Yep, big fan. It is hard to come by a true horror movie that can scratch that itch for me nowadays. But I must admit I have a high threshold and tolerance so my standards are high.
"Hollywood" horror movies are subpar. Even the new Exorcist movie was a mistake in my opinion, did it have okay moments? Yes. But as with most sequels, it felt forced and in this case, very disconnected from the original. The only thing that connected it was the "demon" mentioning Regan and the mum. But it felt super forced. And too tacky.
However, some Japanese, Korean, and Spanish independent films are good enough to scratch that itch. "Veronica" is a start, and so is "Rec (only the first one).
But it depends on your horror taste. I am big into Demonology, exorcisms, and hauntings especially if they are based on true events. Amytiville is a great example of old-school horror that got me when I first watched it. Nowadays I can tell my tolerance is higher because I continue to watch those classics and fascinates me more than scares me.
Bottom line, I would look for international independent films.