How can someone with general wealth by systematically oppressed? The overwhelming majority of CEOs, lawyers, police, politicians, and high net worth individuals are white men. How are they oppressed?
Everyone gets a chance at success.
There is only one group who faces legal disadvantages, less funding, no support, no leg ups.
the states is different from here. I am supposing the response is “they come from wealthier backgrounds to begin with” and that’s true. However, the west is a majority white set of countries.
go to Nigeria, China, Japan, India. You will find it’s Nigerians, Chinese, Japanese and Indians who have positions of power and wealth. This is the European and European descended areas of the world, and it would be surprising for it not to be Europeans at the forefront.
Essentially what people seem to argue for is for the west to give special leg ups so the historic inhabitants don’t have advantage. Yet the rest of the world would laugh in your face. Go to Japan and suggest they have too few white people in positions of power.
we have to power share or we are racist whereas the rest of the world will chuckle at the idea of letting their migrant populations reach positions of power. Added to this, here, those people can openly say how power positions are “too white”
imagine going to emigrate to say, Thailand and saying their leadership is “disgustingly thai”
bear all this in mind, and then say we don’t face systematic oppression in our own home - our only home. We have nowhere else.
I wonder if liberals have actually travelled. They think that Asian boards of companies are all run by white men - lol.
Im not suggesting we are protectionist and prevent people ascending. Just a level playing field. Not a pervasive view that white men being successful in a majority white country Is something sinister and perverse.
my wife’s country:
Im not allowed to own property outright
My daughter is only allowed ONE western name on her passport.
I get special tax rates much higher than locals.
I have a higher bar for work - have to be educated to a higher level.
thats how diversity focussed the rest of the world are, while we bend over backwards to disadvantage our own people!