How many men


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
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Do you know of that are having sex with any woman they find with interest within 15 minutes of alone time.

What age did you accomplish this if you did accomplish it, and you have to be 100% certain, that if there is interest sex is 100% certain unless she has a disease or something stopping the situation.

How many of you are the fabled man at the bar that is sleeping with one or two women a week?


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Do the people that taught so suave even believe this level of success is possible, if interest is there and the situation is ;legitimate and not altered where you get legitimate responses from the female if you are there with her.

If there is interest sex is 100% certain within 15-30 minutes.

Do any of you know of a single male that achieved this level of success?


Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2022
Reaction score
Hi Chronix.

Fast sex is usually a result of good (male) looks and an intoxicated and desensitized (to sex) woman. Although 15-30 mins sound like a very trashy woman or in her "discovering myself"/ "hot girl summer phase".

Game is not needed at all, unless the guy is socially awkward.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
This actually does not look like a reply from sosuave.

It almost looks like it was taken from the ideology of a successful mind and repeated before sosuave falls short, in a distorted fashion that says its not successful for the male its a trashy woman.

This sounds like its to avoid the truth so the females are always pretty much going to be the prettiest of their towns if not famous while he is doing this within 15 minutes of PRIVACY.


Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2022
Reaction score
This actually does not look like a reply from sosuave.

It almost looks like it was taken from the ideology of a successful mind and repeated before sosuave falls short, in a distorted fashion that says its not successful for the male its a trashy woman.

This sounds like its to avoid the truth so the females are always pretty much going to be the prettiest of their towns if not famous while he is doing this within 15 minutes of PRIVACY.

Having sex with easy/trashy women is kind of fun for a while, but it is not something to brag about. It's in a man's nature to strive to have things, that other men can't have. Such women are a good pick to break trough droughts, or when you have a lot of work related stress, for example.

A woman putting out within 30 mins of your first interaction has done so before (hence desensitized). There is no related game here, you just need to have skill to read the subtle (and not so subtle cues) to discern which women are this type, and focus on them.

And afterwards it's up to the woman to decide whether it's going to happen or not.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
" Having sex with easy/trashy women "

Imagine being one of the only few in the town that could have sex with this female due to being good enough to get with and sleep with her themselves, on top of this you would be the only one that did it in fifteen minutes. The women being trashy is overrode unless you are calling the entire population of females you met in life trashy, because this one likely outshines the majority in her prime, and/or virgin, and/or famous.

" has done so before (hence desensitized). "

This is wrong, virgins are known possible they just need to be curious of sex and now the male they want to have sex with is hitting on them for sex, and this goes abruptly because the male actually knows kino.


Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2022
Reaction score
" Having sex with easy/trashy women "

Imagine being one of the only few in the town that could have sex with this female due to being good enough to get with and sleep with her themselves, on top of this you would be the only one that did it in fifteen minutes. The women being trashy is overrode unless you are calling the entire population of females you met in life trashy, because this one likely outshines the majority in her prime, and/or virgin, and/or famous.

" has done so before (hence desensitized). "

This is wrong, virgins are known possible they just need to be curious of sex and now the male they want to have sex with is hitting on them for sex, and this goes abruptly because the male actually knows kino.
Mate, I get it.

You are looking for a verbal game formula, to get you sex after15-30 minutes of interaction.

What I'm saying is that for such a short timeframe, you should have something that mesmerizes her instantly - either high status or good looks (or both). This unlocks her interest and potential for fun with the least amount of effort possible.

Your first example is a contradiction - classy women do not put out so fast. And virgins usually choose a guy who they have known for a while (and have a crush on) to take their virginity.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
" either high status or good looks "

This is the common excuse I got for failure were going to blame looks when we actually fell short on what and who a female is and how her mind actually thinks so it was his looks and or status. Which status is mostly used for the losers that went famous, these people couldnt have sex to save their lives and then they just have people following them into their car, this is not that situation actually the exact opposite its the best women pretty much anywhere that would be done that way while broke even famous has their chances at it while broke type of successful.

" And virgins usually chose a guy who they have known for a while. "

The word interest. If you had interest in a female as a virgin as soon as she is making bold moves that work 100% of the time were certain she's getting turned down. This female actually has interest while a virgin so that basically says everything.

The main topic actually relies on the female having interest so she actually has interest in this person.
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Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
I'm trying to get a scale of this level of success being reachable by pretty much anyone else.

This was me at 17 state just getting started imagine having your life wasted in prison ever since for males that were only going to see one or two females in their lifetimes calling you gay and a failure in comparison while throughout your life it was supposed to be within 15 minutes habitually with an interest level with that of, the entire top of the school he goes to is going to be attracted to his looks.

So imagine wanting to scale something you might be the only male you know of that would of been capable of thousands of females and adult industry is certain due to how well you got this and business down, for people that only has sex with one or two females in their lives to call me the failure.

I'm realistically wanting a scale of sosuave how many of you do this with every female with interest when the timing is right (you arent talking to her in prison where you cant have sex).


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
I do this frequently and so do two of my friends. If you're in the top 5-10% it will happen inevitably. If you're top 1% it will easily happen. And that sounds conceited but consider that being 6', fit, good looking, making 60k a year or more puts you far beyond the top 1% already.

It's mostly about screening for high interest women and ignoring all the others. Though if you're asking if it's realistic to expect to do this every 1-2 weeks, no. More like 1-2 months. No man is ****ing 1 new girl (who's actually hot) a week unless he has low standards or he's putting in a ton of effort but most men aren't willing to put in that much effort since it's not worth it.

Myself or my friends can **** new women every 1-2 weeks with low investment but most of them will be mid or annoying and will have also required us talking to and getting flaked/rejected by tons of other girls. It's quite literally not worth the headache so idk why you're asking. Once your notch count is...I dunno, 30-50 you shouldn't bother trying to increase it anymore unless getting new pvssy is required to sustain your life.
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Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Looks like the same exact thing as the first post, its a blend of my ideologies used with innacuracies.

" No man is ****ing 1 new girl (who's actually hot) a week unless he has low standards "

Low standards would be due to not being able to get with females therefore he doesnt know what he is doing and is falling short on getting with them, therefore he has low standards of what he can get. Also, it would be the males with no interest. So that is innacurate.

"Though if you're asking if it's realistic to expect to do this every 1-2 weeks, no."

The adult industry to shoot porn would be the motive now you have to accomplish one worthwhile and you are confident to do it for a reason because you dont really fail. Location would limit selection but you would have a vehicle to travel to search because this is your job and life. something like the old 8th street latinas.

" In theory, myself or my friends could and have ****ed 1 new women every 1-2 weeks but most of them are mid or annoying and it's literally not worth the headache. "

Not worth the headache doesn't sound right, you would be storing them as casual encounters on the phone more likely than not. Legitimately getting them is what were talking about also not paying them or having some kind of force used on them where they have no other choice while they want to be with someone else that night


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
It happens on occasion.

Example. I was driving a client to a site for a visit. She said; ‘why don’t we skip this and go back to your place?’. I just met her.

I’m pretty lucky. I don’t really worry about disease.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Do you know of that are having sex with any woman they find with interest within 15 minutes of alone time.

What age did you accomplish this if you did accomplish it, and you have to be 100% certain, that if there is interest sex is 100% certain unless she has a disease or something stopping the situation.

How many of you are the fabled man at the bar that is sleeping with one or two women a week?
I've done it several times, so have two of my friends. None of us are Chads, or super rich, or above 5'10". All of us accomplished this from 35-45 with all ages of women . And we've all banged more than one woman in a weeks time period. We all had std's at some point and wasn't sure who we got it from.

None of us were afraid to put ourselves out there. We liked taking risks and seeking crazy adventures. All of us had plenty of confidence. We all put in the work. We didn't sit there overanalyzing schitt. Never cared what anybody else thought. Never fished the same pond for long. Just went for it when we saw it. We all partied 3nites a week. All had good jobs, nice houses, cars, all that bullschitt. That's the mindset it takes.

The majority of you guys struggling want to blame outside forces that you can't control and conveniently ignore what you can. You don't want to work as hard as the guys that live the life you want to live.

Just like a guy that works his ass off at his job. Nobody wants to make the sacrifice.

The risk takers and hard workers get rewarded. Mental masturbators and complainers never do.

What else you want to know?
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Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
Well since you have done it then give me what you think would be the top 3 things from sosuave to pull and if you think any one of them would require severe rewriting or key information.

" We all partied 3nites a week. All had good jobs, nice houses, cars, all that bullschitt. That's the mindset it takes. "

That isnt celebrity mentality to make it far having a good job, nor is it really what it takes to get seduction done seduction can be done while broke and getting famous women and/or the best ones possible in the areas while broke..


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Countless men have done this, but there's usually some payment involved though.

Excluding that? No, nobody can with 100% certainty. There's no such thing as 100% certainty, it doesn't exist.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Countless men have done this, but there's usually some payment involved though.

Excluding that? No, nobody can with 100% certainty. There's no such thing as 100% certainty, it doesn't exist.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
It happens on occasion.

Example. I was driving a client to a site for a visit. She said; ‘why don’t we skip this and go back to your place?’. I just met her.

I’m pretty lucky. I don’t really worry about disease.
Well since you have done it then give me what you think would be the top 3 things from sosuave to pull and if you think any one of them would require severe rewriting or key information.

" We all partied 3nites a week. All had good jobs, nice houses, cars, all that bullschitt. That's the mindset it takes. "

That isnt celebrity mentality to make it far having a good job, nor is it really what it takes to get seduction done seduction can be done while broke and getting famous women and/or the best ones possible in the areas while broke..
1) Be out & available.
2) Don’t be weird.
3) She finds you attractive.