In my University all the Guys, who are the stereotypical Chad, dont have woman flocking over them, they maybe get noticed but thats it, woman dont even try. In all classes, all woman hangout with deadbeat losers, skinny guys, low value in general, no good looking, rather average looking I wouldnt even make friends with since they are a low value in most aspects. Everytime a woman hangsout with a guy, its most of the time a potential hook up. This is what I noticed in Europe and Asia. Woman dont go crazy over High Value Men, Good looking and muscular Guys, the ones who have their **** together. Look outside, have you ever seen woman going out with a full package? Nah, its the minority. They rather go out with an average guy or in fact ugly out of shape guy, that bring some other but not special qualities, basically average People. There is also one Video with a good looking guy on youtube, who asked bunch of woman how good looking the their last hook up was compared to him, the answer was majority of the time that they were a 3-5 compared to him. This would actually explain, why sluts are so common, woman have no self-worth, low value if they arent traditional woman. Good People are rare, but good woman with a healthy mindset, they are there, but in fact hard to find in a world of low value People
One Answer: They are intimidated by them. But I noticed that woman in America are more sexually aggressive
One Answer: They are intimidated by them. But I noticed that woman in America are more sexually aggressive
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