I was rated a 3 on photofeeler, so it's likely that I'm unattractive to the vast majority of women. (A lady offered her name and phone number to me last week, so like I said vast majority is not everyone). When you say incredibily unattractive, I guess you are talking about a 1, however, it would seem like I'm more of 3, but both are still sub-5. Hiring professionals is not a true option with me. I did try it twice and visited three escorts in the space of 24 hours in 2014 and ended up with a nasty spiritual attack which triggered a nervous break-down and put me off track for a solid month (no sex occurred but the exposure with her was enough). I had to rent a hotel for a solid week to chill out. It was so bad, I couldn't fap or even watch porn, it just wasn't the same during that break-down. Even music videos that has a lady vocalist was too intense to look at, and I couldn't watch movies, drink coffee, eat nice food, etc.... it's like I over-taxed a pleasure fuse and my body was reacting by taking away every other pleasure I had and replaced it with torment and dread and worrying if I'd even make it to the next year, 2015.