have taken off dramatically. Places like NC, TX, NV, ID and AZ that were once fairly cheap and had mass migrations to for years are now getting up there in price, especially since the pandemic. Phoenix and Boise are two really good examples. A suburb of Boise, Meridian, had a population of around 10k in 1990 and now is something close to 200k. Phoenix and AZ as a whole has grown tremendously over the last roughly 30 years. You'll find that many of the homes are from the late 90s/early 2000s.

I live in AZ and bought my first home, a 2 bed/1 bath, that was in serious need of some cosmetic work for 75k in 2015. The market had still not recovered from the 2008 housing crash, so this was a golden opportunity. It was a solid house in a nice development but the broader area it was in was not the best. Approximately 4k was invested into the place to beautify it, just needed tile floor and some fresh paint. I sold it for profit and repeated the process 2 more times. That very same house is now estimated for around 230k or so.

Texas actually has very high property taxes, but you'll find that there plus with these other states you have the option to move further out and still get a lot of land, house, etc. Remote work is definitely one of the best answers to this, but also the willingness to commute.

I saw this video here and one of the towns he mentioned in the video was 50 miles away from St. Louis. I'm not saying you need to move to these places, they are cheap for a reason, but there are solutions.

Top 10 Cities to buy CHEAP HOUSES (less than $100,000) (

@CornbreadFed You bring up an interesting point about debt. I mentioned this earlier in the thread, but a dentist may make 200k+ potentially but it's also very normal for them to have close to a million dollars in student loan debt. Someone who is a doctor was more or less a professional student for over a decade and didn't get into their career until maybe their mid 30s, though I'm not sure what kind of debt they typically accrue in that time frame.

I also agree with you about lifestyle inflation. Most people honestly are terrible with money and spend frivolously on things they don't need. Our economy is based around excessive spending and endless cycles of debt, but it doesn't mean you need to follow along with it. I personally am extremely frugal and it can be difficult for me to spend money on myself. I never eat out and make everything at the house, which is the best way to save money btw. I literally just pay for essentials and invest a ton of my money. My hobbies are gym/working out, hiking, sauna, playing chess and just reading or watching youtube videos about things that interest me. These are things that are incredibly cheap or completely free, something that you'll find is a trend for the hobbies and pass times that are best for you.

@Solomon I enjoy your posts, man, but you don't need to spend much at all to have a great life. I don't believe in being excessively cheap but when you start getting into pointless spending on clothes, cars, jewelry, entertainment, etc. is when you get into trouble. There is nothing wrong with it, but as far as I'm concerned you are really only impressing people that you really shouldn'tou want around, especially gold digging women. It's insanely easy to get into a loop where you need to keep spending and spending to keep up with your appearances instead of focusing on building true wealth. I don't like phonies, so I'd rather not try to attract them.
I didn't say anything about jewelry or cars please point out a post where I'm talking about jewelry and cars.
You think this whole thread is fake because you don't live that reality that's fine but stop trying to project your fake righteousness, assumptions and insecurity on people who are actually doing the work and are successful in that arena, with your false assumptions, and limited beliefs based on your reality, Not Mine. Who says that the (some) of women aren't successful in their own right? who said anything about spending? you keep moving the goalposts and now you just adding a bunch of nonsense that is much ado about nothing
You have no clue what you are talking about here and are out of your depth

Some of you hella salty in this thread not my fault step your money game up fonzworth!
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Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
Texas is not this cheap low cost of living paradise that is portrayed in the media, but that is a discussion for another topic lol.

I am trying to live a more frugal life while balancing out some luxury necessities I need to maintain sanity. I will spend the money on my hobbies, and I love nice vehicles lol. To @Solomon points, I disagree and agree. There are some luxury things that I think are worth the money like gym memberships, airline tickets, kitchenware, clothes, and etc. However, the 5 star hotels, food delivery(yes I consider that a luxury), and fancy expensive dinners are all vastly overrated IMHO.
Texas has some of the highest relative property taxes in the country, which was something I mentioned in the previous post of mine. I definitely agree with you about this misconception of it being a low cost of living paradise, that ship has now sailed along with the other states I had cited. However, in these states you have many options that are quite rural and much cheaper. The problem with these areas though is that they are going to be incredibly far away from amenities, shopping, etc.

I also agree with your comments about the luxuries. Gym memberships more often than not are very affordable, though I'm starting to see a lot of clubs getting quite expensive for new members. The thing is, this is a hobby/activity that can bring a lot of value to your life, anything that keeps you in shape and gets you out of the house is a win as far as I'm concerned. Airline tickets I can agree with as well, I think some travelling and having new experiences is a good thing. I personally have travelled a lot but have no real desire to leave the country, there are just so many things to do in America. I have Hawaii and Idaho area on my list, plus some particular national parks.

The expensive stuff is really just a waste of money and doesn't really bring all that much value to your life. Again, I think it's trying to keep up with appearances or impress people that you shouldn't even want around anyway. Who the hell spends thousands on bottle service at a club for instance lol?

I grew up in the Boston area, and I remember years ago there was this NBA plyaer from the celtics that was hitting up a particular club called Guilt heavily. He was having all of these parties thrown for him by this club promoter TJ Green lol and getting hyped up on social media, funny af to see. Anyway, this NBA player ended up going bankrupt and guess what happened with all of his "friends"? I'm sure you know the answer to that lol.

Try renting an apartment in a desirable neighborhood of Dallas or Houston. It's going to be expensive.

Right now, a very basic one bedroom apartment in a non-ghetto area of Dallas is around $1,300-$1,400/month. This is likely to be a 40+ year old apartment that is minimally updated and isn't an impressive bachelor pad. 10 years ago, that same apartment would have been around $850. Rents in Dallas have skyrocketed.
This is an issue you'll find throughout the country as a whole. I was going to add, a lot of places will charge that kind of money for a crap apartment that isn't even all that nice. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have not gotten stuck in the trap. I feel the rent trap is right up there with debt that prevents people from ever building wealth. How is a young and single guy supposed to save or invest when his rent is half of his income, maybe even more, and he has student loan debt, a car payment and basic liabilities (groceries, utilities, etc.)? Best thing a young person can do is get some sort of training or education and work a lot while living at home and saving/investing. I'm very lucky to have had the opportunities that I've had.

I didn't say anything about jewelry or cars please point out a post where I'm talking about jewelry and cars.
You think this whole thread is fake because you don't live that reality that's fine but stop trying to project your fake righteousness, assumptions and insecurity on people who are actually doing the work and are successful in that arena, with your false assumptions, and limited beliefs based on your reality, Not Mine. Who says that the (some) of women aren't successful in their own right? who said anything about spending? you keep moving the goalposts and now you just adding a bunch of nonsense that is much ado about nothing
You have no clue what you are talking about here and are out of your depth

Some of you hella salty in this thread not my fault step your money game up fonzworth!
This whole thread is fake because @Jesse Pinkman is a troll who is claiming to be within the social circle of unusually wealthy young adults and how they operate in a club environment, spit game, etc. lol. I don't really know how to explain to you how ridiculous that is. Only a tiny subset of young(ish) men are going to have this degree of wealth that was being discussed. We then started talking about cost of living, being a millionaire in NYC does not mean anything when it costs that much for your own place there lol. With the exception of those who are incredibly lucky and/or who had talent (musicians, athletes, etc.), people that do quite well for themselves at such a young age are working their asses off and don't have the time for this nonsense. They are busy working 60+ hours per week, or working on their advanced degrees or this or that. This does not leave any real room for a social life at all, let alone a dating life. Anyone who has been on a real grind knows this and it also takes YEARS to get to this level of wealth. The only exceptions to this, outside of the incredibly talented and unusually lucky I mentioned, are going to be young men with rich parents, those that engage in illegal/shady stuff OR those that are faking it.

You should have read my post more thoroughly. I also am living in a home with no mortgage and have 6 figures invested whilst living a very frugal lifestyle. I don't have the exact numbers, but I guarantee that I'm way above the average and unusual.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Texas has some of the highest relative property taxes in the country, which was something I mentioned in the previous post of mine. I definitely agree with you about this misconception of it being a low cost of living paradise, that ship has now sailed along with the other states I had cited.
Texas has had high property taxes for a long time. There was a time where Dallas and Houston had some rental price bargains relative to some other larger USA cities. That's no longer true. In the 2000s and most of the 2010s, Phoenix was considered an inexpensive larger city. That's also no longer true.

There are still some cost of living deals to be found in Texas but they are now in the mid-sized metros and smaller. Think Abilene, Amarillo, and San Angelo type places. Those are more difficult places to date within Texas.

How is a young and single guy supposed to save or invest when his rent is half of his income, maybe even more, and he has student loan debt, a car payment and basic liabilities (groceries, utilities, etc.)?
Sometimes the man is using his car brand as a way to seduce women. There are men who have BMWs and Benzes in part as a way to impress women.

A younger male will often use his apartment as a way to impress women too.

Gym memberships more often than not are very affordable, though I'm starting to see a lot of clubs getting quite expensive for new members. The thing is, this is a hobby/activity that can bring a lot of value to your life, anything that keeps you in shape and gets you out of the house is a win as far as I'm concerned.
Gym memberships have a wide range of prices. Planet Fitness is the cheapest. 24 Hour Fitness and LA Fitness are a step up and reasonably priced. Equinox is a very expensive gym brand.

There are also some pricier class based chains out there. SoulCycle and Title Boxing are examples of 2 class-based chains that are pricy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Gym memberships have a wide range of prices. Planet Fitness is the cheapest. 24 Hour Fitness and LA Fitness are a step up and reasonably priced. Equinox is a very expensive gym brand.

There are also some pricier class based chains out there. SoulCycle and Title Boxing are examples of 2 class-based chains that are pricy.
I go to Equinox and if I couldn't afford it I would probably stop going to the gym. Gen Z and everyone is obsessed with the gym now to the point LA Fitness and Planet Fitness are a pain in the @$$ to go to unless you wake up at the crack of dawn or go late at night.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I go to Equinox and if I couldn't afford it I would probably stop going to the gym.
Equinox is a pricy main gym and its corporate class-based sibling SoulCycle is nearly as pricy. The types of females that go to Equinox and SoulCycle are a different caliber than what is at some other gyms, including 24 Hour Fitness and LA Fitness.

In order to go to Equinox, a woman is either a married woman to a higher earning guy, she's a careerist Boss Girl, or she's a well compensated model/Instagram model/OnlyFans model.

Gen Z and everyone is obsessed with the gym now to the point LA Fitness and Planet Fitness are a pain in the @$$ to go to unless you wake up at the crack of dawn or go late at night.
I don't think Gen Z is as gym obsessed as you think they are. Obesity rates are still high. Since the oldest Gen Z's are now 26-27, most still don't make enough money to afford Equinox but plenty of 22-27 year olds can afford Planet Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness, or LA Fitness.