Several years back, a crazy girl I was dating was planning on coming to my house and bringing some food she made. I got off work later than expected and still needed to hit the gym on my way home so I let her know I would be 30min late but she could let herself in. Her hamster wheel went into overdrive and she wants me to send her my GPS location because she thinks I am fuhking her bestfriend. She also tells her best friend to send her GPS coordinates as well. Neither of us complied so thats when she is certain we must be in bed together. good ole crazy brain thinking!
When I arrived at my house, she lays into me and it escalates. I finally tell her to leave. On her way out, she grabs her pan of lasagna and tosses it out the back door. lol, it goes every where! My dog didn't waste anytime cleaning up the mess. There was lasagna mess on the wall, door, and patio. 10 minutes later she calls me and tells me she is going to drive her car off the bridge. I don't believe her, but I try to calm her.
Later that night her friend that she accused me of fuhking goes to check on her. Her friend and her get into it and the friend leaves. Her friend then calls the police to do a welfare check on her. She is emotional and says she is going to kill herself. So that gets her an automatic free ride to the Crazy House for 36hrs for observation.
Yours truly gets a phone call from the police department. My jaw hit the floor. Even though I didn't do anything wrong, I was fully aware of how guys get screwed in situations like these. Everything turned out fine, but it was the end of dating crazy girls for sure.
If you are ever in this situation:
1. Stay calm.
2. Start recording the situation and don't let her know you are recording.
3. Call the police. You can even
text 911 in some cities, so she wont be able to hear your conversation.
4. Get out of your house if you have to.