Master Don Juan
Good post but men of all ages lust after sexy & beautiful womenWomen are inherently destructive and cause chaos. Women are the ultimate source of validation for men. More than money, more than status, more than accolades. Whether most men realize it or not a lot of what they do is to get more women and if this encourages you to be a better man that is good however once attaining high levels of success with women a man can fall into the trap of validation seeking and get his life force literally sucked out of him.
I had a period where all i did was focus on women and though i got a lot in the long run it ****ed my life up. I felt i wasnt enough unless i had multiple girls or my "skill set" to get girls werent as sharp. When i got the girls i was high on life, when i didnt, i felt worthless. I would say like a drug addict but not like, i was a drug addict.
their beauty alone holds enough power to start wars and usually the more beautiful they are the more trouble that tends to follow them
there is no harm in being successful with or understanding our female counterparts in fact in todays world I would argue its essential to understand them so they DON'T ruin your life
They are a massive part of every mans culture and every mans life Like everything its to what level you let them impact your solitude , I know guys who's entire lives revolve around their girlfreinds
Is this healthy ? .....I am not so sure
Its certainly bitten a couple of them on the backside on numerous occasions
at 31 I treat women largely as entertainment packages I tend to evaluate how much I enjoy spending time and having sex with them and allocate them my attention & time accordingly my favourites naturally get more time and attention
If one starts playing up I just bin it