Help dating older woman


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2023
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Guys, I need some advice, for a few years now I've been attracted to a woman much older than me who, among other things, is the aunt of a friend of mine, and this has always held me back, we talk on the phone sometimes, a a couple of times she also invited me to her house for a coffee, one of these times I let myself be overwhelmed by emotions and while I was hugging her I revealed that I felt attraction (very serious mistake).

She replied that she already knew, having said that I never had the courage to take any more risks.

Last week we went out to eat together but I didn't do anything apart from some hugs and physical contact.

Tonight she invited me for an aperitif and I gladly go there but I feel like I'm lying to myself. Because I really would like to have a more intimate relationship, I like it too much. I would like to take more risks at the cost of losing her and ending the relationship. What would you do?


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2023
Reaction score
Date younger women. You're 32 now. As a 32 year old, you're in a perfect position to date younger, attractive women in their 20s.
Yes, but this woman attracts me too physically, it's like a dream


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2020
Reaction score
what clearly do u want to do with her?

Just F her FWB type? She really wants u, how old is she?


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2023
Reaction score
what clearly do u want to do with her?

Just F her FWB type? She really wants u, how old is she?
She is 50 years old, she has never had children or husbands, I would like to have sex with her at least once, then we'll see. Perhaps she has her own doubts about age and the fact that I know her nephew.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
Reaction score
Tonight she invited me for an aperitif and I gladly go there but I feel like I'm lying to myself. Because I really would like to have a more intimate relationship, I like it too much. I would like to take more risks at the cost of losing her and ending the relationship. What would you do?
Dont make rocket science out of this.

She is not a virgin and i think she can handle the truth about you wanting to fvck her.

You should make your intent as clear as possible as soon as possible, otherwise she might think you want a LTR or her to be "the mother you never had".

Go there, have a drink and escalate. Let there be no doubt what you are there for.

Dont mention her nephew, age, doubts or anything... you will only look insecure and get friendzoned.

Also, dont talk to much, dont sit there rambling for hours without anything happening ..... when its time to shoot, shoot.

If she refuses, you got your answer, be polite, whish her a nice evening and leave.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2023
Reaction score
Dont make rocket science out of this.

She is not a virgin and i think she can handle the truth about you wanting to fvck her.

You should make your intent as clear as possible as soon as possible, otherwise she might think you want a LTR or her to be "the mother you never had".

Go there, have a drink and escalate. Let there be no doubt what you are there for.

Dont mention her nephew, age, doubts or anything... you will only look insecure and get friendzoned.

Also, dont talk to much, dont sit there rambling for hours without anything happening ..... when its time to shoot, shoot.

If she refuses, you got your answer, be polite, whish her a nice evening and leave.
Couldn't have put it better myself. You're overthinking. She knows what you want , you know what you want, just go for the gold !


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Is she letting you grope her while you are hugging her?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
Reaction score
She is 50 years old, she has never had children or husbands, I would like to have sex with her at least once, then we'll see.
Wrong forum.

Sosuave doesn’t give advice on how to have sex with women over 38, single mothers, or fat women. Sosuave advice is reserved for hot fertile women under 30 with 0 kids and 0 divorces.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi ManFromItaly,
The Shaming posts on here are really pathetic,just ignore....As a young Man if there is little risk of damaging your health,just try the bread from every oven....Being an Italian as well as being born with a trowel in one hand and a hammer in the other you are a World renowned lover it is innate....When you go over for that Apertif,ask her to put on some Music,sit down BESIDE her (Most Important),initiate Kino,touch her arm fleetingly at first,then leaving your hand,watching the while for for her response....Draw the conversation from her....Now in a similar manner touch her thigh,start playing with her hair,how lovely it is...Ask her to Dance,or,just lets move to music...Stroke her back,check her Bra fastener and how her Blouse is fastened...If she is responding then move your hands round to her ribs gradually becoming more and more intrusive....When you tire of this,lead her back to the Table ,pull her Chair, ask if you can pour her another drink or top her up,when you come back put the drink down and move round to the back of her chair,start massaging the muscles either side of her neck,comment on the taut muscles indicating hidden levels of stress,how she needs the cleansing power of massage,does she have any worries?and yes you could read all this in her eyes,if she is now moving her head in pleasure move down to her chest,undo the top buttons,if they are tricky get her to help,she will,be relaxed and commanding,you should now be nibbling her neck....You have crossed the Rubicon...Now,of course only in the interests of providing a better massage and much needed therapy,you must move the action to the Bedroom...Need I go Further?sometimes when she rises from the Chair if you have done your job properly,as she rises,she will be be weak at the knees,tremble even...So go and read up about the efficacy of Massage,you need something to talk about,log on to some UTubes dealing with massage and go and get a few private lessons at the local Dance Studio,tell them you just want to move to music.Do what I suggest and new doors will open for you,Promise!
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Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
Just shoot your shot, bro. Dont put yourelf in the friendzone by not escalating


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Hi ManFromItaly,
The Shaming posts on here are really pathetic,just ignore....As a young Man if there is little risk of damaging your health,just try the bread from every oven....Being an Italian as well as being born with a trowel in one hand and a hammer in the other you are a World renowned lover it is innate....When you go over for that Apertif,ask her to put on some Music,sit down BESIDE her (Most Important),initiate Kino,touch her arm fleetingly at first,then leaving your hand,watching the while for for her response....Draw the conversation from her....Now in a similar manner touch her thigh,start playing with her hair,how lovely it is...Ask her to Dance,or,just lets move to music...Stroke her back,check her Bra fastener and how her Blouse is fastened...If she is responding then move your hands round to her ribs gradually becoming more and more intrusive....When you tire of this,lead her back to the Table ,pull her Chair, ask if you can pour her another drink or top her up,when you come back put the drink down and move round to the back of her chair,start massaging the muscles either side of her neck,comment on the taut muscles indicating hidden levels of stress,how she needs the cleansing power of massage,does she have any worries?and yes you could read all this in her eyes,if she is now moving her head in pleasure move down to her chest,undo the top buttons,if they are tricky get her to help,she will,be relaxed and commanding,you should now be nibbling her neck....You have crossed the Rubicon...Now,of course only in the interests of providing a better massage and much needed therapy,you must move the action to the Bedroom...Need I go Further?sometimes when she rises from the Chair if you have done your job properly,as she rises,she will be be weak at the knees,tremble even...So go and read up about the efficacy of Massage,you need something to talk about,log on to some UTubes dealing with massage and go and get a few private lessons at the local Dance Studio,tell them you just want to move to music.Do what I suggest and new doors will open for you,Promise!
OP, this.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Can you point out where it says this in the forum rules?

Wrong forum.

Sosuave doesn’t give advice on how to have sex with women over 38, single mothers, or fat women. Sosuave advice is reserved for hot fertile women under 30 with 0 kids and 0 divorces.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2023
Reaction score
Thanks to all for the advice, unfortunately nothing happened, we went around the shops and she told me she didn't want to have an aperitif so we went home and stopped to do the shopping, she had to buy 2 bottles of water and with an excuse I offered her to take 6 directly and that I would help her carry them home, we went up to her house, she told me I could stay a while

, I didn't have the opportunity to escalate, she invited me anyway to stay and we ate together, unfortunately I discovered that she is hosting her mother and that she would be home during the evening, so we sat on the terrace for a while, unfortunately she only has single chairs so it was more difficult to create physical contact, little some time later his mom came back so I left.

In a few days it's her birthday and she told me that she would like to spend it with me having a drink, probably at her house, it could be a good opportunity, I hope her mum will be back late that evening

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
OP: this should be a slam dunk.

Why don’t you invite her to your place make up some excuse about needing help with decorations or something.

Make dinner, make some drinks and escalate.

Also, can I ask what country are in?


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2023
Reaction score
I'm trying to take things forward but very slowly and it may not be enough, every now and then I stroked her back, left my hand on her leg and she seemed to react positively, we also had conversations about sex.

As someone said surely she knows what I want and consequently I think she wants it too, the problem is that I first of all can't be cheeky with her, I'll try everything next time