Thank you to the forum and mods.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2023
Reaction score
I guess this is my 'I'm leaving' post.

Now that I've accurately identified what this forum is and who inhabits it, I no longer feel the need to post here.

It was interesting, bye.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score

Seriously though, I care: I’ll miss your scatterbrained ad-hominem attacks, megalomania, delusions of grandeur and attempts at character assasination! It was the highlight of my day.

Please don’t go we need more comic relief.



Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Seriously though, I care: I’ll miss your scatterbrained ad-hominem attacks, megalomania, delusions of grandeur and attempts at character assasination! It was the highlight of my day.

Please don’t go we need more comic relief.

Don't worry, there will be more. I've been here 10 years and most of the time there has been at least one character like him around. They all end up banned in the end, but not too long after they're gone another one pops up to be "that guy" on the forum.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
He claimed to be a member here years ago. I wonder what his name was then and what brought him back?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
That's too bad. I always like a good Honeymooners reference.


Don Juan
May 16, 2022
Reaction score
What part of; welcoming and finding your own way to deal with adversity is the path to growth, don't you guys understand? You want to remove all the things/people you don't agree with in your life? The problem isn't him or the way he thinks, it's your inability to deal with the stuff you don't like.

All opinions should be welcome here, otherwise the group mentality will only get worse. It's already approaching deddit tier bad as it is. There's clearly a mentality here that caters to the hive mind, and if you don't tap into it, you get shvt on or banned.

I've never blocked a member here I dislike or disagree with because I realize that it's MY problem to overcome, not theirs. There's ALWAYS something I can learn. Maybe it's to become more eloquent in my thoughts and speech, so I don't come across the wrong way. Or to do a better job analyzing or critically thinking about why I don't like something in particular, instead of giving into my knee jerk reaction. Or simply it can be to learn patience and tolerance.

At the end of the day it's just a bunch of anonymous randos sitting in front of a screen. Why care so much? Do you want to turn this place into a proper cesspool and loose another outlet for entertainment, knowledge, whatever you come here for?

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
The problem isn't him or the way he thinks, it's your inability to deal with the stuff you don't like.
I think there might be a problem on a men’s forum when a poster implies nearly all men and their women are losers. That’s what I got from his posts which oftentimes I couldn’t finish. Perhaps I was wrong.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
Reaction score
What part of; welcoming and finding your own way to deal with adversity is the path to growth, don't you guys understand? You want to remove all the things/people you don't agree with in your life? The problem isn't him or the way he thinks, it's your inability to deal with the stuff you don't like.

All opinions should be welcome here, otherwise the group mentality will only get worse. It's already approaching deddit tier bad as it is. There's clearly a mentality here that caters to the hive mind, and if you don't tap into it, you get shvt on or banned.

I've never blocked a member here I dislike or disagree with because I realize that it's MY problem to overcome, not theirs. There's ALWAYS something I can learn. Maybe it's to become more eloquent in my thoughts and speech, so I don't come across the wrong way. Or to do a better job analyzing or critically thinking about why I don't like something in particular, instead of giving into my knee jerk reaction. Or simply it can be to learn patience and tolerance.

At the end of the day it's just a bunch of anonymous randos sitting in front of a screen. Why care so much? Do you want to turn this place into a proper cesspool and loose another outlet for entertainment, knowledge, whatever you come here for?
I dont know about op or his posts here but i wanna comment on the hive behaviour in general.

Basically this is a big deal and I've come to the conclusion that the hive mind especially amongst men is very weak pathetic and beta for society and for men.

I can barely think of anyone lower than a guy who just wants to follow the mainstream ie other ppl and try and fit in and be normie.

Infact i see this as the biggest battle facing humanity today.

It is the whole concept of Life that living things have the ability to learn understand and develop individually and have the abilitiea to percieve think and question what evryone else is doing.

There is no excuse for following the mainstream if it makes you lose or if god judges a man he can never use 'I was just following others and trying to fit in with them' bcos God will say 'only inanimate non living things are without agency and will not be judged' so u guys know ALL of will be judged are ARE being judged and saying ur in a clicque with ur chums all following each other or following the system will never be accepted as an excuse and will not stop the failure and suffering the ppl now experience.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
The problem isn't him or the way he thinks, it's your inability to deal with the stuff you don't like.
The problem is him personally attacking anyone who disagrees with him and an inability to tolerate a difference in opinion. It's ironic that you're accusing the forum of exactly what this guy was actually doing.

Basically this is a big deal and I've come to the conclusion that the hive mind especially amongst men is very weak pathetic and beta for society and for men.
There are a nunber of points I agree with a majority on, after thoroughly and critically thinking through it, just reaching the same conclusion after that careful independent consideration. The moment I express it, some jackass who for some reason came to another conclusion just ignorantly reduce it all to me following the hive mind. Most often their alternative viewpoint was already a part of my consideration the first time before weighing it all up to reach a conclusion. I can present every piece of my thought process, including an understanding of their point of view and why I didn't reach the same conclusion. Do I get anything resembling a rational answer with good arguments in return? Sometimes, but many times I get none of that and is instead called a sheep because I'm not a unique little snowflake.

Needing a unique answer for uniqueness sake and perhaps to avoid being called a sheep is fvcking retarded. No need to reinvent the wheel...

Ultimately I quickly just ignore these idiots, they're going to reject anything I say, no matter how solid the argument. I'm a sheep, a follower of the hive mind, their mind is set on that and there's nothing I can say to convince them otherwise apart from becoming their follower, against my own independent judgement. The irony of these guys is unreal, I stop being a follower by becoming an unquestioning follower of their opinions? Yeah, no thanks, I know what's real.

For the record, I don't give a fvck about social approval and belonging if it goes against what I know and believe in.