If she's with you then she's risking her life to be with you, a total stranger, and if that doesn't feel dominating, then I don't know what does. That shows a very high degree of trust, even if you are saying you are "paying her". Money is just a form of communication. The Supreme Court of the USA has maintained that corporations have a right to free speech by bribing politicians to meet their agenda. When I'm paid a prositute (ie ancient history, I'm talking about that one time in 2014), I was communicating with her in the same manner that corporations communicate with politicians to suit their agenda. The act of intimacy was a consummation of that exchange of value, unspoken communcation and trust and sacred bond between the exchange of money and expectations of her.
Then I realized I made a mistake as that logic is completely wrong. This may have been why I experience severe anxiety/panic attacks after the fact if I really thought that way. If you feel you have too much power in a specific dynamic, then you could end up with pyschosomatic symptoms to compensate for the imbalance. There was a perception of having too much power over a woman in contrast to what is in my normal frame of reference of reality and the differential is too extreme.
Yet, you don't think so, which is why you probably won't be affected like that.