American women are actually pretty cool, the Manosphere was lying.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
My race has not held me back in Miami at all whatsoever. In fact, I think any race of men can slay in Miami and I have seen it. The issue is that the competition and barrier to entry is pretty high compared to a city like NYC where the competition is a joke.
Out of curiosity, are you white? How tall are you?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
If there is one theme that came across time and time again in Red Pill and Manosphere spaces, it was that American women suck and foreign women are supposedly all angels. The worship towards Latinas, Asian girls, and Eastern European girls was through the roof years back. However, as a Patriotic American on July 4th who has lived in two world class US cities, I have to confess, American women ain't that bad.

Before we can judge how good or bad a nationality or culture of women are, let's at least see them on an even playing field.

Yeah, the typical Eastern Euro girl who needs access to a better life out west will be sweet and feminine to you when she knows she can get that out of you. However, for anyone who thinks Eastern Euro or Russian girls are these pure feminine souls, I challenge you to spend a year in Miami. Date with a Russian girl? HA! More like buy her an expensive handbag and pay for her personal bills even though it is a first date. @SW15 also brings up Koko Beaute who is this god awful Croatian hag living in NYC thinking that the world owes her everything.

I even think Latinas get way too much hype. Look at what is happening to all of those poor men traveling to Colombia, drugged by their freaking dates. TBH, I kind of find Latinas to be quite sketchy and looking to pull a fast one often. A lot of them seem to glamorize the criminal culture rather than shaming it.

If you think that any of these women from "feminine" countries are truly "feminine" and "caring", I have a challenge for you. Move that woman to a Miami or an NYC, see how long she remains "feminine".

So why are all of these Manosphere guys going on about how great foreign women are?

It's simple. Guy grows up in the US and isn't very popular with people or women. Said guy goes to a third world dump or a struggling country where women greet him and massage his ego. Now said guy thinks that all American women suck and foreign women are amazing.

Okay fine, I will concede that some areas of the US produce god awful women.

New Jersey, The Tri-State area (NYC in general), California, the Pacific Northwest and large cities in the south (Atlanta in particular) have women that leave a lot to be desired. However, I do think that we sleep on how much actual quality can exist in the US amongst American women that aren't from those places. In fact, I have met cool American women even from the areas where a large portion of American women suck (except for Jersey, they all suck).

American women have seen the worst of feminism and some do think it is BS, it's getting worse outside the Anglo world.

There are American women who are raging feminists but at the same time, there are also plenty of younger American women who think feminism is BS. There are younger American women, typically more right leaning, that see feminists as a bunch of jokes. On the other hand, the "you go girl" and "all men are pigs" nonsense is getting really bad outside of the Anglosphere. I have friends who are South American that tell me the extent to which feminism has penetrated Latin culture and mixed with the already entitled nature that Catholicism gives women, something me and @BillyPilgrim talk about time and time again.

Ever tried going Dutch with a Latina? I have been on dates with quite a few, they almost never go Dutch unless they happened to be raised in the western world. In fact, Latinas expect you to foot the entire bill and are gung ho on the "strong woman" and men should suffer culture these days.

American women are more than willing to pick up their end of the couch.

I have noticed that even American women who seem to be more pro-women rights are more than willing to do their part. These women will pay for themselves on a date and they will pick up their end of the couch. A lot of them I am noticing do try to keep themselves in shape as well after marriage although this is more common in larger cities. In the recent decade, there is a heavy movement towards being healthy and women themselves are really getting into it.

The prettiest women in media come from America.

Megan Fox, Heather Graham, Heather Locklear, and you name it. The world over, the famous and beautiful women that men are worshiping are usually all American. Sure, America has given the world a lot of annoying fat hags but when American women are good, they are truly state of the art. When American women are hot, very few women can compete with them in terms of appearance. An attractive American girl puts attractive women of most other nationalities to shame.

Most of all, a lot of American women have empathy and human emotions, you can even talk to them.

Russian woman? Could care less if someone near her dies.

Latina in some South American country? How much money are you putting in my pocket!

American women seem to have empathy and human emotions. They actually care if someone near them dies. They actually care if someone is being treated like crap. I have seen this time and time again where American women will see a nasty situation and want to intervene on behalf of someone being targeted. It is like they have this genuine built in empathy. Granted, this is less common with big city American girls but in the ones from smaller towns, it is actually very common.

You can also talk to American women as equals. Like you can talk to them about life and other things in a way you can't with foreign women.

Anyways, let me have it but I knew this made sense on July 4th.

As a guy that truly loves women and has slept
With women from a few different countries i couldnt agree more.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
Living anywhere outside of Manhattan is a waste of time in NYC, you may as well move out of the state altogether. Almost everyone who comes to NYC does so because they want to make a lot of friends, network, get laid, and get ahead in their careers. You can really only do that in Manhattan and maybe certain parts of Brooklyn. Once you get outside of the transplant heavy places in NYC, the city becomes a masterclass in trashy, ratchet, and Machiavellian behavior.

The people also suck, a lot. I have never met a more scheming, narcissistic, thin-skinned, and overcompensating group of people in my life. Yes, the worst are the Italian Americans in the Tri-State area but the others are not that great either.

I think that deep down inside, New Yorkers who are not Manhattan old money or the Westchester WASP know they suck and know that they are inferior. To compensate for it, a lot of them put on the loud, boastful, and irritatingly arrogant mask. Same for the women who become mega-prudes to compensate for not being the blonde hair blue eyed American princess.

Long Island and suburban New Jersey are testament to the fact that money cannot buy class. Some guido gets rich quick off of a gimmick but still acts like a loud classless sleazebag. If you live in Manhattan, you realize how much the locals from there look down on the other boroughs and for good reason.
You’re mostly correct but there are some legitimately good areas in northern Brooklyn. Generally though nyc has always been and always will be a place where 99.9% of its inhabitants will be faking it til they make it for their entire lives and will die without a shred of dirt to their own name.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
In honor of Sh1t-Stirring Sunday, wanted to post a nice Quora question I found on the blissful, transformative journey that is dealing with Italian women.

choice excerpts:

"Generally, most italian girls play hard to get while not offering enough bang for the buck compared to most ladies of other cultures. They just don't offer enough value to justify the time spent: that is, if you are a valuable man who considers his time valuable."

"As i have learned from my Italian husband first and from my 4 years residency in Italy second, Italian women are generally hard to get, very independent, with a high opinion of themselces, on average more "expensive" both in terms of time and money compared to most women of other countries"

"Italian women can be difficult. I am italian and I have had experience of relationships with both italian women and foreign women. In the end I got married to a British woman. The problem with italian women is that (at least in my own experience) they are spoilt. They tend to have unrealistic expectations from a relationship. They are focused on strategies (me - i.e., Female Dating Strategies) and they find it difficult to let go and be themselves."

"My italian girlfriend agrees with your analysis She says I’m lucky she’s also half peruvian because I would kill myself dating a fully italian woman. Interestingly the main reaction I get when I tell people that I am dating an italian girl is something along the lines of ‘my condolences’."

tl:dr - it's not their physical appearance that's the issue. Lucky me recently got a blonde, blue-eyed, pale skinned Tinder match who is.....wait for it....(drumroll) Italian chick from Long Island :rofl:

Obviously if you're in Italy, you know the women around you are Italian. In America, you really can't tell who they are. Major, major issue that should be considered if you're gaming white women. Their family structures are typically strong enough that the home culture is maintained and ingrained into the women. And if a chick happens to have only one Italian parent, guess which cultural influence will be more attractive to her?

Dudes, be careful out there.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Lucky me got a recent blonde, blue-eyed, pale skinned Tinder match who is.....wait for it....(drumroll) Italian chick from Long Island :rofl:
That's a woman with Northern Italian heritage.

In the United States, a woman from Florence or Rome who spent her formative years in Italy is going to be substantially different than an Italian-American woman from Long Island or New Jersey.

Going to Italy and interacting with Italian women there is also different too.

A Mexican woman in Guadalajara is different than an Mexican-American woman born in the Southwestern USA and still living there as an adult.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
That's a woman with Northern Italian heritage.
That’s a surprisingly good observation. Italian Americans in New York metro are very regionally driven, the northern people are more on the ‘up’ with a bit of noticeable attitude and culture; the southern Italians and Sicilians are the blue collar, hustler, mafia or arms length away. They repeated that process in New York itself, the Sicilians went to the west side and southern Brooklyn, the others went north

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
In honor of Sh1t-Stirring Sunday, wanted to post a nice Quora question I found on the blissful, transformative journey that is dealing with Italian women.

choice excerpts:

"Generally, most italian girls play hard to get while not offering enough bang for the buck compared to most ladies of other cultures. They just don't offer enough value to justify the time spent: that is, if you are a valuable man who considers his time valuable."

"As i have learned from my Italian husband first and from my 4 years residency in Italy second, Italian women are generally hard to get, very independent, with a high opinion of themselces, on average more "expensive" both in terms of time and money compared to most women of other countries"

"Italian women can be difficult. I am italian and I have had experience of relationships with both italian women and foreign women. In the end I got married to a British woman. The problem with italian women is that (at least in my own experience) they are spoilt. They tend to have unrealistic expectations from a relationship. They are focused on strategies (me - i.e., Female Dating Strategies) and they find it difficult to let go and be themselves."

tl:dr - it's not their physical appearance that's the issue. Lucky me got a recent blonde, blue-eyed, pale skinned Tinder match who is.....wait for it....(drumroll) Italian chick from Long Island :rofl:

Obviously if you're in Italy, you know the women around you are Italian. In America, you really can't tell who they are. Major, major issue that should be considered if you're gaming white women. Their family structures are typically strong enough that the home culture is maintained and ingrained into the women. And if a chick happens to have only one Italian parent, guess which cultural influence will be more attractive to her?

Dudes, be careful out there.
Your blondie is gonna have a dad with a faux mafia complex, I suggest you indulge him bc his entire life he wished he was connected and he probably isn’t.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
In honor of Sh1t-Stirring Sunday, wanted to post a nice Quora question I found on the blissful, transformative journey that is dealing with Italian women.

choice excerpts:

"Generally, most italian girls play hard to get while not offering enough bang for the buck compared to most ladies of other cultures. They just don't offer enough value to justify the time spent: that is, if you are a valuable man who considers his time valuable."

"As i have learned from my Italian husband first and from my 4 years residency in Italy second, Italian women are generally hard to get, very independent, with a high opinion of themselces, on average more "expensive" both in terms of time and money compared to most women of other countries"

"Italian women can be difficult. I am italian and I have had experience of relationships with both italian women and foreign women. In the end I got married to a British woman. The problem with italian women is that (at least in my own experience) they are spoilt. They tend to have unrealistic expectations from a relationship. They are focused on strategies (me - i.e., Female Dating Strategies) and they find it difficult to let go and be themselves."

"My italian girlfriend agrees with your analysis She says I’m lucky she’s also half peruvian because I would kill myself dating a fully italian woman. Interestingly the main reaction I get when I tell people that I am dating an italian girl is something along the lines of ‘my condolences’."

tl:dr - it's not their physical appearance that's the issue. Lucky me recently got a blonde, blue-eyed, pale skinned Tinder match who is.....wait for it....(drumroll) Italian chick from Long Island :rofl:

Obviously if you're in Italy, you know the women around you are Italian. In America, you really can't tell who they are. Major, major issue that should be considered if you're gaming white women. Their family structures are typically strong enough that the home culture is maintained and ingrained into the women. And if a chick happens to have only one Italian parent, guess which cultural influence will be more attractive to her?

Dudes, be careful out there.
Italian and Spaniard women are d*mn near impossible to game and seduce when you go to their home countries to do so. Find an Italian girl on Holiday or away from her clique? It is like shooting fish in a barre, some of the easiest women out there. A surprising number of them even cheat on their husbands because they got married too young. Same goes for Italian American women, you will not have any luck approaching her in Long Island or Suburban NJ, if you even have a bit of it all the dudes in the vicinity will ****block you. Same chick will go to Manhattan in the hopes of getting piped down by any dude who approaches her.

The allure of Middle Eastern, Italian, and Spaniard women is in the fact that they are quite unattainable in their homelands. As a guy with a weakness for dark-haired white women, you can find far better quality in terms of looks in Eastern Europe, Russia, and in some off-cases even Northern Europe. Best looking dark-haired white girl I ever knew was of Irish descent, go figure.

Congratulations on your blonde Italian Tinder match. Blonde Italian women are such a godsend and I have said it over and over again. The whiter an Italian woman is, the more sane and chill she usually is. One of my Italian friends even told me how in Italy, the blondes are more pedestalized and loved so they are more chill and approachable. The more ethnic looking Italian women are not as desired so they have that chip on their shoulder and are often unpleasant to be around.

Enjoy her man, happy for you.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
That's a woman with Northern Italian heritage.

In the United States, a woman from Florence or Rome who spent her formative years in Italy is going to be substantially different than an Italian-American woman from Long Island or New Jersey.

Going to Italy and interacting with Italian women there is also different too.

A Mexican woman in Guadalajara is different than an Mexican-American woman born in the Southwestern USA and still living there as an adult.
It isn't that cut and dry as I have found. I have been with Italian women who were Northern Italian but looked ethnic. At the same time, I used to have a wild thing going on in my NYC days with a "Sicilian" girl who was a blonde with freckles. @In2theGame is the local Italian woman p*ssy slayer so he can weigh in even more than me lol.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
You’re mostly correct but there are some legitimately good areas in northern Brooklyn. Generally though nyc has always been and always will be a place where 99.9% of its inhabitants will be faking it til they make it for their entire lives and will die without a shred of dirt to their own name.
I know I have been hard on NY and NJ Italians but kind of slowing down to think about it, people in those places just flat out suck regardless of their heritage. Once you get outside of Manhattan and certain parts of Brooklyn, the Tri-State area (barring CT) is full of some of the most god awful people in the country.

What I think happens is that Manhattan, hipster Brooklyn, and certain old money areas are full of either transplants with ambition and places to be or the Old Money that has already made it. People are more secure, friendly, and welcoming because they either have legitimate goals to chase or already made it.

Places like suburban NJ and Long Island are full of overcompensating people with a chip on their shoulder but not that much to show in life. These are your middle to upper middle class suburbanites that know they are inferior to the old money but have this strange superiority complex where they try to find a way to feel like they are better than every other kind of person. These are the people that will rip on someone for living in their "closet" in Manhattan and then hype up their homes in Long Island and NJ, as if even a nice home would convince anyone to live in those dumps.

They worship sports and macho activities but let's face it, Long Island and NJ aren't Texas or Florida when it comes to sports. TX and FL are churning out NFL talent right out of high school left and right, not so much for the Tri-State. In a way they are insecure about their masculinity as a result of this which causes them to be disruptive, rude, and confrontational people whenever they are out in Manhattan or in the NYC area.

Then add in the heavy image-oriented culture of NYC and the chip on their shoulder grows.

Then continue to add in the cultural decline of NYC (once a mecca for producing music and film but no more) and that chip continues to grow.

If you ever have to deal with these people, it gives you perspective.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Italian and Spaniard women are d*mn near impossible to game and seduce when you go to their home countries to do so. Find an Italian girl on Holiday or away from her clique? It is like shooting fish in a barre, some of the easiest women out there. A surprising number of them even cheat on their husbands because they got married too young. Same goes for Italian American women, you will not have any luck approaching her in Long Island or Suburban NJ, if you even have a bit of it all the dudes in the vicinity will ****block you. Same chick will go to Manhattan in the hopes of getting piped down by any dude who approaches her.

The allure of Middle Eastern, Italian, and Spaniard women is in the fact that they are quite unattainable in their homelands. As a guy with a weakness for dark-haired white women, you can find far better quality in terms of looks in Eastern Europe, Russia, and in some off-cases even Northern Europe. Best looking dark-haired white girl I ever knew was of Irish descent, go figure.

Congratulations on your blonde Italian Tinder match. Blonde Italian women are such a godsend and I have said it over and over again. The whiter an Italian woman is, the more sane and chill she usually is. One of my Italian friends even told me how in Italy, the blondes are more pedestalized and loved so they are more chill and approachable. The more ethnic looking Italian women are not as desired so they have that chip on their shoulder and are often unpleasant to be around.

Enjoy her man, happy for you.
Already unmatched. Lol

Attitude issues, go figure. The local Italian women get annoyed at how entitled the local guys are because they expect women to put out. They target me because they think I'm "cultured" and therefore a "gentleman" they can try to game and make wait and work for it. I have to flat out ask them their ethnicity at this point.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
It isn't that cut and dry as I have found. I have been with Italian women who were Northern Italian but looked ethnic. At the same time, I used to have a wild thing going on in my NYC days with a "Sicilian" girl who was a blonde with freckles. @In2theGame is the local Italian woman p*ssy slayer so he can weigh in even more than me lol.
Yes, even in Sicily you will see a good number of Italian women that are blonde. My cousin is, she's blonde with brown eyes. There's a lot of variation. Most Italian people you meet, regardless of North or South are gonna be brunette and likely have darker eyes.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
You're missing the point. The main reason guys are not interested in dating American women is because that puts them at risk of being subject to US family court which is massively biased against men. By dating someone outside of the US you are far removed from that system which has ruined the lives of countless American men.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
You're missing the point. The main reason guys are not interested in dating American women is because that puts them at risk of being subject to US family court which is massively biased against men. By dating someone outside of the US you are far removed from that system which has ruined the lives of countless American men.
So are you just going to play international plane tag with a girl across the world the rest of your life. What if she wants to progress the relationship and demands an ultimatum. Sounds like a waste of money and investment over simple paranoia to me.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
So are you just going to play international plane tag with a girl across the world the rest of your life. What if she wants to progress the relationship and demands an ultimatum. Sounds like a waste of money and investment over simple paranoia to me.
No idiot. Guys are moving to the country of their choice where they find the women most attractive. Do you live in the US?? How have you not seen men's lives get completely ruined over and over again in family court? I'm in my 30's so I've seen some friends go through it and it is brutal. One friend just had to sell his physical therapy business that he spent his whole career building because he found out his wife had been cheating on him for most of their marriage and she still gets half his **** including half of the business value. She of course didn't want a physical therapy business so he was forced to sell it. Also lost his kids and has monthly alimony payments that are far greater than the cost to actually take care of the kids all paid to his cheating ***** ex wife.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
No idiot. Guys are moving to the country of their choice where they find the women most attractive.
So you are willing to sacrifice your standard of living and go into a completely foreign country with a legal system in a different language beyond your understanding? Let alone deal with the Visas, finding work, and etc. You at least have a basic grasp of the legal system in the US at the very least.

I'm in my 30's so I've seen some friends go through it and it is brutal. One friend just had to sell his physical therapy business that he spent his whole career building because he found out his wife had been cheating on him for most of their marriage and she still gets half his **** including half of the business value. She of course didn't want a physical therapy business so he was forced to sell it. Also lost his kids and has monthly alimony payments that are far greater than the cost to actually take care of the kids all paid to his cheating ***** ex wife.
TBH man, you are 36 and you should know this by now. Don't base your decisions based on what you heard from your friends. You don't know what the fvck your friends were doing with their wife and families. Nobody is ever the villain in their pity story.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2021
Reaction score
I'm in Miami right now and completely disagree.
I was in Europe all last year. Im a 'digital nomad'.
European girls turn on a completely different vibe as soon as they touch down here.
Saw it in Seattle during my approaches, saw it in NYC, see it here in Miami.

They adopt and tend to act like American girls. Although if they havent been here for long it isn't too bad.
Even when I met or went out with girls who had been to America, in Europe. Their vibe was more bitchy or they were not as down to earth.

Just ran into some German & South American women last night. Was joking with a friend about cities in US and Europe and the girls were getting smart correcting us and **** on how all cities are xyz... I rarely run into that level of catiness out there. Yeah girls can try you, play hard to get or give you Slavic vibes. But its night and day. If they were in Germany or Argentina they wouldnt mouth off like that. But here the simp ass low self esteem men let em get away with it. Thats another topic. The men are night and day different and keep their women in check in certain countries overseas. Jesse you complain and talk about soyboy men all the time you should know this. You think in shape more attractive chill women from Latin America or Eastern Europe just are like that just cause? No. The men keep them in check.

Miami is better because competition is so fierce here and the Latinas are more humble. But nah bro cant agree with you.

Also, you dont need to be jacked and have a damn near Athletic build to get a good looking or decent looking girl. Here even in Miami and especially most the US you see jacked guys walking around with HB6s or even HB5. Or even fat girls.

The fact you gotta money and looksmax just to get average proves the point. And Ive read your field report logs. Love em bro theyre inspiring. But women are way more down to earth overseas as a whole. Girls giving you fake IGs and ****. Too much. This place is a great base until I get back overseas to Asia/Europe though.

Edit: And guys keep talking about how bitchy Eastern European are, or how hypergamous Asian women are etc etc. Again, you guys are meeting them here in the USA. Its the same stuff when I meet white guys in SE Asia, most are weirdos or old dudes cause thats what SE Asia attracts formost white dudes. Or if you meet a Asian or African living in Scotland. 90% chance they will be some whitewashed self hating type. Why? Cause thats what itll attract and the type of people that go there.

Women from Poland, Philippines or Argentina who want to come to America in the first place shows their mentality difference. And I too keep it 100 most girls big and deep into American culture you meet overseas are damaged or undesirable by most their men. So most girls who come to the states are on hot girl summer mode or thots anyways.

Are women overseas perfect? Hell no. Do you need 0 game overseas? Hell no. Can you be a awkward lame and get play? Maybe from ugly girls or the undesirables. Is it better than American women on average? Hell yes.

Anyone that disagrees, lets see your passport with stamps, your visa and lets see you actually living in other countries overseas. Not visiting. Not just getting turnt up and drunk for a week or two in Spain or Thailand. Living. Speaking the language, etc. And getting with women or quality/attractive girls.

Most guys who argue against this simply hasnt lived long term overseas. Its clear as day. Although I will meet in the middle and say most Gen Z girls are bitchy everywhere if they are hot. But are still better acting and behave better than a Gen Z girl in the states. The supply/demand scarcity alone proves this.

You dont need to have six pack abs(which Jesse has mentioned here about Miami, and this a top tier usa city) and be making 6 figs to walk around with a hot woman in Rio, Porto, Barcelona or Manila. Period.- Nothing to argue you can look up walking videos on YT and see it.
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Don Juan
Dec 17, 2021
Reaction score
But hell yeah I agree, I met plenty cool American women. I just had to work my god damn ass off (100+ approaches on the west coast in one season) to meet them in comparison to overseas. Proof you have to work your goddamn ass for solid/good women? See Jesses own field report log. And hes probably a top 20 if not 10% guy game wise. In one of the best cities you can get here in the Americas. So let that sink in.

Dont gotta do all that overseas. Still gotta work, but damn bro youd slay and have a much much easier time anywhere outside here. Facts.

Last note: Ive had many women overseas who had been here tell me straight up they like to vacation or want to live here because the men are 'better'. Translation: the bar is lower and we have many more options and the men there put up with our BS. Most these girls being rejects in their respective countries. (and by reject I mean mentally or physically, so just cause shes hot doesnt mean she isnt a reject)

Cant get a Brazilian, Russian, Korean or Swedish guy of value? Come to USA where the low self esteem thirsty dudes who have to lift to get chubby girls will be more than happy to sponsor you! Cause back in Moldova youll be held to a standard by the more masculine men.

Visit the USA today ladies!
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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
I'm in Miami right now and completely disagree.
I was in Europe all last year. Im a 'digital nomad'.
European girls turn on a completely different vibe as soon as they touch down here.
Saw it in Seattle during my approaches, saw it in NYC, see it here in Miami.

They adopt and tend to act like American girls. Although if they havent been here for long it isn't too bad.
Even when I met or went out with girls who had been to America, in Europe. Their vibe was more bitchy or they were not as down to earth.

Just ran into some German & South American women last night. Was joking with a friend about cities in US and Europe and the girls were getting smart correcting us and **** on how all cities are xyz... I rarely run into that level of catiness out there. Yeah girls can try you, play hard to get or give you Slavic vibes. But its night and day. If they were in Germany or Argentina they wouldnt mouth off like that. But here the simp ass low self esteem men let em get away with it. Thats another topic. The men are night and day different and keep their women in check in certain countries overseas. Jesse you complain and talk about soyboy men all the time you should know this. You think in shape more attractive chill women from Latin America or Eastern Europe just are like that just cause? No. The men keep them in check.

Miami is better because competition is so fierce here and the Latinas are more humble. But nah bro cant agree with you.

Also, you dont need to be jacked and have a damn near Athletic build to get a good looking or decent looking girl. Here even in Miami and especially most the US you see jacked guys walking around with HB6s or even HB5. Or even fat girls.

The fact you gotta money and looksmax just to get average proves the point. And Ive read your field report logs. Love em bro theyre inspiring. But women are way more down to earth overseas as a whole. Girls giving you fake IGs and ****. Too much. This place is a great base until I get back overseas to Asia/Europe though.

Edit: And guys keep talking about how bitchy Eastern European are, or how hypergamous Asian women are etc etc. Again, you guys are meeting them here in the USA. Its the same stuff when I meet white guys in SE Asia, most are weirdos or old dudes cause thats what SE Asia attracts formost white dudes. Or if you meet a Asian or African living in Scotland. 90% chance they will be some whitewashed self hating type. Why? Cause thats what itll attract and the type of people that go there.

Women from Poland, Philippines or Argentina who want to come to America in the first place shows their mentality difference. And I too keep it 100 most girls big and deep into American culture you meet overseas are damaged or undesirable by most their men. So most girls who come to the states are on hot girl summer mode or thots anyways.

Are women overseas perfect? Hell no. Do you need 0 game overseas? Hell no. Can you be a awkward lame and get play? Maybe from ugly girls or the undesirables. Is it better than American women on average? Hell yes.

Anyone that disagrees, lets see your passport with stamps, your visa and lets see you actually living in other countries overseas. Not visiting. Not just getting turnt up and drunk for a week or two in Spain or Thailand. Living. Speaking the language, etc. And getting with women or quality/attractive girls.

Most guys who argue against this simply hasnt lived long term overseas. Its clear as day. Although I will meet in the middle and say most Gen Z girls are bitchy everywhere if they are hot. But are still better acting and behave better than a Gen Z girl in the states. The supply/demand scarcity alone proves this.

You dont need to have six pack abs(which Jesse has mentioned here about Miami, and this a top tier usa city) and be making 6 figs to walk around with a hot woman in Rio, Porto, Barcelona or Manila. Period.- Nothing to argue you can look up walking videos on YT and see it.
So....German dudes *aren't* pushovers? They've surrendered their country without a fight, and every aggressive instinct has been brainwashed out of them, but they somehow keep their women in line?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I know there's been a movement for at least the last 20-30 years for American and other Western men to go to Eastern Europe, Asia (mainly Southeast Asia), and Latin America for better dating outcomes. I remember reading internet content around this soon after graduating college in 2005.

A lot of men in the USA are realistically resigned to dealing with American women. For a lot of men in the USA, it's not feasible to relocate to another nation. It's difficult to find a job and get work authorization in another nation. Many USA men will end up needing to learn another language to make this possible.

This thread and many others have covered that certain areas in the USA are easier for mating than others.

A lot of Manosphere/red pill parts of the internet haven't fully acknowledged how difficult it is to expatriate.