Erm…a difficult topic

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Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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To be fair, it is men who kill most of them.

And there is a masculinity crisis.
My buddy went into a high security prison, he was in with murders N stuff, said the most common crime he heard about was dudes killing their wives.

I have no idea how that would even work, maybe even though he killed her, all her stuff gets defaulted judgement towards him, maybe it gets sent to the next of kin, I would imagine the latter, incentive for men to outright kill their wife's to escape a bad divorce can't be that high


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
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My buddy went into a high security prison, he was in with murders N stuff, said the most common crime he heard about was dudes killing their wives.

I have no idea how that would even work, maybe even though he killed her, all her stuff gets defaulted judgement towards him, maybe it gets sent to the next of kin, I would imagine the latter, incentive for men to outright kill their wife's to escape a bad divorce can't be that high
A lot of bytches overdo it.... they think they get away with ruining her ex-husbands life because the law says so, taking everything from him, including his kids,......what they dont realize is, what a man that thinks he has nothing more to lose in life is capable to do.

Sometimes they try fvcking up the wrong guy and things get ugly.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2023
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^^this. Nothing like a man with nothing left to lose.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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There is so much here; this is a really insightful take. Though I encourage it to be thought of in the why instead of as a gripe (not saying you did, but it can be taken either way).

White people have to perform to a higher level of social equality and understanding than other races.

White person says the N word - canceled and fired. It's on the news next day.
Black person calls a white person a cracker - nothing happens. No news.

Its not racist to point this out; there is different treatment and expectations for people of different races. It shouldn't be this way, but it is.
Correct 100%. Don’t you think historical and socioeconomic and reasons for this?

Black person calling a white person a slur is definitely racist. On the other hand, it does not have the same meaning in western “culture” because most businesses, police officers, judges, politicians aka people of power are not black.

If a white person decided to live in hypothetical Wakanda, and the Wakandans called him slurs and treated him like shvt it would have a lot more meaning than Pookie who lives in the South Side of Chicago doing it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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It’s starting to make me edge into being racist. Tell me I’m wrong. It’s quite often here and on other forums a POC with a white girl is using it to wave it in peoples faces. Genuinely, I don’t see white guys dating other races women doing that
Am I selecting out the idiots?
I am considered a “liberal” and find race fetishes to be weird. I have met people who are like this and I do not understand it at all.

As for you being racist, the main question is why does it bother you when non-white dudes display this behavior of considering white women to be “trophies?” (I don’t personally agree with this behavior)

As a man married to a hot wife, what business is it of yours? I mean no offense.. honest questions.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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how familiar are you with this

IDK about you, but I can put a check mark next to every single one of the privileged qualities, making me alpha king wolf lord oppressor of the world.
I have never seen that diagram. I am a black man in the USA of above average means.

In my Wakanda scenario- I do think if every other country was Thanos-snapped into a nuclear wasteland, the Wakandans (obviously black race) would have a higher obligation to be tolerant of the less fortunate other races.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Latino born & raised in Latin America here. Please explain to me how Im a racist.
no Latinos where I’m from so no frame of reference. Only real experience is a bit of bad vibes when I’ve been on holiday in Spain and a very anti English feeling, but to be fair we can have these attitudes too. Geberallt considered Latinos as essentially white anyway. European.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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it was rape by anyone’s measure.

I have a mate who is black and he was like “it’s not the full story, she obviously deserved it, the media was tough on him”

I literally couldn’t speak to this guy after. How in the world he couldn’t condemn it bothers me. It makes me think they all stick together no matter what. Even if a woman is raped.
First. Grape is wrong, 100%.

The question here is an honest look at tribalism and bias.

If the man and women are of the same skin color (black male -black woman OR white male - white woman), are you believing the woman outright or do you want to see all the evidence?

Are you more or less likely to presume guilt if the man in question does not look like you?

Are you more or less likely to presume guilt if the woman looks like your daughter?

Are these questions even relevant?

Just asking…


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Do you think that 10% of Germany's population went to bed a peaceful people, then woke up wanting to gas the Jews?

They were conditioned to view the jews as their oppressors.
Absolutely not, and correct.

My point was the statement still is not factual. The in-group cannot be “oppressed” by the out-group. The in-group has a higher responsibility to be tolerant of the out-group. That is just how it has to be. I think it is safe to say white men get tired of hearing about having to be tolerant. Unfortunately or fortunately- Straight, white, Christian men are the in-group in the most powerful countries at this point in human history.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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I am considered a “liberal” and find race fetishes to be weird. I have met people who are like this and I do not understand it at all.

As for you being racist, the main question is why does it bother you when non-white dudes display this behavior of considering white women to be “trophies?” (I don’t personally agree with this behavior)

As a man married to a hot wife, what business is it of yours? I mean no offense.. honest questions.
It’s because I feel like they’re doing it to p1ss me and other white dudes off - not the action of dating into the race but the flexing, the general attitude especially of southern Asians when they describe white girls as “white slags”

while we have tried hard in the modern age to be accommodating, it makes me concerned that they don’t share the view and any attempt to be egalitarian and grown up and reasonable will be taken advantage of. That if at any point they get the upper hand they will not be benevolent but use it to exploit us, especially our women. Look at the UAE, it’s common knowledge how they view/treat European women there and their view of them.

Essentially the feeling is, they have no respect for us and our culture and values, but they ARE very interested in the women. Hence the assumption is if we are ever in a position of weakness then then they will use it to exploit that. As I say, the UAE is a good example of what happens when they have the means to exploit it. No respecting of the culture, but bang the women often in humiliating ways.

And that’s a pretty depressing prospect should we ever become weak.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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First. Grape is wrong, 100%.

The question here is an honest look at tribalism and bias.

If the man and women are of the same skin color (black male -black woman OR white male - white woman), are you believing the woman outright or do you want to see all the evidence?

Are you more or less likely to presume guilt if the man in question does not look like you?

Are you more or less likely to presume guilt if the woman looks like your daughter?

Are these questions even relevant?

Just asking…
have you heard the tape?

You ever tried to get sechs like that?

ever done the below to a woman?

the fact he has defenders shows a bias the other way. Any man who acts like this is an *******.



Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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And my point is that white men are the only systematically oppressed people in America, yet are still successful (generalization) comparative to other races (not asian). That is either from generational wealth, or cultural value differences.
How can someone with general wealth by systematically oppressed? The overwhelming majority of CEOs, lawyers, police, politicians, and high net worth individuals are white men. How are they oppressed?
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