I have said it in other threads - I am from and have lived all my life in Eastern Europe (in the Balkans). There has been a huge shift in culture, traditional values, marriage, dating and so on in the last 25+ years. We now have both more and more single childless 30+ year old women (alpha widowed/burnt out), and women who are 35+ single moms, actively dating. More and more women marry and bear children after the age of thirty.
Almost all women here under the age of sixty are on Instagram, Facebook, Viber, logged on Messenger for almost the entire day, and even OLD is becoming normalized.
If you think that you can wave a 50 dollar bill or a western passport (after being a loser or unattractive in your own country) and the local women would spread their legs, and local men would kneel to you, you are wrong.
There are almost no safe heavens of traditional values anymore, and that is the brutal truth. You should search for women that rarely use SM.