LTR - Not sure how to handle this issue.....


Don Juan
May 26, 2022
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She’s a hard read. I swear I’m dealing with a red pilled woman. Everything I’ve ready here and elsewhere she’s gaming me with. Plate…it’s funny we joked about it yesterday . She wants commitment from me. I wouldn’t mind it but I also don’t like other men ****ing my woman .

Trust has been compromised.

To complicate this more is one of the red flags she’s displayed is keeping the ex on the back burner. About 8 months in I found her lying to me and going out to dinner with him. About a year later caught her still txting him and deleting txt history. During our hiatus - she went away with this guy - paid for her, her sister and sisters BF to go to Bahamas for 4 days.

I’m torn thinking this guy alpha widowed her or he’s beta duck who she’s using him. We’re both successful entrepreneurs. Successful. Made. I have almost unlimited freedom outside of when I have my kids. She and I fly business anywhere we want when we want so she’s treated well.

Sex is almost always initiated by her and she’s willing to do mostly anything. I **** her2-5x a week on average and she organisms multiple times so I don’t think I’m falling short there

Gay friend I’ve heard her mention Him a few times . Never met him. She says she knows him from HS / Church. Lately I’ve been wondering if she’s going away with the ex.

Man I’m a mess
You need to meet the "gay" guy. If you dont meet him, she aint going, or she is going and you are over. OR - you go with her.

Vero Della Rosa

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2023
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@Free_Agent you could have had this girl wanting to commit to YOU and only you had you played it differently, more in line with what's posted above (bolded specifically).
Yes, I ****ed up massively. I hadn't found RP
No offense to meow but don’t use plays or moves or imitate. Decide who you are or at least who you wanna be. Have a vision. Pursue it.

‘What do I accept and not accept? What am I seeking in my life that I will not be deterred from? What virtues do I believe in and wanna work to embody?’ -This won’t fully fulfill ya, but it’ll go along way when interactin with others.

Don’t get that mindset of bein a female brain flip switcher. That ain’t a man. That’s avoidin pain. Be an actual hero.

This seems like a nuance but PUA / RP has a tendency of morphin men into personas rather than men.


New Member
Apr 13, 2022
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My friend what you need to deploy is SILENCE AND DISTANCE. Let her go but don't be available when she gets back. If you call her out on her behavior now, your insecurities will show.
When she's gone on her trip with her gay wingman because that's what he is: a wingman, don't call her or text her while she's on her trip, if she reaches out keep the calls and texts short. Stay busy during this period. When she's back don't be readily available to meet with her for dates. Tell her you're working on a project with a deadline if you must. Why are you doing this? You're doing it to gauge her interest level. If she's still into you, she'll become increasingly eager to see you, because her emotions are spiked at this point she'll initiate texting and calls more. Let this run for a week, after which you take her out on a date. Do NOT bring up her trip during the date as this shows you were thinking about her when you were supposed to be busy in her absence. Keep it fun, if she tries bringing it up during the date, switch topics. Her hamster will spin really hard and this gets her aroused because she doesn't know where she stands with you. Now cut the date short and lead her to your bedroom, after sex she'll open up about her trip because she's been dying all night to talk about it. At this point all you have to do is keep your ears open and she'll tell you everything. Now if during her trip she doesn't reach out and she comes back from her trip and she still doesn't reach out. Stay silent and stay distant, she's gone, her interest died out.


Nov 13, 2021
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My friend what you need to deploy is SILENCE AND DISTANCE. Let her go but don't be available when she gets back. If you call her out on her behavior now, your insecurities will show.
When she's gone on her trip with her gay wingman because that's what he is: a wingman, don't call her or text her while she's on her trip, if she reaches out keep the calls and texts short. Stay busy during this period. When she's back don't be readily available to meet with her for dates. Tell her you're working on a project with a deadline if you must. Why are you doing this? You're doing it to gauge her interest level. If she's still into you, she'll become increasingly eager to see you, because her emotions are spiked at this point she'll initiate texting and calls more. Let this run for a week, after which you take her out on a date. Do NOT bring up her trip during the date as this shows you were thinking about her when you were supposed to be busy in her absence. Keep it fun, if she tries bringing it up during the date, switch topics. Her hamster will spin really hard and this gets her aroused because she doesn't know where she stands with you. Now cut the date short and lead her to your bedroom, after sex she'll open up about her trip because she's been dying all night to talk about it. At this point all you have to do is keep your ears open and she'll tell you everything. Now if during her trip she doesn't reach out and she comes back from her trip and she still doesn't reach out. Stay silent and stay distant, she's gone, her interest died out.
This is not a good advise for someone in his situation, you're taking a general "raise interest" advise like is this is a new girl, this is his LTR who has done $hitty things to him (he allowed it).

Don't follow this guy's advise, dump her it hurts but it has to be done. Hit the gym and make money while you're healing from the breakup and your mind starts to get used to the oxytocin depletion.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2022
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This is not a good advise for someone in his situation, you're taking a general "raise interest" advise like is this is a new girl, this is his LTR who has done $hitty things to him (he allowed it).

Don't follow this guy's advise, dump her it hurts but it has to be done. Hit the gym and make money while you're healing from the breakup and your mind starts to get used to the oxytocin depletion.
I was thinking the same when I read it. We live together ( but I still maintain my own paid for place ).

I appreciate your and others straight up no BS approach to dealing with this. Like I mentioned previously, everything in my life is good. Pretty much unlimited freedom ( outside of the week I have my kids every month), money, wealth...I dress well and am in good to great shape for a 46 year old guy. Waiting on blood panels to see if I do TRT. Things are good. It's only this relationship that gives me problems.

But like you said, it's the oxytocin mixed with scarcity and oneitus. It feels pathetic but I'm sure most have been in this position at one point of another.


Nov 13, 2021
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I was thinking the same when I read it. We live together ( but I still maintain my own paid for place ).

I appreciate your and others straight up no BS approach to dealing with this. Like I mentioned previously, everything in my life is good. Pretty much unlimited freedom ( outside of the week I have my kids every month), money, wealth...I dress well and am in good to great shape for a 46 year old guy. Waiting on blood panels to see if I do TRT. Things are good. It's only this relationship that gives me problems.

But like you said, it's the oxytocin mixed with scarcity and oneitus. It feels pathetic but I'm sure most have been in this position at one point of another.
TRT will change your life for the better. I've been on it for a year now, start6when I was 32, my test levels where low 300s, they only regret is not doing it earlier in life when my levels were around 500s


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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TRT will change your life for the better. I've been on it for a year now, start6when I was 32, my test levels where low 300s, they only regret is not doing it earlier in life when my levels were around 500s
Not entirely related to this topic, but why do you think doing TRT earlier would have been a good idea?

I've been hearing advice that it's best to start it later in mid 40s as that's when the t level falls bellow the level that you can keep up the good physic and back to back erection.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2022
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Not entirely related to this topic, but why do you think doing TRT earlier would have been a good idea?

I've been hearing advice that it's best to start it later in mid 40s as that's when the t level falls bellow the level that you can keep up the good physic and back to back erection.
Well in my situation I'm 47 and have been noticing the following :

  • Fatigue
  • Reduced lean muscle mass
  • Irritability
  • Unable to concentrate/focus
  • Symptoms of depression
  • Lower energy level, endurance and physical strength
  • Poor memory
  • Difficulty with finding words to say
  • Poor focus


Nov 13, 2021
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Not entirely related to this topic, but why do you think doing TRT earlier would have been a good idea?
Cause at 32 my levels were at lows 300, so I wonder what my levels were at 30. I should have written my regret is not getting my test levels tested either with the Dr or buying the lab order online.

I've been hearing advice that it's best to start it later in mid 40s as that's when the t level falls bellow the level that you can keep up the good physic and back to back erection.
Partially true, it all depends on activities that you do, fitness level, generics, age and food. Most men notice the biggest hit on libido by 40, but there are other symptoms like depression, stress, not losing weight, gaining fat and losing muscle, lack of motivation.

Test levels renge from 300-1200 (have getting lower throughout the years) depending on labs. I do it myself, labs and dose, which what the Dr does but you gotta pay him so fvck that. That's my levels right there as today, I could get a lower dose to have them a little lower, but I fell like a fvcking god, everything is happiness, things don't get under your skin, you get better mood, better motivation, breakups are not as painful cause you have a lot of testosterone so your mind doesn't allow you to be depressed.

There will be guys saying at 40 they don't need that, well, great, those guys chose good parents with good genetics.

I recommend you go to the Dr or buy labs online for to check the total Test and the free Test, it only cost like $50, then go to a Quest and get your bloods drawn out to see.


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Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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You aren't going to demote a 2.5yo LTR girl to a plate. You might be happy with that, but she won't go for that.

Is this gay guy a solid friend of hers? Have you hung out with him?

Has she asked you to go? What if you hinted that you wanted to go, would she be ok with that?

You have to determine if this gay guy is just like another one of her female friends. If yes, then I don't see any issue.

If you don't trust her, then you don't have a relationship.
Forgot about the the "gay" guy (who I bet is actually bisexual) for a second. You would be okay with your LTR going to a Puerto Rican equivalent of Spring Break without you?


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score

She’s a hard read. I swear I’m dealing with a red pilled woman. Everything I’ve ready here and elsewhere she’s gaming me with. Plate…it’s funny we joked about it yesterday . She wants commitment from me. I wouldn’t mind it but I also don’t like other men ****ing my woman .

Trust has been compromised.

To complicate this more is one of the red flags she’s displayed is keeping the ex on the back burner. About 8 months in I found her lying to me and going out to dinner with him. About a year later caught her still txting him and deleting txt history. During our hiatus - she went away with this guy - paid for her, her sister and sisters BF to go to Bahamas for 4 days.

I’m torn thinking this guy alpha widowed her or he’s beta duck who she’s using him. We’re both successful entrepreneurs. Successful. Made. I have almost unlimited freedom outside of when I have my kids. She and I fly business anywhere we want when we want so she’s treated well.

Sex is almost always initiated by her and she’s willing to do mostly anything. I **** her2-5x a week on average and she organisms multiple times so I don’t think I’m falling short there

Gay friend I’ve heard her mention Him a few times . Never met him. She says she knows him from HS / Church. Lately I’ve been wondering if she’s going away with the ex.

Man I’m a mess
This woman is not LTR material by any stretch.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2022
Reaction score
Forgot about the the "gay" guy (who I bet is actually bisexual) for a second. You would be okay with your LTR going to a Puerto Rican equivalent of Spring Break without you?
Exactly. And of course she tried to flank me by offering me to come with knowing that I'd have to choose between her and seeing my kids.

Then, I called her bluff and said ok I'll come and bought tickets. Shortly after that she's like, ohh, xyz isn't going to come and we need to find a hotel room then.

I'm going to go see my kids. We'll see what she chooses.


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
Exactly. And of course she tried to flank me by offering me to come with knowing that I'd have to choose between her and seeing my kids.

Then, I called her bluff and said ok I'll come and bought tickets. Shortly after that she's like, ohh, xyz isn't going to come and we need to find a hotel room then.

I'm going to go see my kids. We'll see what she chooses.
Damn bro. Im so glad you called her bluff. But I got a little lost, is xyz the "gay" friend?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Forgot about the the "gay" guy (who I bet is actually bisexual) for a second. You would be okay with your LTR going to a Puerto Rican equivalent of Spring Break without you?
I would not be ok with that.


Mar 6, 2017
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Yes xyz is the gay friend.
Ok, so what are the possibilities? From least likely to most likely:

- The guy had a legit reason to bail on the trip
- The guy isnt really gay, so when he heard you were going, he bailed.
- The guy doesnt even exists, she made him up.

Is there another one Im missing?


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
Yes, the gay guy was actually her EX and since OP called her bluff and took him up on his offer, obviously the current plan with ex wasn't gonna fly and the EX had to bail.
Yes, that would be the most likely one. Im a little jealous of you. "Call her bluff and say you are going on the trip", "The gay guy was actually the Ex all along". I wish I could take credit for those.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2022
Reaction score
Ok, so what are the possibilities? From least likely to most likely:

- The guy had a legit reason to bail on the trip
- The guy isnt really gay, so when he heard you were going, he bailed.
- The guy doesnt even exists, she made him up.

Is there another one Im missing?
Either that or maybe he really is a gay friend and decided not to be the third wheel? I know this person at least exists. I've seen a picture of him, and he could be gay. Other than that who knows.


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
@Free_Agent what´s the plan here? Are you gonna break up with her? I think most (if not all) feel you should. If you decide no to break up with her, we still wish you the best.