Emergency stuff should include things that need time to prepare. Beans-(dry) rice powdered-milk flour spice etc. I would check out what the preppers do. Get food grade buckets and keep that sealed tight in the garage/shed/closet.
This advice is if you do your own shopping. Do not bring home any garbage. NO KRAP in the house. If you live with your parents then well "you're screwed". Meat dairy fruit vegetables nuts spices. (Tortillas are the same as donuts). By 2025 you can be a bad azz. You have to want it enough to be in 100% reconstruction mode at all times. And stop eating all the time, life isn't Thanksgiving, learn to appreciate hunger it's a healing mode.
And WTF can a doctor do? "Ahhh ya yer fat" NEXT.
Agree with everything except the last sentence. A doctor might determine he needs a liposuction. Or perhaps he will get a dietitian via healthcare and it needs a doctor approval.
But generally speaking you do have a point. If he really wants it it's possible but it will take a lot of willpower and dedication.
I'm trying to curb my emotional eating but it's really difficult.
I thought there supposed to be food shortgages coming in the new year, so I bought a bunch of crackers and what not. Nothing happened yet, and some events at home precipated me to start eating this food and now I'm over 40% bf. Healthy chips, crackers (whole wheat) and arrowroot buiscuits.
Planning to see a doctor next week but don't want to disclose too much information as to the emotional triggers to eating this type of foods, etc...
Has anyone have this problem before? How did you deal with emotional eating?
You gotta start changing your life style. You are young enough to do it. Dont be too hard on yourself, the food we eat nowadays is poison and the food industry is worse than the coke mafia. That crap they sell us is addictive AF, and for a reason. Hence the phrase " emotional eating ". Eating is the easiest way too trick the brain to believe we are happy.
Focus on weight also. Try not to have a sedentary lifestyle. Get a bike and ride 30 minutes a day at least. Walk more. Get a step calculator app. Try to set an amount of steps you should reach daily ,start with 4 or 5000. Simply start checking calories in vs out and see if it makes a difference.
I agree that you should be critical of what groceries you buy. I'm on a personal weightloss journey now, and when I re- educated myself I was baffled to learn how quick we eat too much calories. " Happy food" such as icecream, fastfood ect doesnt add much nutritional value, but it does make you fat. So its happiness on borrowed time.
Check some YouTube videos about this!! Get healthy snacks. Lots of fruits. Get a mixer and make smoothies. I can't handle my alcohol intake, so I've learned that a great solution is to simply not have it in my house.
Take small steps but do set a goal. Skip snacks ect one day and see how it feels. Than the next week 2 or 3 days. This will be easier when you prepare probably and make sure you have replacement healthy snacks ready. Really important too keep going to the gym and start building muscle and strength. Even better if there's an activity or sport you like.
Oh and let's not forget ;START NOW!!!