Idk, here are all the potential reasons I might not be doing good with women that aren't ugly/average:
- I'm not 6'4''. Yes, I'm above 6 feet, but not "real tall" category. It's very important for women.
- I don't have very low voice. It's below average, but not very low and seductive.
- I have boyish face with hardly any beard. This makes me look 10 years younger. Good for attracting younger women though so idk. Might be a plus or a minus
- My face is not hot enough. It's maxed out and above average, but not model tier/Chad tier. Teeth, skin and hair maxed out though.
- I'm not living in a luxury, high class apartment. Although this reason is most likely stupid, since they mostly don't get to point of seeing my apartment.
- I don't have a luxury car. But this also seems dumb, since I use Uber and usually take her to drink wine so I couldn't drive anyway.
- I don't have quick wit and I can't quickly say funny jokes that would make her laugh.
- I
message her too fast and am too friendly ALTERNATIVELY I don't message her fast enough and seem too distant (do you see the problem?)
- I might not be congruent. Since I'm putting on a mask with people I might be subconsciously saying something or doing something
- I don't speak enough, I don't tell enough about myself (or listen too much).
- My voice gets too high when I speak.
- I'm too animate when I speak.
- I might not be animated enough when I speak and seem disinterested/boring.
- I might seem rushed/anxious.
- I might seem too logical.
- I might seem unreliable, sketchy, untrustworthy.
- I might be seen as too much of a "good boy" because of boyish, young looking high-trust face.
- They have said they didn't feel a "spark". I might not be sexualizing or flirting enough (although changed this in past months and still getting bad results despite touching them, kissing, etc..)
- I might be sexualizing too much and giving them a horndog vibe or a total fuccboi vibe in a bad way.
Big problem is opposing advice in realm of PUAs.
Some "PUA's" say to message little and message only for logistics, not to arrange the next date on the previous one.
Other "PUA's" like PlayingWithFire say that is dog**** advice and girls have so little attention span these days you have to strike iron while it's hot and arrange the next date immediately on the first one.
As you see there could be MANY reasons, but MANY of them literally opposite advice.
If I really had to boil it down maybe this:
- The way I communicate does NOT spike her emotions enough and does NOT cause enough intrigue for her to maintain interest. My communication is too DRY.
1. That is my "gut", but it's not a strong feeling, only a vague inclination of what might be wrong.
2. She can tell I like her or I might act subconciously different around girls I like. I don't know in what ways though, I can't identify it. I can change my behavior only if I identify what to change.
Believe me, when you are getting rejected for, idk, 15 years straight, you are grasping at straws.