Is it worth dating a very attractive woman?

May 24, 2012
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This is not my current situation right now, but it just got me wondering. I live in an area where the dating scene is not great. There are attractive women around, but not too many stunners that are more commonplace in the cities or in the surrounding areas.

If you are an attractive guy, but not striking (let's say a 6 to 7.5), is it worth dating a very hot chick?

I mean, everywhere you go you will have guys gawking at her, hitting on her (sometimes right in front of you) and guys hating on you for no reason other than the fact they want your woman! If you are not as attractive as her, it will be even more troubling.

Part of me thinks, dating an attractive (but not too attractive) woman is the way to go. Cute, girl next door looks over strikingly hot.



Dec 30, 2022
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I'll tell ya right now.. More people respect you for having a baddie than anything else...

had to edit this post because it really sounded like I was tooting my own horn here.. but short answer yes its worth it.
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Dean Gladwyn

Don Juan
Jun 19, 2022
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United Kingdom
This is not my current situation right now, but it just got me wondering. I live in an area where the dating scene is not great. There are attractive women around, but not too many stunners that are more commonplace in the cities or in the surrounding areas.

If you are an attractive guy, but not striking (let's say a 6 to 7.5), is it worth dating a very hot chick?

I mean, everywhere you go you will have guys gawking at her, hitting on her (sometimes right in front of you) and guys hating on you for no reason other than the fact they want your woman! If you are not as attractive as her, it will be even more troubling.

Part of me thinks, dating an attractive (but not too attractive) woman is the way to go. Cute, girl next door looks over strikingly hot.

Absolutely if that's what you want from your dating life. Guys gawk and hit on women even if they are not extremely attractive anyway.

The level of attraction and chemistry that you have with her should be the determining factor. Anything else outside of that you don't control.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
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This is not my current situation right now, but it just got me wondering. I live in an area where the dating scene is not great. There are attractive women around, but not too many stunners that are more commonplace in the cities or in the surrounding areas.

If you are an attractive guy, but not striking (let's say a 6 to 7.5), is it worth dating a very hot chick?

I mean, everywhere you go you will have guys gawking at her, hitting on her (sometimes right in front of you) and guys hating on you for no reason other than the fact they want your woman! If you are not as attractive as her, it will be even more troubling.

Part of me thinks, dating an attractive (but not too attractive) woman is the way to go. Cute, girl next door looks over strikingly hot.

It is


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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It is worth it. If you are a guy who is a 6-7.5, the difficult part will be initially attracting a woman who is 8+.
May 24, 2012
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Absolutely if that's what you want from your dating life. Guys gawk and hit on women even if they are not extremely attractive anyway.

The level of attraction and chemistry that you have with her should be the determining factor. Anything else outside of that you don't control.
Good point about guys gawking and hitting on any woman who is remotely attractive.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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It is never worth dating becaus dating is not natural.

Dating imo is just doing stupid **** like going out to places like restaurants and activities that are not romantic. Dating is a big reason why modern relationships are doing so badly. A relationship no matter how good will become dull if couples are 'going out'.

For the ideal romantic situation the dating concept needs to be replaced something more like chilling. Spending time around your girl in a social group just chilling is better than dating.

Dating gives the impression the guy is expected to take the woman to cool places and give her cool experiences but in reality what is dating it is just going to flashy restaurants, events, attractions etc it is like trying to entertain someone just by spending money and 'buying' experiences rather than being the experience yourself.

This is the reason I have been single so long, icba 'dating'.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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It is never worth dating becaus dating is not natural.

Dating imo is just doing stupid **** like going out to places like restaurants and activities that are not romantic. Dating is a big reason why modern relationships are doing so badly. A relationship no matter how good will become dull if couples are 'going out'.

For the ideal romantic situation the dating concept needs to be replaced something more like chilling. Spending time around your girl in a social group just chilling is better than dating.

Dating gives the impression the guy is expected to take the woman to cool places and give her cool experiences but in reality what is dating it is just going to flashy restaurants, events, attractions etc it is like trying to entertain someone just by spending money and 'buying' experiences rather than being the experience yourself.

This is the reason I have been single so long, icba 'dating'.

Think you are just referencing the mainstream style of dating which quite frankly doesn't work

Guys all over the world dream of picking up their "beautiful" date in a sports car and whisking her off to a michelin star candle lit dinner followed by her taking her knickers off on the way home and dangling them in his face before a night of passionate secks

This works great in the movies and tv shows but lets face it in reality its never gonna go that way

You will be an average guy wanting to get to know an average girl

I don't care how "good looking" she is there are good looking women everywhere millions of them all with fake t1ts , makeup , BBL's and plastic surgery


if you give an average woman too much too soon , she starts believing she's really worth more than you can offer

And worst of all she hasn't had to actually DO anything to prove it, she's not had to show any loyalty or respect all she's done is turn up and look good

Men everywhere need to get a fvcking grip and start making these thots WORK for his commitment.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2023
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If you are an attractive guy, but not striking (let's say a 6 to 7.5), is it worth dating a very hot chick?

I mean, everywhere you go you will have guys gawking at her, hitting on her (sometimes right in front of you) and guys hating on you for no reason other than the fact they want your woman! If you are not as attractive as her, it will be even more troubling.
Not sure I agree a guy with solely 6/10 looks is going to draw an HB8+, which undercuts your assumption. Are you assuming social skill / game brings the guy up above her level?

Wheat Waffles would consider 7.5 as striking, but 6 as not... so maybe you want to visit a website that rates faces / bodies and get a clearer rating.

My high school girlfriend was HB8, and I do recall being at a dance club where she danced around on an elevated platform for awhile. Back then I thought the attention she got made her even sexier - I'm the one taking her home, after all.

Back in high school I had no clue my looks were 8-9 range - I just thought girls like me. Most and maybe all of my girlfriend's friends had a crush on me. Talk about social proof. But my looks may also have dissuaded guys from trying to compete for my girlfriend's attention when I was at her side.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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I think any man here, (who isn’t lying to himself) who has slept with what he considers to truly be a 8.5/9 (I would wager maybe 10-15% of you fochers might’ve) woman knows what a difference it makes. You get hard faster, stay up longer and just want to keep smashing. So if high quality sex is important to you, yes it can be worth it so long as she isn’t making you miserable other wise.

I’m talking straight up sex here, not “dating”.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I think any man here, (who isn’t lying to himself) who has slept with what he considers to truly be a 8.5/9 (I would wager maybe 10-15% of you fochers might’ve) woman knows what a difference it makes. You get hard faster, stay up longer and just want to keep smashing. So if high quality sex is important to you, yes it can be worth it so long as she isn’t making you miserable other wise.
This is so true. Any man who has had sex with an 8.5+ identify with the differences as compared to sex with someone in the 5.5-6.9 range.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
Sure. Just know that she is never yours. In my dating experience... the hotter the chick, the worst she is in bed. So there is that. If you get busy for a few weeks and can't keep up with the dating... know that she will be gone. The idea that you can be a 'challenge' with a super hot will not work. That is only going to p1ss her off.

Go ahead... date her... but know your turn on the ride will likely be short. Dating a hot chick is not something an emotionally weak man should try.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2023
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There are attractive women around, but not too many stunners that are more commonplace in the cities or in the surrounding areas.
"Not too many stunners" may understate it. I'd estimate 1% of women hit HB9, and maybe 3% at HB8.

To find an HB9 on Tinder years ago, I'd estimate all the chatting and dating with dozens of women added up to 100+ hours. I like being social, but reading the room, most guys would rate that search as not worth the time I put in.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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We all have the types of women that work for us. As I’ve said many times people have posted pics of women they think are 9’s on here and more often than not in my mind I’m thinking 6.5-7.

I don’t care if other men find her attractive - that does nothing for me. I’d rathe she be a 9 to me and 6 to everyone else. In my book guys that date women because other men think their hot are closet cucks.

"Not too many stunners" may understate it. I'd estimate 1% of women hit HB9, and maybe 3% at HB8.

To find an HB9 on Tinder years ago, I'd estimate all the chatting and dating with dozens of women added up to 100+ hours. I like being social, but reading the room, most guys would rate that search as not worth the time I put in.


Sep 10, 2014
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If you are near or at the top of her high score list, then maybe. If not, forget about it. You'll deal with never ending sh!t tests from her. Even if you are, you still might.

Why I will always prefer a 7 with a tight body and a cute face over a 9.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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had an LTR with a bery beautiful woman. strangers woukd litteraly come up & tell her she was beautiful. She, since childhood, was treated like a princess for her beauty. because of that. she biews everyone else as merely and adjunct to her life. They existed only to facilitate her life. Her family called me an ‘angel’ for putting up with her. I had to remind her constantly that I am an actual person. Not an appendage to her life. Obviously. she had some good qualities too