American women are actually pretty cool, the Manosphere was lying.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
If there is one theme that came across time and time again in Red Pill and Manosphere spaces, it was that American women suck and foreign women are supposedly all angels. The worship towards Latinas, Asian girls, and Eastern European girls was through the roof years back. However, as a Patriotic American on July 4th who has lived in two world class US cities, I have to confess, American women ain't that bad.

Before we can judge how good or bad a nationality or culture of women are, let's at least see them on an even playing field.

Yeah, the typical Eastern Euro girl who needs access to a better life out west will be sweet and feminine to you when she knows she can get that out of you. However, for anyone who thinks Eastern Euro or Russian girls are these pure feminine souls, I challenge you to spend a year in Miami. Date with a Russian girl? HA! More like buy her an expensive handbag and pay for her personal bills even though it is a first date. @SW15 also brings up Koko Beaute who is this god awful Croatian hag living in NYC thinking that the world owes her everything.

I even think Latinas get way too much hype. Look at what is happening to all of those poor men traveling to Colombia, drugged by their freaking dates. TBH, I kind of find Latinas to be quite sketchy and looking to pull a fast one often. A lot of them seem to glamorize the criminal culture rather than shaming it.

If you think that any of these women from "feminine" countries are truly "feminine" and "caring", I have a challenge for you. Move that woman to a Miami or an NYC, see how long she remains "feminine".

So why are all of these Manosphere guys going on about how great foreign women are?

It's simple. Guy grows up in the US and isn't very popular with people or women. Said guy goes to a third world dump or a struggling country where women greet him and massage his ego. Now said guy thinks that all American women suck and foreign women are amazing.

Okay fine, I will concede that some areas of the US produce god awful women.

New Jersey, The Tri-State area (NYC in general), California, the Pacific Northwest and large cities in the south (Atlanta in particular) have women that leave a lot to be desired. However, I do think that we sleep on how much actual quality can exist in the US amongst American women that aren't from those places. In fact, I have met cool American women even from the areas where a large portion of American women suck (except for Jersey, they all suck).

American women have seen the worst of feminism and some do think it is BS, it's getting worse outside the Anglo world.

There are American women who are raging feminists but at the same time, there are also plenty of younger American women who think feminism is BS. There are younger American women, typically more right leaning, that see feminists as a bunch of jokes. On the other hand, the "you go girl" and "all men are pigs" nonsense is getting really bad outside of the Anglosphere. I have friends who are South American that tell me the extent to which feminism has penetrated Latin culture and mixed with the already entitled nature that Catholicism gives women, something me and @BillyPilgrim talk about time and time again.

Ever tried going Dutch with a Latina? I have been on dates with quite a few, they almost never go Dutch unless they happened to be raised in the western world. In fact, Latinas expect you to foot the entire bill and are gung ho on the "strong woman" and men should suffer culture these days.

American women are more than willing to pick up their end of the couch.

I have noticed that even American women who seem to be more pro-women rights are more than willing to do their part. These women will pay for themselves on a date and they will pick up their end of the couch. A lot of them I am noticing do try to keep themselves in shape as well after marriage although this is more common in larger cities. In the recent decade, there is a heavy movement towards being healthy and women themselves are really getting into it.

The prettiest women in media come from America.

Megan Fox, Heather Graham, Heather Locklear, and you name it. The world over, the famous and beautiful women that men are worshiping are usually all American. Sure, America has given the world a lot of annoying fat hags but when American women are good, they are truly state of the art. When American women are hot, very few women can compete with them in terms of appearance. An attractive American girl puts attractive women of most other nationalities to shame.

Most of all, a lot of American women have empathy and human emotions, you can even talk to them.

Russian woman? Could care less if someone near her dies.

Latina in some South American country? How much money are you putting in my pocket!

American women seem to have empathy and human emotions. They actually care if someone near them dies. They actually care if someone is being treated like crap. I have seen this time and time again where American women will see a nasty situation and want to intervene on behalf of someone being targeted. It is like they have this genuine built in empathy. Granted, this is less common with big city American girls but in the ones from smaller towns, it is actually very common.

You can also talk to American women as equals. Like you can talk to them about life and other things in a way you can't with foreign women.

Anyways, let me have it but I knew this made sense on July 4th.



Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Good cook Jesse.

As long as you're not trying to bang an Italian-American chick, I agree. But be warned - they are some of the most patriotic women out there. They will portray themselves as deriving culturally from Americana, but that is misrepresenting their culture. They will have empathy and be easy to talk to, but dating them is difficult. You have to suss them out as they won't out themselves usually.

Anglo-American women are the best in America. Western and Northern European (French, German, Scandinavian, Low Countries, etc are also great nationalities in the U.S. And of course, the mutts deriving from the aforementioned.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Good post overall. I am a White American man who has mainly interacted with White American women. With enough Game study, American women, especially White American women, can be managed.

I knew this made sense on July 4th.
Happy 4th of July!

I even think Latinas get way too much hype. Look at what is happening to all of those poor men traveling to Colombia, drugged by their freaking dates. TBH, I kind of find Latinas to be quite sketchy and looking to pull a fast one often. A lot of them seem to glamorize the criminal culture rather than shaming it.
I like Latinas but I don't think I overhype them. They can be good. I am more attracted to White, American women than Latinas though.

@SW15 also brings up Koko Beaute who is this god awful Croatian hag living in NYC thinking that the world owes her everything.
Koko Beaute lived in NYC for many years but moved to Miami a few years back. If you stay in Miami long enough and keep cold approach, you might cold approach her some day.

Okay fine, I will concede that some areas of the US produce god awful women.

New Jersey, The Tri-State area (NYC in general), California, the Pacific Northwest and large cities in the south (Atlanta in particular) have women that leave a lot to be desired. However, I do think that we sleep on how much actual quality can exist in the US amongst American women that aren't from those places. In fact, I have met cool American women even from the areas where a large portion of American women suck (except for Jersey, they all suck).
Most of all, a lot of American women have empathy and human emotions, you can even talk to them.

Granted, this is less common with big city American girls but in the ones from smaller towns, it is actually very common.
I have the 2 quotes together for a reason. There are certain regions that are bad for women.

If a woman has smaller town upbringing, she's often a better person, even if she eventually makes it to a bigger city. At a certain age, most men will need to live in bigger cities in order to have mating options. If a woman has a good childhood with good parents in a smaller town or mid-sized metro, that's often a better choice than someone from a bigger city. It's best if she's from that smaller to mid-sized metro in the Midwest or South.

Native Arizonans aren't that good either. Arizona is a heavy transplant state, so a lot of women in Arizona now didn't grow up in Arizona. Arizona has often tried to copycat California culture.

Smaller town Texas women who make it to Dallas can be better options in Dallas.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Good post overall. I am a White American man who has mainly interacted with White American women. With enough Game study, American women, especially White American women, can be managed.

Happy 4th of July!

I like Latinas but I don't think I overhype them. They can be good. I am more attracted to White, American women than Latinas though.

Koko Beaute lived in NYC for many years but moved to Miami a few years back. If you stay in Miami long enough and keep cold approach, you might cold approach her some day.

I have the 2 quotes together for a reason. There are certain regions that are bad for women.

If a woman has smaller town upbringing, she's often a better person, even if she eventually makes it to a bigger city. At a certain age, most men will need to live in bigger cities in order to have mating options. If a woman has a good childhood with good parents in a smaller town or mid-sized metro, that's often a better choice than someone from a bigger city. It's best if she's from that smaller to mid-sized metro in the Midwest or South.

Native Arizonans aren't that good either. Arizona is a heavy transplant state, so a lot of women in Arizona now didn't grow up in Arizona. Arizona has often tried to copycat California culture.

Smaller town Texas women who make it to Dallas can be better options in Dallas.
I should've noted to be wary of Californian women. They've been infesting not just Arizona but also Texas, Nevada and Idaho. Their influence is a negative factor but Arizona, like Texas, is full of attractive girl next door/small town women, who in Arizona's case often originated from the Upper Midwest. That being said entire west coast, imo serves as a general exception to the OP. Pacific Northwest women are often worse than Californians. Unfortunately, they tend to move to AZ as well.

As with the case in Florida, people who have burned bridges, are outcasted or aren't strongly rooted often move to the far-flung regions of the contiguous US.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I should've noted to be wary of Californian women. They've been infesting not just Arizona but also Texas, Nevada and Idaho. Their influence is a negative factor but Arizona, like Texas, is full of attractive girl next door/small town women, who in Arizona's case often originated from the Upper Midwest. That being said entire west coast, imo serves as a general exception to the OP. Pacific Northwest women are often worse than Californians. Unfortunately, they tend to move to AZ as well.
When I was in the Phoenix area and doing approaches at Old Town Scottsdale bars, my worst interactions tended to be with transplants to Arizona. There were also some bad interactions with some women who grew up in the Phoenix area. Women raised in Scottsdale tend to be bad in Scottsdale. A lot of natives in the Phoenix area who remain in the Phoenix area as adults have good social circles and don't need to go to Old Town bars.

The Californians in Arizona are bad.

Yes, there's been somewhat of a California infestation in Texas too. Californians infested Colorado too.

As with the case in Florida, people who have burned bridges, are outcasted or aren't strongly rooted often move to the far-flung regions of the contiguous US.
Florida, Arizona, and Texas tend to attract a lot of people from many parts of the country in the situations that you described. There are other far flung regions getting fewer transplants. Florida, Arizona, and Texas all have reasonably big cities for these transplants. The same can be said with Colorado and Denver.

I disagree, I refuse to date a vanilla type American woman. I’m not going to deal with the basic BS and Applebees obsession.
I've never met a woman obsessed with Applebees. Most White women would look down on an early stage date at Applebees. Applebees is more of a thing for married people and married people with children.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
I've never met a woman obsessed with Applebees. Most White women would look down on an early stage date at Applebees. Applebees is more of a thing for married people and married people with children.
it’s either Applebees or some millennial version of Applebees with a hour wait line out the door, 2 car parking lot , food with no seasoning, 95% of the beers on tap consisting of IPAs, demanding tips upfront, and etc.


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
Ice coast
My American women sample size is not big enough to strongly agree or disagree with what you are expressing.

However, I will point out that the examples that you’re giving about men going to get girls overseas… sounds like they are leading with their wallets… therefore, not surprising they would get -in average- lesser quality women. This fact alone might make your comparison a little skewed.

From your points, the one I like the most is that American women have probably seen the most conspicuous feminism. I agree. it is nice to see that there are women out there that still can go 50/50 or even submit to you.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Good cook Jesse.

As long as you're not trying to bang an Italian-American chick, I agree. But be warned - they are some of the most patriotic women out there. They will portray themselves as deriving culturally from Americana, but that is misrepresenting their culture. They will have empathy and be easy to talk to, but dating them is difficult. You have to suss them out as they won't out themselves usually.

Anglo-American women are the best in America. Western and Northern European (French, German, Scandinavian, Low Countries, etc are also great nationalities in the U.S. And of course, the mutts deriving from the aforementioned.
As much as I have found some Italian Americans I respected as individuals, I just feel like it is the one group of Euro immigrants that got worse with every passing generation. I look at guys like Martin Scorsese and older Italian dudes who were stand up guys, same with Italian women back in the day and the likes of Monica Bellucci. Then I see Italian Americans now and they are all emotionally fragile, overcompensating, rude, loud, cringey, and if we are talking about NY and NJ, downright trashy.

Italian American women are obsessed with clout and popularity and are every bit like the hot blonde sorority girl without the hot blonde sorority girl looks. You will find them trying to barge into anything that is flashy and popular and climb the social ladder there. It is all about image and trying to appear popular in that culture, all about appearances.

One exception to this rule are Italian chicks not from Chicago, the Tri-State area, or South Florida (Boca is full of em). One of the best girls I ever slept with was an Italian American girl from California, nothing like the loud annoying trashy stereotype.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
If a woman has smaller town upbringing, she's often a better person, even if she eventually makes it to a bigger city. At a certain age, most men will need to live in bigger cities in order to have mating options. If a woman has a good childhood with good parents in a smaller town or mid-sized metro, that's often a better choice than someone from a bigger city. It's best if she's from that smaller to mid-sized metro in the Midwest or South.

Native Arizonans aren't that good either. Arizona is a heavy transplant state, so a lot of women in Arizona now didn't grow up in Arizona. Arizona has often tried to copycat California culture.

Smaller town Texas women who make it to Dallas can be better options in Dallas.
I am not approaching Koko, lol dumb trash's face is engrained in my head as a no no, I will let the spammy PUA dorks fuel her ego.

You kind of have to be careful of the south. Some southern women are amazing but others can be downright seedy and sketchy. The south has a very criminal culture full of trashy Bubbas that are on the wrong side of the law. A lot of southern girls chase these men. You can kind of always tell which southern girls are seedy though, they seem to smile a bit too much and the smile is somewhat devious. Avoid them, they are usually trying to scam you.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
I should've noted to be wary of Californian women. They've been infesting not just Arizona but also Texas, Nevada and Idaho. Their influence is a negative factor but Arizona, like Texas, is full of attractive girl next door/small town women, who in Arizona's case often originated from the Upper Midwest. That being said entire west coast, imo serves as a general exception to the OP. Pacific Northwest women are often worse than Californians. Unfortunately, they tend to move to AZ as well.

As with the case in Florida, people who have burned bridges, are outcasted or aren't strongly rooted often move to the far-flung regions of the contiguous US.
California girls have been a hit or miss for me. So Cal has produced a lot of cool women I have gotten on well with. PNW girls are just ugly AF, that is their issue. If they are from San Fran then they are just so annoying. I will note that San Fran and PNW girls that are decent looking get humbled fast when they move to an area with hot girls in it. If they don't show their hand being outright crazy feminists, they are usually somewhat humble since they know they will be passed up.

The women I have found to be the most unbearable have been women from Jersey and anywhere in NY that is not Manhattan. Entitled, confrontational, b1tchy, and rude. Atlanta comes in a close second, white women from Atlanta are just trash in so many ways and downright Machiavellian. Outside of that, I found most American women alright.

Unfortunately, NY and NJ girls flood into Florida and most of the country. They bring their militant feminism with them.

The #MeToo movement? Started by an Italian American chick from Brooklyn, Alyssa Milano. Was never even that good of an actress.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
What is your opinion of Toronto, Canada?
WHEW buddy, hold on for this one haha. I am sure @Bokanovsky might even back me up on some of this.

God Awful is the best way to describe the women of Toronto. In fact, I will go as far as to say the worst women in all of North America. The women of Toronto are a virus and a parasite that unfortunately spread to all major cities in the US. In fact, most people from Toronto are. The desperation to be cool and the desperation to be seen as the popular kids just wears on you. Passive-aggressive, snarky, and downright disrespectful to everyone they encounter.

Toronto has by far the worst dating culture I can think of when it comes to any major North American city. In no other city have I seen such an anti-game culture. I sat at a bar where this dude approached a girl and chatted with her, it went well too and she gave him her number. A group of people were looking on at this bar, mostly older people as it was a daytime spot. Then out of nowhere when the guy leaves, people jump in telling the girl "you gonna do that with a stranger?". The girl was from Tennessee and everyone was trying to warn her of how men in Toronto can be and how she should be careful when talking to strangers.

The girl then leaves and the whole time, these people are all gossiping about the pair. Some of them were old but some were also women that looked to be in their 20s and 30s.

I have never met such a bitter group of people from any city in my life. The women themselves are just god awful. Downright entitled, as fake as they come, and I can tell they have an inferiority complex towards women from more important cities.

Toronto women are what I like to call Strong 7s when they are hot. They are never really on the same level as an LA or Miami girl but they are solidly above average because they put the work in. However, I can tell that they know this too hence why they act so god awful.

Hands down, without question, the worst women in all of North America and even the entire Anglosphere.

Canadian women are the worst women in the Anglosphere in terms of behavior.

Canadians are also some of the fakest, two-faced, clout chasing, back stabbing, and power hungry psychos on the planet.

This does not count you and obviously I have met Canadians I loved as individuals but my god, they are a freaking cancer as a whole. I hate that they flood up Miami, please go back, we don't want you here.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
If there is one theme that came across time and time again in Red Pill and Manosphere spaces, it was that American women suck and foreign women are supposedly all angels. The worship towards Latinas, Asian girls, and Eastern European girls was through the roof years back. However, as a Patriotic American on July 4th who has lived in two world class US cities, I have to confess, American women ain't that bad.

Before we can judge how good or bad a nationality or culture of women are, let's at least see them on an even playing field.

Yeah, the typical Eastern Euro girl who needs access to a better life out west will be sweet and feminine to you when she knows she can get that out of you. However, for anyone who thinks Eastern Euro or Russian girls are these pure feminine souls, I challenge you to spend a year in Miami. Date with a Russian girl? HA! More like buy her an expensive handbag and pay for her personal bills even though it is a first date. @SW15 also brings up Koko Beaute who is this god awful Croatian hag living in NYC thinking that the world owes her everything.

I even think Latinas get way too much hype. Look at what is happening to all of those poor men traveling to Colombia, drugged by their freaking dates. TBH, I kind of find Latinas to be quite sketchy and looking to pull a fast one often. A lot of them seem to glamorize the criminal culture rather than shaming it.

If you think that any of these women from "feminine" countries are truly "feminine" and "caring", I have a challenge for you. Move that woman to a Miami or an NYC, see how long she remains "feminine".

So why are all of these Manosphere guys going on about how great foreign women are?

It's simple. Guy grows up in the US and isn't very popular with people or women. Said guy goes to a third world dump or a struggling country where women greet him and massage his ego. Now said guy thinks that all American women suck and foreign women are amazing.

Okay fine, I will concede that some areas of the US produce god awful women.

New Jersey, The Tri-State area (NYC in general), California, the Pacific Northwest and large cities in the south (Atlanta in particular) have women that leave a lot to be desired. However, I do think that we sleep on how much actual quality can exist in the US amongst American women that aren't from those places. In fact, I have met cool American women even from the areas where a large portion of American women suck (except for Jersey, they all suck).

American women have seen the worst of feminism and some do think it is BS, it's getting worse outside the Anglo world.

There are American women who are raging feminists but at the same time, there are also plenty of younger American women who think feminism is BS. There are younger American women, typically more right leaning, that see feminists as a bunch of jokes. On the other hand, the "you go girl" and "all men are pigs" nonsense is getting really bad outside of the Anglosphere. I have friends who are South American that tell me the extent to which feminism has penetrated Latin culture and mixed with the already entitled nature that Catholicism gives women, something me and @BillyPilgrim talk about time and time again.

Ever tried going Dutch with a Latina? I have been on dates with quite a few, they almost never go Dutch unless they happened to be raised in the western world. In fact, Latinas expect you to foot the entire bill and are gung ho on the "strong woman" and men should suffer culture these days.

American women are more than willing to pick up their end of the couch.

I have noticed that even American women who seem to be more pro-women rights are more than willing to do their part. These women will pay for themselves on a date and they will pick up their end of the couch. A lot of them I am noticing do try to keep themselves in shape as well after marriage although this is more common in larger cities. In the recent decade, there is a heavy movement towards being healthy and women themselves are really getting into it.

The prettiest women in media come from America.

Megan Fox, Heather Graham, Heather Locklear, and you name it. The world over, the famous and beautiful women that men are worshiping are usually all American. Sure, America has given the world a lot of annoying fat hags but when American women are good, they are truly state of the art. When American women are hot, very few women can compete with them in terms of appearance. An attractive American girl puts attractive women of most other nationalities to shame.

Most of all, a lot of American women have empathy and human emotions, you can even talk to them.

Russian woman? Could care less if someone near her dies.

Latina in some South American country? How much money are you putting in my pocket!

American women seem to have empathy and human emotions. They actually care if someone near them dies. They actually care if someone is being treated like crap. I have seen this time and time again where American women will see a nasty situation and want to intervene on behalf of someone being targeted. It is like they have this genuine built in empathy. Granted, this is less common with big city American girls but in the ones from smaller towns, it is actually very common.

You can also talk to American women as equals. Like you can talk to them about life and other things in a way you can't with foreign women.

Anyways, let me have it but I knew this made sense on July 4th.

the only problem with American women is that it became quite common for women to bulk up just like men do

like weightlifting for women kinda became a thing, and they do not have a feminine body anymore. They just want to be big, just like dudes


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
One exception to this rule are Italian chicks not from Chicago, the Tri-State area, or South Florida (Boca is full of em). One of the best girls I ever slept with was an Italian American girl from California, nothing like the loud annoying trashy stereotype.
The only loud trashy annoying people in California are the Armenians in Glendale.
California girls have been a hit or miss for me. So Cal has produced a lot of cool women I have gotten on well with.
While overall they don't have the best attitudes socal girls are mostly a chill bunch compared to other girls

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
Reaction score
I try not to generalize, it simply depends on the individual, plus a lot of other factors and variables.

When people criticize US women they are usually thinking of the abrasive, white Karen Jr. with the scratchy back-of-throat voice and sense of entitlement. Bit of a stereotype and there's definitely a lot more to American women than that.

Never had a problem with Russian, Latina, or Italian women either though. Really most women are pretty compliant and submissive and if they're not, I dismiss and just forget about them. I don't attribute it to their culture as I don't want to condemn her fellow countrywomen just because she's a bytch. That would be just carrying her nastiness with me and I'm not into those vibes.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
One exception to this rule are Italian chicks not from Chicago, the Tri-State area, or South Florida (Boca is full of em).
Italian-American culture is not a major thing outside of Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and the Tri-State area (Metro New York City). Outside of the areas mentioned, there are not major populations of Italian-Americans and their culture does not influence the areas.

One thing I've noticed in Dallas is that the typical White woman has mixed European ancestry. That's a fairly generic White woman with Germanic, French, or English type ancestry. It's common for White women in Dallas to be interested in cookie cutter, generic type White guys. They seem to be seeking the generic White guys with a top tier status. Top tier looks will always do well. Since Dallas is more pretentious than average, money/status factors do play well here.

Loud, Italian-American guys with big muscles (think the Guido stereotype) are uncommon. The typical Dallas woman doesn't seem to seek this, though some might get turned on by the big muscles. Dallas women are more into seeking the combination of height and big muscles and Italian-American guys aren't often 6'0"+.

God Awful is the best way to describe the women of Toronto. In fact, I will go as far as to say the worst women in all of North America. The women of Toronto are a virus and a parasite that unfortunately spread to all major cities in the US. In fact, most people from Toronto are. The desperation to be cool and the desperation to be seen as the popular kids just wears on you. Passive-aggressive, snarky, and downright disrespectful to everyone they encounter.

Toronto has by far the worst dating culture I can think of when it comes to any major North American city. In no other city have I seen such an anti-game culture.
I agree with what you said about Toronto. I think Toronto is the worst mating environment in North America. The women's attitudes are terrible and there is a big time anti-game culture.

In the US, the closest environments to Toronto would be in San Francisco, Seattle, Portland (OR), and Washington DC. Those cities are filled with careerist/feminist women and more soy-ish men.

In San Francisco, the dating pool is often a lot of White, ambitious career women and aspie tech males (White, East Asian, or South Asian). It's difficult to get matches from those populations.

One of the biggest problems overall in US dating culture is the surplus of single men in most cities.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
The only loud trashy annoying people in California are the Armenians in Glendale.

While overall they don't have the best attitudes socal girls are mostly a chill bunch compared to other girls
Give me an Armenian in Glendale over a guidette/guido from NJ or Long Island anyday, that's for sure lol


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
But yeah the non American girl thing is a cope tactic by guys that struggle with women imho. I also don’t buy the hype in Eastern European women either. How is a woman that is portrayed the most in sex trafficking and porn, supposed to be this feminine subservient girl? Plus, most of the women help topics on this forum revolve around some crazy Eastern European girl.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2023
Reaction score
OP, How much time have you spent outside of the US?, How many foreign nations have you been to?, and how much interacting with their women?