Got hit on and got a number from a sexy 25 year old at the water park today. Why? Because I am in shape.


Sep 10, 2014
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Still seeing guys act like this doesn't matter. Trust me it does. When you are in top 2-3% of male physiques for your age in an area and especially in a water park environment where it's dominated by fat dudes who look awful with their shirts off, you stand's almost impossible for them not to check you out. You are one of the only good things to look at.

In this case, she said "Damn, I hope I look as good as you do when I get to your age!"

I laughed and said "Thanks, but I have a way to go to get to where I want to be at."

She looked me up and down and said, "I think you look amazing right now!"

So I laughed and said "Amazing enough to grab a drink sometime and connect when we have more clothes on?"

She said "Absolutely!" and came back to where my stuff was at in the locker and gave me her number. I texted her so she'd have my number and she said she'd hit me up when she got her stuff as she didn't have her phone.

She hit me up about an hour ago and asked me "So when are we going to meet up?" with smiley faces...

I suggested Tuesday around 7ish and she agreed saying she is looking forward to getting to know if I am as interesting with more clothes on as I am with my shirt off.

The moral of the story? Take pride in the way you will do a lot of free advertising. Take advantage of it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Body is the easiest & cheapedt thing to improve. And. A good body gives so many benefits. One doesn’t even need to be jacked or get s 6-pack. I’m in good shape, but not jacked or 6-pack. nevertheless I’ve had girls tell me: ‘You have a body for days!’. & ‘Your body is amazing’.
I’n most cases. One can up their SMV at least by a point with just a basic commitment. I’m in Cali, where people are generally fit. So being unfit is a huge falo.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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I'm confused. :rolleyes:
On one hand there are plenty threads with guys advocating cold approaching because women don't give out IOIs and even if they do, they are so subtle you miss them.
On the other hand, a story like this where the woman made her interest obvious.
So it seems to me that interested women still make that fact known.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
I'm confused. :rolleyes:
On one hand there are plenty threads with guys advocating cold approaching because women don't give out IOIs and even if they do, they are so subtle you miss them.
On the other hand, a story like this where the woman made her interest obvious.
So it seems to me that interested women still make that fact known.
It’s variable. Can be from one extreme to another. I’ve had girls completely oblivious to me, on their phone. And I’ve approached and it went well. On the other extreme. I’ve had girls cold approach me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
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It’s variable. Can be from one extreme to another. I’ve had girls completely oblivious to me, on their phone. And I’ve approached and it went well. On the other extreme. I’ve had girls cold approach me.
yep, this is kind of why I don't have an issue with people who only approach after a massive IOI, OR people who just go for it. They both have merrit

My thinking is that most girls will make it obvious if they like you and want you to open, but some girls are just too shy or just like to play it cool or whatever.

I tend to just approach any super hot young girl I see on a night out. I tend to know whether I have a shot within a milli second, basically as soon as she makes eye contact upon realising she's being approached. But I still shoot my shot. On some very rare occasions i've surprised myself and pulled home a girl who I wrongly assumed would reject me, but on the whole i'm incredibly accurate in my predictions lol. So sometimes I'm approaching a girl knowing there's a 99% chance she won't be into it (maybe I stood near her and was able to use my peripheral vision to see if she looked at me or basically looked past me like I was invisible), but I don't mind risking it to find out for sure, personally. No stone left unturned!

For that reason I also have no beef with people who say to only approach the girls who are basically licking their lips looking at you lol. Certainly saves time and means way way less rejections

And yes, of course girls can be super blatant. When I go out with my chad wingman, the looks and stuff he gets is just outrageous, not to mention girls opening him by rubbing his chest (he's not even a gym guy) or telling him how hot he is etc


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
I'm confused. :rolleyes:
On one hand there are plenty threads with guys advocating cold approaching because women don't give out IOIs and even if they do, they are so subtle you miss them.
On the other hand, a story like this where the woman made her interest obvious.
So it seems to me that interested women still make that fact known.
In the right environments sure. Places where you have alcohol or are mostly unclothed like water parks definitely up those chances.

Most guys are approaching on the street or in malls,etc where it makes it unlikely as people are going about their business and have other things on their mind.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
Women seem to cold initiate in bars, clubs. festivals/events, gyn. coffee shops, casinos, hotels, conventions, book shops. grocery stores. Rarely right on the street.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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I know from most women I talk to, they prefer a man be healthy looking, strong and lean but not excessively so. I know most of them hate the 6% bf bodybuilder roid physique, while having a more natty look with wide shoulders, v taper, visible abs is definitely almost universally attractive to them.

And you can be fat or flabby or whatever and still attract them in the same way a short guy can but your selection pool will be limited and you'll have to compensate a lot more. Guys seem to think if you're ripped and Chad-like you need great game...that's honestly just not true. If anything, when you look great you'll want to tone down game or it'll seem off...from their perspective, you're already hot, why are you trying so hard on top of that?

But yes it absolutely makes a difference, especially as you get older since most men over 30 have man tits and a flabby gut at best. If everything else is equal having a good physique is a real advantage and anyone who pretends otherwise is in denial.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
I know from most women I talk to, they prefer a man be healthy looking, strong and lean but not excessively so. I know most of them hate the 6% bf bodybuilder roid physique, while having a more natty look with wide shoulders, v taper, visible abs is definitely almost universally attractive to them.

And you can be fat or flabby or whatever and still attract them in the same way a short guy can but your selection pool will be limited and you'll have to compensate a lot more. Guys seem to think if you're ripped and Chad-like you need great game...that's honestly just not true. If anything, when you look great you'll want to tone down game or it'll seem off...from their perspective, you're already hot, why are you trying so hard on top of
exactly the point Assanova makes.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Keep us posted with a date report...
Will do...looks like it's definitely going to happen, she texted quite a bit yesterday and then just texted me "Good Morning Sexy! I am so looking forward to our date later tonight! Hope you have a great day!!" With a few smiley faces.

Just texted her "Me too" with a smirk...

Will update later tonight or tomorrow depending on how late I get home.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
I had never been ogled by a woman until I started looking like I do now. I never got any attention from them, or if I did - it was in a "friends" kind of way.
Now I'm standing with a 6 pack, 17.5" biceps and traps/pecs you can see through layers of clothes, and I get looked at. A lot. I'd say it was arrogance but my wife attests to this regularly.
Physique aside, confidence is likely equal to or of greater effect than physique.

I may have believed that women don't give out IOI's, or that they're too subtle... at one point. I don't believe that now.
I had a ~22year old girl (6-7/10 in looks) in one of my classes hand me her number about a month ago, and it was totally unprovoked. I had said maybe 10 words to this girl.

+1 to your comment " interested women still make that fact known".
Back when I used to go out to the clubs when I was in peak condition, I used to have women that would literally come up and just start running their hands up and down my chest and my shoulders and tell me how good I looked when I would be standing at the bar.

It got to the point where my buddy, who was also in good shape, just not quite as good as me would come up behind me and say "Are you fvcking serious? Already??"

He wouldn't do anything more than talk and look tho since he was with his girl for like 15 years and they had a couple kids...she was kinda hot too...

He missed out on a lot of lays with some good looking women tho...women loved that dude.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
Atta boy!

also, the women in your life want you to fall out of shape. Why? Exactly because of the reasons like this.

don’t buy into the “I think you look great baby” thing. You do look great to them, but not for the reason you may think.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
Atta boy!

also, the women in your life want you to fall out of shape. Why? Exactly because of the reasons like this.

don’t buy into the “I think you look great baby” thing. You do look great to them, but not for the reason you may think.
This. Almost everytime I get in s relationship. the girl tries to get me to cut down my gym time.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
Atta boy!

also, the women in your life want you to fall out of shape. Why? Exactly because of the reasons like this.

don’t buy into the “I think you look great baby” thing. You do look great to them, but not for the reason you may think.
The advantage of having a vain GF.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
I've seen/heard many dudes talking about wives intentionally ruining diets for this. It's even a thing on r/MarriedRedPill
Exactly how does a wife "ruin a diet"?

I have a list of about 60-70 foods I eat and I can make and/or combine almost all of them within 10-15 minutes at most, probably 90% in under 5 minutes.

If she isn't going to cook healthy foods then they make it themself. At the end of the day people either want to make excuses or get results. They can't do both. If a little thing like a wife not cooking the meals they want is enough to make them give up, they weren't ever going get to where they wanted to anyway.
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Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Keep us posted with a date report...
Date went really well, met up and went to a local park that has a cool waterfall in the middle of the town it's in, then walked and talked and grabbed a drink around the corner from it at this cool outdoor bar.

She was wearing these tight jeans and a frilly white shirt...the kind you can see the bra through and it was red lace...

She was super touchy feely and almost sitting on my lap after about 20 minutes. Kissed about half an hour in and then a few more times while we were there. Left and walked around for a bit with a heavy make out session near a pond and after I walked her back to her car...

We talked about cooking and she is starting to learn more about it and was super excited to find out I enjoy cooking and wants to cook with me sometime, and basically said next date we can pick either mine or her place and cook together...

I told her maybe if she plays her cards right that can happen and smirked...

She leaned against the car and pulled me closer and made sure to smash her boobs into me and asked how she could do that and I just laughed and told her she would have to figure it out...

Got home about 45 mins ago and she already texted me how much fun she had tonight and how she is going to figure out how to play her cards right so we can cook together and said she will even be on her best behavior...

Looks like this one is ready to go


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2022
Reaction score
this dynamic is a red flag
women should not overtly initiate
bad news