6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me


Sep 10, 2014
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It really doesn’t matter because there is still any form of investment from her side, she will get curious and reach out to him and when he is doing what I adviced, right there is where she will be turned on.
Woman are pretty dumb no matter how high their IQs are, they all do the same mistake, all of them are easily manipulated because they all follow and prioritize their "emotions."
No bro...a woman has to actually have some level of sexual interest for that to happen. In OPs case she simply won't care.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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You don't what you're saying, humans take advantage of other humans if there are no boundaries in place. Its human nature.

Bro nobody wants everything for free, people have to earn it, specially women. She was conflicted cause you treated her super well, but she didn't earn it, she knew that was how she wanted to be treated but in her mind something was out of place, way too much way too soon. That shows trying to hard for her to like you, to fall for you, that shows lack of experience, of options, it shows you think she's more than you and woman wanna be with a giant, not somebody who thinks she's more than you

If you give everything to every woman all the time, you'll be thinking all women are bad for taking advantage of you and you'll never gonna learn.
There are unspoken boundaries in place. I agree humans have the ability to take advantage of others, some choose not to while others choose to take advantage because they don’t value the relationship or friendship enough. Those are toxic ass people you need to weed out your life. I can ask random strangers for $1 and I bet I’ll get $10 by the end of the day but I don’t do it. I can ask my friends to loan me some tools and they will, but they expect me to return them in the same shape as I borrowed them. No we didn’t sit down and hash out boundaries when we first met 30 years ago, it’s just what you do as a normal person. Those that take advantage are usually on the spectrum and don’t understand or value relationships because they have the thinking of a child.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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The girls I banged on the 1st date left after a week or so for a new ride.
After you hit, what you/they do after that is irrelevant.

The girls it took 2-4 dates to bang have continued to see me for many months.
I guess so. The more you feed a dog, the more it tends to hang around your house.

Which one is better?
Which one leads to more sex (and more consistent sex too)
Well, first of all, that is your experience.

If you were that dude in the eyes of those women, then those first daters would have stayed; and it wouldn't have taken 2-4 dates to bag those others.

with less effort? It seems pretty obvious to me.
How does 2-4 dates require less effort than one?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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And it's hilarious when you complain there are no quality women
When did I say that?

If I approach a woman, she is of quality to me.

but yet dump any that don't fvck on the first date.
I am at levels now to whereas I need to get physical with a woman BEFORE even a first date.

I'm not investing money in a woman if she don't invest her body to me first.

I am an apex MODE ONE predator.

Well past alpha sh!t.

And if you are that dude, then going on a date isn't even a REQUIREMENT to smash a chick in the first place.

But that is high level mentality, heights that most of you guys will never get to because of low level thinking and confidence.

Not all women are skanks...I know it's hard to believe based on the type of women you normally go after tho.
Nonsense. The idea is to be the exception to her "I don't fuk on the first date" rule...and if she breaks her rule for you, that says less about her, and more about you.

There are no hard and fast rules. Only people applying them without context that fvck themselves over running around yelling about mode one and being alpha.
Guys that lack the balls to go mode one are critical mode one.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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@Don732 cannot salvage the current situation and needs to walk away.

Best thing @Don732 can do is lift weights, get big muscles, and become the 'top tier' guy women want to drop their panties for quickly.
What if he is short? :mad:


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I would argue that you did not have "it." And because you did not have "it", she never fell into your frame. I hear all this "almost naked" and other moments and I bet you were too forceful during those instead of smoothly making her remove her clothes. Women like a man who wants sex, contrary to belief. If she was being standoffish I would have pushed her gently down onto the couch/ bed by the wrist, made out with her, and started unclothing her. It is just something you get from experience and feeling the vibe. But I doubt you can even pull that off. You have to first be the guy she wanted you to be before you could go to second and third base. You lost this fish. Move on and stop sticking with a woman for six months like that.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Enough posts have already been made on this topic that I don't really have much else to say to the OP, but I have some other comments...

I remember posting a story of mine on RooshV way back in 2017 about a FWB I had for 6 months who I broke up with due to her not recriprocating affection. They revealed how she was manipulating me and it made me get back to the red pill, and this was over considerably more subtle and less obvious behavior than the OP described. But to date a girl for 6 months with no sex? How can this be anything short of insidious levels of manipulation?

This makes me wonder just how many "couples" you see in public are like this. How common is it for women to only "date" men that they can completely control like the OP? I think most the replies in this topic are understating how manipulative this girl was to spare OPs feelings. I would not at all be surprised if she was fvcking some other dude most of the time. If not, she was at the very least talking to other men and probably going on dates or kissing or whatever else.

Either way this sickens me and I think this might be the tip of the iceberg. If a women can manipulate a man for 6 months without sex what else did she do to this poor man and his self esteem? I can only imagine the gaslighting and other nonsense she put him through.

Maybe I'm making this to be bigger than it is but I simply don't think that the idea of a reserved and prudish girl who "only has sex during serious relationships" really exists anymore.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2021
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Maybe I'm making this to be bigger than it is but I simply don't think that the idea of a reserved and prudish girl who "only has sex during serious relationships" really exists anymore.
They don't. I've banged three college virgins. I know because I broke their hymens. Did it take me one month, two months, half a year, a year to finally bang them?


It took me 3-8 hours for each.

"Chivalry is dead ....... and women killed it." — Dave Chappelle

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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When did I say that?
If I approach a woman, she is of quality to me.I am at levels now to whereas I need to get physical with a woman BEFORE even a first date.
I'm not investing money in a woman if she don't invest her body to me first.
I am an apex MODE ONE predator.
Well past alpha sh!t.
And if you are that dude, then going on a date isn't even a REQUIREMENT to smash a chick in the first place.
But that is high level mentality, heights that most of you guys will never get to because of low level thinking and confidence.Nonsense. The idea is to be the exception to her "I don't fuk on the first date" rule...and if she breaks her rule for you, that says less about her, and more about you.
Guys that lack the balls to go mode one are critical mode one.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2016
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update: She messaged me saying "don't beat yourself up, it's life **** happens, just didn't work out" and also she told me that in the begining when i was taking her to the nice restaraunts, giving her gifts freaked her out. She said "you don't even know me but were showering me with all those nice things for no reason". She said you did it so well, that i had a thought it might worked out , thus gave you a chance , but it just didn't happen during such long time.

That's rough to hear, but i mean i was raised that way that i should take a good care of woman i'm dating. Thus, it's pretty much normal to me. In the end damn it, seems like deep down i don't know even how to treat woman in a right way to get them into romantic relationships.
Totally agree with @BlackInGame, that it was all my fault and low competience on what to do with women.

Assuming you aren't some young underage kid , you need to understand:
  • you don't "earn" sex with gifts, and expensive dates. You earn it through making her FEEL turned on by being around you.
  • She wants to feel "valued", not worshipped. She wants you to be worth valuing too For your masculinity, actions, and to a point your value to other people around you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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If he's shorter than average, big muscles won't help too much. Big muscles help for average height guys and taller guys too.
I guess then it's even OVER for FeatherWeightClassOlympicWeightliftingChampionCels
... or maybe not ...
Following his death, a Japanese woman had claimed that her daughter, Sekai Mori, had been fathered by him, and filed a paternity case at a Turkish court.[24] A DNA test confirmed the paternity claim.[26] Süleymanoğlu also had three daughters by a Turkish woman.[27]