‘Game’ is killing your chances with 8s,9s and 10s


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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When it comes to the hottest girls, ‘game’ and being too direct will ruin all attraction.
I have experimented for over 10 years.
The hotter women are approached all the time. Even if not directly, men are always subconsciously displaying sexual intent in their behaviour around them.
these girls are more impressed by a man who can be engaging and interesting, but also make her chase and invest into him a bit. The longer, slower game works better. She needs to feel it is HER idea to date you, not yours.

mystery said it best - you can’t game 9s and 10s

Also many of these women are used to dating the top guys - athletes, famous guys etc so you want to replicate that dynamic. Her obsessing over you and you engaging with her back, but not making any sudden moves or proving yourself


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
When it comes to the hottest girls, ‘game’ and being too direct will ruin all attraction.
I have experimented for over 10 years.
The hotter women are approached all the time. Even if not directly, men are always subconsciously displaying sexual intent in their behaviour around them.
these girls are more impressed by a man who can be engaging and interesting, but also make her chase and invest into him a bit. The longer, slower game works better. She needs to feel it is HER idea to date you, not yours.

mystery said it best - you can’t game 9s and 10s

Also many of these women are used to dating the top guys - athletes, famous guys etc so you want to replicate that dynamic. Her obsessing over you and you engaging with her back, but not making any sudden moves or proving yourself
9s and 10s are actually approached quite a bit less than 5-8s. Very few men have the combination of courage and skills to approach a 9 or 10. 5-8s get approached more frequently simply because it is far less intimidating.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Advice from the old lady:

Yes it is true that beautiful women get IOIs (indicators of interest) All. The. Time. It's why a good looking woman is less likely to get a traffic ticket, and why good looking women get free meals, drinks, etc. offered to them regularly. Random men notice a beautiful woman everywhere she goes. It becomes her landscape she exists in, whether she likes it or not.

And that skews her perspective.

You see a beautiful woman becomes accustomed to being pampered to some degree or another because she looks like she does. It is how she handles this privilege/burden that matters (a)nd make NO mistake it is both a privilege and a burden. Much like fame is).

I recall having a conversation about this with my playboy friend a couple of years ago. We had gone to a city popular for nightlife for the weekend. There were lines a block long at the popular nightclubs. We didn't wait in a single line. If we wanted to go in, we'd go to the front, chat up the door guys (and yes my moxy from the club business didn't hurt) and they would open the ropes and invite us in, no cover, nothing. My friend was rather amazed about this. I shrugged and was like "yeah." He's like you don't get it. Typical people cannot just skip the line everywhere they go. And (this is totally snobby) I'm like "I know".

He's like NO. You don't know. You are a beautiful woman everywhere you go, people go out of their way for you all the time. He's like "I" don't get that kind of treatment - unless I'm with you, then it's different. You have NO idea.

But think about it. How would I have an idea? Actually I know very well because I was kind of an ugly duckling growing up and I got passed over plenty in my teens. So I actually do understand because I remember those days. I remember how that FELT. It was icky.

For that reason I have a gratefulness about the privilege that my looks have afforded me, and I also know that keeping fit is required, and the effort that requires, and I am aware that my beauty is going to fade as time proceeds. Those things are inevitable.

Many women become bitchy and entitled because of the way they look. They EXPECT things. And to some degree that is healthy and how one should put out into the universe what one wants in life. But it is the fits they throw if they do NOT get what they want that tells the story. Those are the women who are most at risk to becoming bitter as they age, and bitterness is unattractive in anyone.

How does this manifest in game? Next post.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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When your landscape is like the Billy Squier song "Everybody Wants You" people necessarily become invisible. Otherwise the landscape around you is too much stimulus all the time. You must screen most of it out. You only have the time and energy for few, not for the many who notice you.

So you create your own bubble and you exist in that bubble, similar to what famous people do. If someone intrudes on that bubble uninvited you recoil. And if someone is going to get access to you? They need to demonstrate that they are cool, that they are worthy of admission to the bubble.

They need to show that they can see and relate to a beautiful woman first as a human being; as a person.

Beautiful women are constantly objectified. You treat them like a normal person? That is refreshing. I roll my eyes when dudes start peacocking. Jesus. Enough already.

So to stand out? Act normal please. Not like all these other dudes jumping up and down going "Pick Me!!!"

When you try to impress someone you are coming from a place of "less than" otherwise why would you need to impress them?

So if you want to get a 9-10 you need admission to her bubble by actually being a man who is just fine treating her like a normal person. Yes she's gorgeous, so what? She's s person first.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Physically 7,8 and even 9's are quite common

A woman doesn't really need to do THAT much to get herself into this bracket

Be slim , have moderate curves , do makeup & hair well and dress provocatively ( show a little flesh )

Most men will be more than happy to put the above female archetype somewhere on the scale between 7-9

Conversely for a man to get into the same range he needs to be 6ft minimum , have captivating charisma / confidence , good looks , a head of hair ,good job, a nice car , some degree of muscle , local status and he needs to dress well

The bar is set A LOT higher for us

Most men cannot easily ascertain the above archetype so "game" was concocted by pickup artists too basically try and use emotional triggers and physchological manipulation to try and even out the playing field

For a while it worked .....really pretty women couldn't understand why men were doing things like "Negging" or acting aloof or running amused mastery they weren't used to it

Heck in the early 2010's i was cleaning up every single week

Then hyper connectivity came along and women started doing what they do best ......talking

Now virtually all of the old school routines have been exposed and as a result now come off as "cringe"

Now i am finding women don't want routines but they don't want flatline or generic conversation either because their attention spans are so poor

So have to go off down the comedic, spiritual or emotional routes which with a stranger in 2023 is VERY difficult

I am finding pickup is becoming much like copywriting you really have to find unique ways to capture the audiences attention and you have a very very short window to do it in


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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The older I get the less likely I am to see any women as higher than an 8. Even looking backk at all my encounters with women, the ones I viewed as 9/10 were also 8's at best.

On the other hand some women viewed me as a 9, some as a 6. Its all subjective.
9s and 10s are monetized and live completely different lives than other people. Chances are is that hot girl you gamed was a 6-8 with makeup on.
I agree. Funny thing is that a pronstar like Mia Khalifa is/was? the most popular by a few miles,while she is a 5/7 at best. Shows that most men prefer a girl next door type rather than a socalled bombshell hb10.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
Reaction score
Physically 7,8 and even 9's are quite common

A woman doesn't really need to do THAT much to get herself into this bracket

Be slim , have moderate curves , do makeup & hair well and dress provocatively ( show a little flesh )

Most men will be more than happy to put the above female archetype somewhere on the scale between 7-9

Conversely for a man to get into the same range he needs to be 6ft minimum , have captivating charisma / confidence , good looks , a head of hair ,good job, a nice car , some degree of muscle , local status and he needs to dress well

The bar is set A LOT higher for us

Most men cannot easily ascertain the above archetype so "game" was concocted by pickup artists too basically try and use emotional triggers and physchological manipulation to try and even out the playing field

For a while it worked .....really pretty women couldn't understand why men were doing things like "Negging" or acting aloof or running amused mastery they weren't used to it

Heck in the early 2010's i was cleaning up every single week

Then hyper connectivity came along and women started doing what they do best ......talking

Now virtually all of the old school routines have been exposed and as a result now come off as "cringe"

Now i am finding women don't want routines but they don't want flatline or generic conversation either because their attention spans are so poor

So have to go off down the comedic, spiritual or emotional routes which with a stranger in 2023 is VERY difficult

I am finding pickup is becoming much like copywriting you really have to find unique ways to capture the audiences attention and you have a very very short window to do it in
Good post. And society wonders why there are more single men and women wonder why they can't find a decent guy.


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
Reaction score
Physically 7,8 and even 9's are quite common

A woman doesn't really need to do THAT much to get herself into this bracket

Be slim , have moderate curves , do makeup & hair well and dress provocatively ( show a little flesh )

Most men will be more than happy to put the above female archetype somewhere on the scale between 7-9

Conversely for a man to get into the same range he needs to be 6ft minimum , have captivating charisma / confidence , good looks , a head of hair ,good job, a nice car , some degree of muscle , local status and he needs to dress well

The bar is set A LOT higher for us

Most men cannot easily ascertain the above archetype so "game" was concocted by pickup artists too basically try and use emotional triggers and physchological manipulation to try and even out the playing field

For a while it worked .....really pretty women couldn't understand why men were doing things like "Negging" or acting aloof or running amused mastery they weren't used to it

Heck in the early 2010's i was cleaning up every single week

Then hyper connectivity came along and women started doing what they do best ......talking

Now virtually all of the old school routines have been exposed and as a result now come off as "cringe"

Now i am finding women don't want routines but they don't want flatline or generic conversation either because their attention spans are so poor

So have to go off down the comedic, spiritual or emotional routes which with a stranger in 2023 is VERY difficult

I am finding pickup is becoming much like copywriting you really have to find unique ways to capture the audiences attention and you have a very very short window to do it in
I agree but I also think the success of pick-up artists was largely exaggerated.
Yes, pick up artists did well ‘infield’ at getting women to laugh and hand out numbers. Did those women follow up by sleeping with the men after giving out their number - unlikely.

Did the really attractive and tall pickup artists do well (eg mystery) - possibly - but he would have probably done better with a good job and without the routines.
Did the really rich and famous pickup artists like Tyler and Neil do well? Probably - but being famous/clout and having a big mansion in LA is probably the reason why. Remember, these guys were in bookstores and making TV appearances.

But for the pick-up artists that weren’t famous and weren’t good looking - like Tom torrero - were they getting laid with 7s and above weekly? Or the guys paying for bootcamps? Most likely not - which is why Tom torrero was exposed for hiring actresses back in the 2000s.

As you have mentioned, the bar to be an attractive man is very high. If you manage to do well for yourself relative to other men in the looks, status and money department, the best thing you can do is just ‘be chill’. The worst thing you can do is attempt any form of manipulation. The girl already wants you, just be chill, fun and not too eager

I don’t think there ever was a time when average looking, average status/income men were sleeping with very attractive women with ease and regularly. If that was the case, marriage rates would have plummeted and ‘game’ would have been way more mainstream. Most pick up artists ran boot camps in Eastern Europe because they were relying on passport and status to get women.

Most men throughout history have settled down in their 20s with the first or second attractive girlfriend they managed to secure.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
Reaction score
mystery said it best - you can’t game 9s and 10s

Also many of these women are used to dating the top guys - athletes, famous guys etc so you want to replicate that dynamic. Her obsessing over you and you engaging with her back, but not making any sudden moves or proving yourself
Sure you can.

Just like all women like height and hair, all women respond to the same thing. Its a natural thing, chemistry, instinct. They will respond to if the man has it.

Professional athletes and actors have the body stature, money and are already well known, so yes, the woman they date are going to be hot. Now you take the same woman, put in her in a lineup at a coffee shop, and have a decent dressed men who looks like he takes care of himself, has all his hair and is at least taller than her, he should be able to pull her in the same the 6’4 ripped athlete can, if not better.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
I agree but I also think the success of pick-up artists was largely exaggerated.
Yes, pick up artists did well ‘infield’ at getting women to laugh and hand out numbers. Did those women follow up by sleeping with the men after giving out their number - unlikely.

Did the really attractive and tall pickup artists do well (eg mystery) - possibly - but he would have probably done better with a good job and without the routines.
Did the really rich and famous pickup artists like Tyler and Neil do well? Probably - but being famous/clout and having a big mansion in LA is probably the reason why. Remember, these guys were in bookstores and making TV appearances.

But for the pick-up artists that weren’t famous and weren’t good looking - like Tom torrero - were they getting laid with 7s and above weekly? Or the guys paying for bootcamps? Most likely not - which is why Tom torrero was exposed for hiring actresses back in the 2000s.

As you have mentioned, the bar to be an attractive man is very high. If you manage to do well for yourself relative to other men in the looks, status and money department, the best thing you can do is just ‘be chill’. The worst thing you can do is attempt any form of manipulation. The girl already wants you, just be chill, fun and not too eager

I don’t think there ever was a time when average looking, average status/income men were sleeping with very attractive women with ease and regularly. If that was the case, marriage rates would have plummeted and ‘game’ would have been way more mainstream. Most pick up artists ran boot camps in Eastern Europe because they were relying on passport and status to get women.

Most men throughout history have settled down in their 20s with the first or second attractive girlfriend they managed to secure.

10 years ago when i was in my 20's it was easier

granted my social circles did a lot of the heavy lifting for me but girls tended to cut guys a lot more slack in the initial stages anyway

Heck i've got text threads from like 10 years ago saved on my laptop some of the stuff i was saying was absolutely ridiculously cringe

But chicks were still responding and i was still getting laid regularly

Now IDK i feel one misconstrued sentence can literally get you ghosted so getting them onto a date is like minor heart surgery

Women are a lot more ruthless now when it comes to preselection because they've realised its a sellers market , so i would argue "game" is more important than ever

its just the modern game is more about knowing what to say and when to say it.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I'd say the fundamentals of Game apply to women at all looks levels. There are some tactical applications that might change.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I'd say the fundamentals of Game apply to women at all looks levels. There are some tactical applications that might change.
One caveat is i would typically tone down the ****iness if the women was lower than an 8


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
C o c k i n e s s gets censored apparently


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
Reaction score
10 years ago when i was in my 20's it was easier

granted my social circles did a lot of the heavy lifting for me but girls tended to cut guys a lot more slack in the initial stages anyway

Heck i've got text threads from like 10 years ago saved on my laptop some of the stuff i was saying was absolutely ridiculously cringe

But chicks were still responding and i was still getting laid regularly

Now IDK i feel one misconstrued sentence can literally get you ghosted so getting them onto a date is like minor heart surgery

Women are a lot more ruthless now when it comes to preselection because they've realised its a sellers market , so i would argue "game" is more important than ever

its just the modern game is more about knowing what to say and when to say it.
Eh it could be a million reasons why you found it easier in your 20s.


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
Reaction score
Sure you can.

Just like all women like height and hair, all women respond to the same thing. Its a natural thing, chemistry, instinct. They will respond to if the man has it.

Professional athletes and actors have the body stature, money and are already well known, so yes, the woman they date are going to be hot. Now you take the same woman, put in her in a lineup at a coffee shop, and have a decent dressed men who looks like he takes care of himself, has all his hair and is at least taller than her, he should be able to pull her in the same the 6’4 ripped athlete can, if not better.
Coffee shop guy can get some interest, but he needs the real life status for it to lead anywhere beyond the initial conversation. Once she adds him on instagram, the real investigation begins.


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
Reaction score
I'd say the fundamentals of Game apply to women at all looks levels. There are some tactical applications that might change.
Game is overrated. I’m telling you. In 2023, the guys getting the most girls have never read a PUA manual in their life. It’s status, looks and vibe. If she’s attracted to you, the worst thing you can do is look like you are ‘trying’ to do things to make her attracted.
A lot of the times it’s the girls you least expect that end up being the ones that want you.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Game is overrated. I’m telling you. In 2023, the guys getting the most girls have never read a PUA manual in their life. It’s status, looks and vibe. If she’s attracted to you, the worst thing you can do is look like you are ‘trying’ to do things to make her attracted.
A lot of the times it’s the girls you least expect that end up being the ones that want you.
The 2 men I know with the highest notch counts have never read a PUA manual.

One is 6'4" and that carried him for a while. The downside is that he eventually got into an LTR and later marriage and slid into a typical beta frame.

The other does not have an easy explanation.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
He's like NO. You don't know. You are a beautiful woman everywhere you go, people go out of their way for you all the time. He's like "I" don't get that kind of treatment - unless I'm with you, then it's different. You have NO idea.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
In my experience really hot women who look like they're about to go clubbing or on stage are too full of themselves to give you the time of day. But who needs that kind of attitude?

Really hot women that are just going shopping in a designer crop top tend to be very nice, but not open to being dated. You can befriend them or follow them on Instagram.

The best bet is women that are average but dressed to the nines. A 6/10 wearing an expensive dress and a full face of makeup will often love it if you act like she's an 8 or a 9.

The other best bet is obviously attractive women that are clearly not trying to dress up. Presumably they're not looking for attention but it is particularly appealing to them for you to notice they're pretty even while they're wearing sweatpants and no makeup.

Disclaimer: your results may vary. My results are reflective of my own SMV + Game