Society would also slut shame these women. Average women in the past would also avoid the "players". Today, the male chad is "allowed to be"; he is allowed to plow through average women and society allows women to be run through because "she has to find herself" or "it's just the 'natural' process of dating". Society in general is giving average women too much self-esteem. These women don't know that they are average and ruining their chances of having a decent and happy relationship with a man.
For society to change, fathers and mothers must impart to their average daughter that they are nothing special. SoooOOOOoo is that going to happen anytime soon?? Maybe, but most fathers sees their daughters as their "little special princess". So, it might take a generation or so. After all, if their fathers don't do that, then what usually happens is that their "little special princess" becomes old, lonely spinsters in real life. Obviously, fathers don't want that too.
God made average young women attractive at a young age so they can find an average man. Not to waste their youth chasing chad. Yes, I have met a few young 20's who haven't had a LTR... but I can tell, they have been on a few dates (I'm assuming with Chad who only used them for sex). Situationships are a thing now. Average women being treated badly by Chad in situationships. So yeah, men are the gate keepers of relationships. Average women trying to get LTR from Chad - this isn't going to happen for a alot of average women. Ultimately, that is why a lot of young women haven't been in LTR. There's only so many Chads to go around. They can't give LTRs to every average girl they run through.
And average young men sitting on the side lines asking themselves "what the F.... Rachel?????" But these young men can't do anything about it because slut shaming... telling these young women the truth, etc... That would be misogynistic and anachronistic. 10 to 15 years later, the average women is now burnt out (some with even higher expectations then they started out with). The average man doesn't want her; no families are created.. She's asking where are all the "good men". The average men for the most part are going their own way a little sad they don't have families and kids; to protect and raise.
The feminist on the other hand are laughing all this time, because misery loves company.