Emotional eating weight gain


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I'm trying to curb my emotional eating but it's really difficult.

I thought there supposed to be food shortgages coming in the new year, so I bought a bunch of crackers and what not. Nothing happened yet, and some events at home precipated me to start eating this food and now I'm over 40% bf. Healthy chips, crackers (whole wheat) and arrowroot buiscuits.

Planning to see a doctor next week but don't want to disclose too much information as to the emotional triggers to eating this type of foods, etc...

Has anyone have this problem before? How did you deal with emotional eating?


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2020
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Emergency stuff should include things that need time to prepare. Beans-(dry) rice powdered-milk flour spice etc. I would check out what the preppers do. Get food grade buckets and keep that sealed tight in the garage/shed/closet.

This advice is if you do your own shopping. Do not bring home any garbage. NO KRAP in the house. If you live with your parents then well "you're screwed". Meat dairy fruit vegetables nuts spices. (Tortillas are the same as donuts). By 2025 you can be a bad azz. You have to want it enough to be in 100% reconstruction mode at all times. You should be doing something physical every day for hours. And stop eating all the time, life isn't Thanksgiving, learn to appreciate hunger it's a healing mode.

And WTF can a doctor do? "Ahhh ya yer fat" NEXT.
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Emergency stuff should include things that need time to prepare. Beans-(dry) rice powdered-milk flour spice etc. I would check out what the preppers do. Get food grade buckets and keep that sealed tight in the garage/shed/closet.

This advice is if you do your own shopping. Do not bring home any garbage. NO KRAP in the house. If you live with your parents then well "you're screwed". Meat dairy fruit vegetables nuts spices. (Tortillas are the same as donuts). By 2025 you can be a bad azz. You have to want it enough to be in 100% reconstruction mode at all times. And stop eating all the time, life isn't Thanksgiving, learn to appreciate hunger it's a healing mode.

And WTF can a doctor do? "Ahhh ya yer fat" NEXT.
Agree with everything except the last sentence. A doctor might determine he needs a liposuction. Or perhaps he will get a dietitian via healthcare and it needs a doctor approval.

But generally speaking you do have a point. If he really wants it it's possible but it will take a lot of willpower and dedication.
I'm trying to curb my emotional eating but it's really difficult.

I thought there supposed to be food shortgages coming in the new year, so I bought a bunch of crackers and what not. Nothing happened yet, and some events at home precipated me to start eating this food and now I'm over 40% bf. Healthy chips, crackers (whole wheat) and arrowroot buiscuits.

Planning to see a doctor next week but don't want to disclose too much information as to the emotional triggers to eating this type of foods, etc...

Has anyone have this problem before? How did you deal with emotional eating?
You gotta start changing your life style. You are young enough to do it. Dont be too hard on yourself, the food we eat nowadays is poison and the food industry is worse than the coke mafia. That crap they sell us is addictive AF, and for a reason. Hence the phrase " emotional eating ". Eating is the easiest way too trick the brain to believe we are happy.

Focus on weight also. Try not to have a sedentary lifestyle. Get a bike and ride 30 minutes a day at least. Walk more. Get a step calculator app. Try to set an amount of steps you should reach daily ,start with 4 or 5000. Simply start checking calories in vs out and see if it makes a difference.

I agree that you should be critical of what groceries you buy. I'm on a personal weightloss journey now, and when I re- educated myself I was baffled to learn how quick we eat too much calories. " Happy food" such as icecream, fastfood ect doesnt add much nutritional value, but it does make you fat. So its happiness on borrowed time. Check some YouTube videos about this!! Get healthy snacks. Lots of fruits. Get a mixer and make smoothies. I can't handle my alcohol intake, so I've learned that a great solution is to simply not have it in my house.

Take small steps but do set a goal. Skip snacks ect one day and see how it feels. Than the next week 2 or 3 days. This will be easier when you prepare probably and make sure you have replacement healthy snacks ready. Really important too keep going to the gym and start building muscle and strength. Even better if there's an activity or sport you like.

Oh and let's not forget ;START NOW!!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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A doctor's appt will be automatically cancelled if bf goes below 40% (ie 39.9%) by Tueaday. It was 40.5% last measurement.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Processed carbs are not healthy, even if the label says "whole wheat." Look at the results they have gotten you now. You are a great candidate for carb restriction. I like raw baby carrots and broccoli with my favorite full fat salad dressing. Nervous eat all you want, and it won't make you fat like those crackers. I wish you the best, my friend.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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The issue is impulse control. One good way to handle it in the short term is to go paleo.

Try this:

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Get yourself 6 small containers and label them Monday through Saturday. Put a small amount of the foods you have a weakness for in each one. You have now created structure. Each day you’re allowed to eat these very small portions. Perhaps a little during the day and a little at night. Sunday is cheat day. You’re allowed to eat all you want.
I promise you’ll start to shed the pounds, and it will be very doable because you are not completely denying yourself what your body craves. Doing as I suggest tends to settle the craving down and stabilize you physically and emotionally. Give it a try. What have you got to lose?


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Processed carbs are not healthy, even if the label says "whole wheat." Look at the results they have gotten you now. You are a great candidate for carb restriction. I like raw baby carrots and broccoli with my favorite full fat salad dressing.
Carb restriction is totally unnecessary and mainly a cope for not telling people in the West the truth:

OP, you need to stop eating shvt food. Other guys have laid out some good tips here. To start, stop eating junk food. Don’t put it in your mouth. It is easiest to not buy it, then there is no temptation to eat it.

Healthy chips, crackers (whole wheat) and arrowroot buiscuits.
Replace these with raw nuts and fruit. The fiber and satiety will make you not want to eat them as fast. This will drop your calorie intake.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Just weighed in today and am now at 40.1% bf. Just .2 % away from removing that as an issue with the next doctor's visit (ie although removing my earwax might still be an issue, so it may not be cancelled with that new issue). That's a .4% reduction from the last weigh-in. But, have to still be cautious since these things can fluctuate.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Get yourself 6 small containers and label them Monday through Saturday. Put a small amount of the foods you have a weakness for in each one. You have now created structure. Each day you’re allowed to eat these very small portions. Perhaps a little during the day and a little at night. Sunday is cheat day. You’re allowed to eat all you want.
I promise you’ll start to shed the pounds, and it will be very doable because you are not completely denying yourself what your body craves. Doing as I suggest tends to settle the craving down and stabilize you physically and emotionally. Give it a try. What have you got to lose?
I think the issue is there has been some perversion on what it means to be a prepper. I don't normally eat these foods and bought a limited supply of them after hearing barrage of negative news about food shortages and food inflation happening in September, when it didn't happen then it sounded like its postponed to January, and something snapped during the holidays and I just started eating that type of food. Now I'm feeling like I scammed myself. The last time I bought a bunch of food like that was about a year ago when covid virus was more dominant and you were having lockdowns over and above the vaccine mandates, etc.. Anyway, seeing my behaviour with this, now I'd really be worried if there was a food shortage. It doesn't look like those type of supplies would last longer than a week especially if you factor in emotional eating invoked by an external crises, etc.....

To be fair, I have seen food price inflation filtering down, and in general prices have gone up, but not at an apocalyptic level what would cause people to freak-out and panic buy like when the covid crises started and shelves were empty, etc..


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Processed carbs are not healthy, even if the label says "whole wheat." Look at the results they have gotten you now. You are a great candidate for carb restriction. I like raw baby carrots and broccoli with my favorite full fat salad dressing. Nervous eat all you want, and it won't make you fat like those crackers. I wish you the best, my friend.
This is true, especially with a Humus dip. I did have something like this as well but it was more to manage the guilt of eating the other types of foods. I mean, the other food is still there and I can't see myself putting it into the garbage/compost.
Dec 17, 2020
Reaction score
I'm trying to curb my emotional eating but it's really difficult.

I thought there supposed to be food shortgages coming in the new year, so I bought a bunch of crackers and what not. Nothing happened yet, and some events at home precipated me to start eating this food and now I'm over 40% bf. Healthy chips, crackers (whole wheat) and arrowroot buiscuits.

Planning to see a doctor next week but don't want to disclose too much information as to the emotional triggers to eating this type of foods, etc...

Has anyone have this problem before? How did you deal with emotional eating?
Sounds like you have OCD and have some sort of trauma. Perhaps marijuana or therapy can help.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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It’ll help with the OCD. Some strains don’t give you the munchies too.
I don't have OCD though, neighter is there a binge eating problem, TBH. It's just that because of my age, my metabolism is a bit slower and it takes longer to recover if I do cheat around or go crazy. I can't simply get away with the same things I may have gotten away with in my 20s or even early 30s. I don't think I've posted anything that would indicate there is an OCD issue and would be curious about what I have posted that would lead to that conclusion? Also, I have to take pyche terms with a grain of salt unless there is an official diagnosis. Nobody, including myself, is qualified to make a diagnosis of anything. At best, if my weight doesn't go below 40% by next week Tuesday, and I pursue this with my family doctor, then only she's qualified to make that call.

Going back to this bizzare weed talk. I don't smoke weed or do drugs. I've taken CDB oil, but will not smoke hemp/CDB either, but am open to taking CDBs from the hemp plant as it has no psychotropic effect and is just supposed to make you feel mellow and calm. There are some ratios of drops, that include THC, or you might have broad spectrum CDB oil which would include THCs. My brief exposure to THC (ie which is the active ingredient in weed) indicates no discernable difference other than an odd wierdness here or there (ie seeing a quesiton mark pop in my bedroom like a hallucination? However, these are very low dosages, more like a 1:10 ratio of THC/CDB oil. Not going to try gummy bears or brownies (ie imagine eating a bunch of those, lol!) as I don't want to risk overdosing.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Those are quack doctors. There is no physiological merit to being in ketosis rather than burning glucose for fuel. People don’t get fat and diabetic from eating legumes, starchy vegetables, and fruit. They get fat by eating shvt food.
But are crackers really shvt food? Its not great food, but I thought shvt food is more like french fries, soda pop, oreo cookies, poutine, cheesecake, as opposed to crackers and biscuits (ie especially where Arrowroot flour is low glycemic). You can also have high-quality Keto foods that have no sugar in the ingredients and promote healthy fats, but then has like 100g of fat/saturated fat if it's a dessert (ie like a Keto-cheesecake or Keto-cupcake). They are expensive too and even diebetics can eat them! But even if you are healthy morbidly obese, (ie you have fat, but no indicators of chronic disease and everything else is 100% totally healthy), you can't argue that 40% + of healthy fat is good even if there is no shvt food.