Which coaches are the real deal?


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Mystery's indirect Vs Mode one's direct game.

Meet: Alek Novy's level concept :

"Let’s say that moves fall on a spectrum of 1 to 20…

– With 20 being you pushing your **** up against her and grinding her as you pull her hair back (or i dunno grab her ***** as you lean into her face and talk dirty)

– With 1 being something like “Leaning in a little closer than normal and/or having deeper more sultry eye contact”.

When women complain about guys making a move, it’s about the level being inappropriate.

You’re like wait, if women give no signals, but then also complain when you make a move, what are you to do? Die a virgin or just accept being a douche?

The solution is that you only make a low-level move… That’s why it seems like there’s a logical contradiction. When women say “I hate it when men make a move”… In most cases it’s “I hate he went directly to a level 7 move and kept communicating at level 7 despite me still being at level 1”.

Women give most of their signals in a proceptive manner.

That means in reaction to your moves. The most common sign a girl can and will give is accepting your advances. That’s how human mating works".

i posted a report here recently where I was going at a level above level of appropriateness. I notice this. Went back a level. Then when I felt I was beyond this level, I went back to the level that was once inappropriate. Her NOW accepting my advances, indicates this is the level we're at now.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2022
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i am definitely top 20% and i am experienced to know that you are full of cap. you cannot 'same day lay' a woman who isnt a) highly promiscious b) likely intoxicated c) low status and d) already highly physically attracted to you.
you also will never loose an attracted woman by being indirect, but you will loose 99% of them by being direct.
you also cannot 'convince' a woman to sleep with you by your game or approach as characternote has already stated. any player knows you can tell within a few seconds if you have a shot or not
@SmoothSmooth Not one lie was told by me, so there is no cap. You obviously suffer from the madonna ***** complex if you truly believe that a "highly promiscuous slut" is the only type of girl that would **** on the first meet, date, whatever. You and @characternote are right about one thing, and that is that the women needs to be attracted to you to increase your chances of success from being direct. But the same can be said for being indirect. I don't buy girls drinks so I don't rely on getting them intoxicated. Low status is irrelevant lol just as how I gave you a lesson on the differences between low value guys and alpha males. The same goes for women. A women can be a loser and hot af while one can be popular, successful, independent, self loving, and UGLY.

Wrong again (for the third time today) Not only can you lose a women being indirect, you can get played, manipulated, and taken advantage of. I already told you, being indirect works at times, I don't disagree with that. But how many guys have fumbled the bag with a woman because he kept her in the dark about his true intentions? I'd say a **** load. I've had girls tell me how hot I am, and never ended up banging them being indirect. You have to be extremely skilled and manipulative to be highly successful with indirect game. That's why conventional PUA's make a living teaching all of their bull**** methods and techniques to guys. Being direct allows you to find out whether she is attracted to you without wasting time or money. Rejection or reciprocation will happen no matter what form of communication you use, but you eliminate getting played by being direct. PERIOD.

Attraction is obviously the biggest factor in BOTH indirect and direct game, but if she IS ATTRACTED TO YOU, why waste time being indirect? DROPS MIC again.

I've been indirect most of my life and have had above average success. Why would I be so adamant about mode one if it didn't work wonders for me?
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Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2022
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Which the community (the small percent who believe that's possible and that doesn't include me) would say is exactly what indirect game is for (Mysterymethod etc, which is the opposite of mode1)
Opening a girl who isn't attracted to you and telling her all the sexual stuff you wanna do with her doesn't end well for anyone lol
But of course if you are good looking or even if you open a girl who happens to think you look hot, then direct game can of course work
But in terms of 'getting women who don't want you, wanting you', we'll just have to agree to disagree. I've never seen anything like it with fellow gamers, and not even seen anything like it in coaches infields! Of which i've seen many. It's just the stuff of anecdotes on reddit/seddit, tbh. (''I have a friend who is 4ft tall, broke, old and covered in burns, and he bangs hot teenage models every weekend from cold approach' kinda thing etc)
Ok but how would you know if she's attracted to you? By guessing? lol Being mode one allows you to eliminate girls who aren't attracted to you. We all understand attraction is key but how do you know if she's attracted to you or not? Again, another example of how mode one saves time.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
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Ok but how would you know if she's attracted to you? By guessing? lol Being mode one allows you to eliminate girls who aren't attracted to you. We all understand attraction is key but how do you know if she's attracted to you or not? Again, another example of how mode one saves time.
I don't disagree with that. I mean, I believe that I personally CAN tell nowadays within seconds of opening a girl whether I have a shot (she's attracted) or not instinctively, although that's besides the point since as I say, i'm fine with direct game. I agree that you 'eliminate girls who aren't attracted to you' as you put it and that it can save time.

(although isn't that an admission that you are no longer 'getting the girls who don't want you'?) - maybe it's semantics at this point


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2022
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@SmoothSmooth you aren't in the top 20 percent if you suffer from the madonna ***** complex, haven't ****ed a girl in 24 hours within meeting her, and don't know the difference between an Alpha and a high value man. You aren't in the top 20 percent if you cry about how "masculinity isn't enough alone to get women", and that women these days "want a man who is high status and has more feminine qualities". Cry me a river buddy. What alpha male would actually make those claims? I mean seriously lol. To be honest, your posts in the last 24 hours have screamed Beta with a few alpha tendencies with very little factual knowledge on what you preach, while also not even responding to half of the valid statements or questions that I have asked.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2022
Reaction score
I don't disagree with that. I mean, I believe that I personally CAN tell nowadays within seconds of opening a girl whether I have a shot (she's attracted) or not instinctively, although that's besides the point since as I say, i'm fine with direct game. I agree that you 'eliminate girls who aren't attracted to you' as you put it and that it can save time.

(although isn't that an admission that you are no longer 'getting the girls who don't want you'?) - maybe it's semantics at this point
Ok well be aware that these girls who you "have a feeling are attracted to you" can just be giving you that vibe to see if you will spend money on them, take them on dates, and spend non sexual time with them because they want attention.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
Ok well be aware that these girls who you "have a feeling are attracted to you" can just be giving you that vibe to see if you will spend money on them, take them on dates, and spend non sexual time with them because they want attention.
true, although that's no concern of mine.
I'm almost exclusively a nightgamer. I'm looking for same night lays. I'm certainly not spending a penny on these girls lol


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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@SmoothSmooth you aren't in the top 20 percent if you suffer from the madonna ***** complex, haven't ****ed a girl in 24 hours within meeting her, and don't know the difference between an Alpha and a high value man. You aren't in the top 20 percent if you cry about how "masculinity isn't enough alone to get women", and that women these days "want a man who is high status and has more feminine qualities". Cry me a river buddy. What alpha male would actually make those claims? I mean seriously lol. To be honest, your posts in the last 24 hours have screamed Beta with a few alpha tendencies with very little factual knowledge on what you preach, while also not even responding to half of the valid statements or questions that I have asked.
brother, if you cant tell the difference between a womans thats genuinely attracted to you vs stringing you along/wants to extract resources, you clearly havent had as much sex as you claim.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2022
Reaction score
brother, if you cant tell the difference between a womans thats genuinely attracted to you vs stringing you along/wants to extract resources, you clearly havent had as much sex as you claim.
I swear every single response you have, just digs you deeper into the simp department. Women can be attracted to you WHILE having manipulative tendencies. These aren't always two separate categories. There's plenty of women who may have attraction for you, but are wholesome pretenders who will act like you need to take them out on 4 dates before you smash. An indirect cat like you will spend money on four dates to get this ***** while I would rather get rejected from being mode one in 5 minutes. Puhleaseeeeeeeeee give up talking to me on here because you ain't teaching me ****, and you know deep down I've opened your small mind up today....so you can thank me later and hide behind your silly comments all you want.



Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2022
Reaction score
Which the community (the small percent who believe that's possible and that doesn't include me) would say is exactly what indirect game is for (Mysterymethod etc, which is the opposite of mode1)
Opening a girl who isn't attracted to you and telling her all the sexual stuff you wanna do with her doesn't end well for anyone lol
But of course if you are good looking or even if you open a girl who happens to think you look hot, then direct game can of course work
But in terms of 'getting women who don't want you, wanting you', we'll just have to agree to disagree. I've never seen anything like it with fellow gamers, and not even seen anything like it in coaches infields! Of which i've seen many. It's just the stuff of anecdotes on reddit/seddit, tbh. (''I have a friend who is 4ft tall, broke, old and covered in burns, and he bangs hot teenage models every weekend from cold approach' kinda thing etc)
Believe what's possible? You must not know psychology.

A woman who gets her social programming challenged by explicitly direct verbal game is likely to give an adverse reaction because that's what society has taught her to do. This is her conscious mind coming into play. When the man who administers this dialogue to her is self assured, unapologetic, and maintains his masculine/seductive frame, more times than not (if she's attracted to him) her subconscious will take over and she will make decisions with her wet *****.

This is ultimately how it works. I don't care if none of ya'll believe this to be true or that I have done this in real life. I know who I am and what I do. I don't come on here to prove anything. I come on here to get better, and help people get better. Unfortunately pride and ego gets in the way with a lot of men, and they consider mode one to be outrageous simply because they know they don't have the balls it takes to do it right.

I expect the majority of guys on here to disagree with this philosophy, since most men's insecurities and lack of confidence are why they're on here in the first place.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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you cant tell the difference between a womans thats genuinely attracted to you vs stringing you along
Disagree with you on this. I've banged girls that seemed at first like they weren't interested in fvcking me and failed to bang girls that seemed very clearly into me. I'm still learning. Neither mode one nor mystery method (or whatever) will provide you with the answers. As I've seen too much of "well that's not true according to my experience" from both sides.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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So have been chomping down the red pill this last while and lately am seeing evidence that is turning me off from these coaches that have got good advice from.

R Cooper: charges $2000/hr for coach calls. Got defensive when someone called him out on it saying I only deal with high end ppl to the guy who already spent $20k on his course. Although he sometimes gives some good advice on his vids. He mainly rehashes the same stuff as Rollo in his book.

Rollo: While enjoyed his books. He rants on for 4 hour video streams with endless graphs. He's married for all his life too.

AMS: comes across as strong no bull**** alpha dudes in streams but in his infield footage was a total ***** and couldn't approach women while acting all tough.

There are many others that make this whole red pill stuff just a business to fleech as much as they can from desperate beta dudes.

While everyone is got to make money it shouldn't be the focus.

Here are the coaches I like and feel bring good value:

Coach Corey Wayne: has great content with life and well as dealing with women. Calls out the red pill bull**** too and doesn't get involved with any drama crap that other coaches who pit against each other. Need to read book few times again.

Darius M: good content on his videos and gets straight to the point.

A. G. Hayden: good coach with lots of infield footage and advice.

Jack Denmo: prob my fave out of them all. No red pill agenda just chilling and talking. It's just seems natural way he talks and interacts with women. Not trying to force things and has great conversation skills.

What are your thoughts on which coaches have helped you the most?
99% are fraudin and delusional as ****kkk.

Vet your guru. If 0 receipts, infield, didn't happen.

Majority of These gurus are married to a busted wife or over weight girl. Say date younger but married older. Many bash marriage and are secretly married.

I think Julien blanc was a oG in game before banned camp scandal. I think Tates are legit. I have only seen Julien pretty media scandal and I can verify he was legit.

Today, your guess is as good ss mine. I think Vidim honest signalz, Austen Summers, Gabriel Gray, etc. I think for RP troy Francis is a good source; one of the only 1s with receipts/infield. Tusk but he's aesthetic and most fellas are not.

Outside of Troy, RP is still lots of delusion, boomer pods, and no receipts. Lots of shilling rubbish. Troy has a tiny following but RP is a lot of smoke. No fire. Some are better than others. Clarey isn't a game guy and says how rubbish dating is. They make fun of a "the fat kid in brazil" who has more receipts than everyone RP not Troy who ebrags about trannys. Pod time stamped here somewhere.

Marcus Wolf ultimate man project I hear is good. Based Zeus is funny.

Not sure who is world class. Any of the above listed are better than where your at now. As in, you will level up.

Vet gurus. If 0 receipts, your a mark. Keep it moving.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
IMO, Corey Wayne's content is ok but he is beta AF. If you want to go chasing women for relationships and then have them drop you because you give out the bf vibe, go right ahead. Thats what his coaching is good for.

As far as on point and current advice? AMS all day long. He is definitely ruff around the edges, ghetto, but his system and advice will have women noticing you because of your frame and actions when you deal with them.

Doc Love was good too. But I would be careful listening to Corey Wayne.
Agreed. Seems like a nice guy. Do I see anything that demos he would pull a baddie 10 between 18-23? No chance.

AMS looks like a guy you don't want to find with in a dark alley. He's pretty funny. He has humor down.

I am biased in preferring game. Precisely cold approach. For all the channels, so few go out. Many sperg out for hours hiding behind playing house alley some even plagiarize pickup or OG content.

Before lock down, I preferred the American pickup style, and night clubs. Since, I have preferred the London day game model. I liked rsd OG content and free association.

There's a reason why they say don't meet your gurus. Santa isn't real.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
Agreed. Seems like a nice guy. Do I see anything that demos he would pull a baddie 10 between 18-23? No chance.

AMS looks like a guy you don't want to find with in a dark alley. He's pretty funny. He has humor down.

I am biased in preferring game. Precisely cold approach. For all the channels, so few go out. Many sperg out for hours hiding behind playing house alley some even plagiarize pickup or OG content.

Before lock down, I preferred the American pickup style, and night clubs. Since, I have preferred the London day game model. I liked rsd OG content and free association.

There's a reason why they say don't meet your gurus. Santa isn't real.
I think we probably have similar opinions in terms of who to listen too and coaches etc.

Lots of the guys people rave about (corey wayne, robert greene, ross jefferies, that rationalmale dude etc etc) are just dudes who wrote books, but do I honestly think any of them are gonna be able to pull the girls in a bar or whatever that I want? Of course not. Writing about different types of 'seducers' or about psychology etc is one thing, but actually being able to pull hot girls is something entirely different, and I wouldn't be scared at all if I was gaming some hot 19 year old, and then one of them guys stepped in whilst I was in the bathroom. I know the reaction they'd get and how it would go

Lots of PUAs who I thought were great back in the day and when I was new, I no longer am impressed when I re-watch their infields.

Basically nobody is blowing my mind or doing much that actually impresses me or that I cant do. Or that any of my friends can't do! They're approaching lots of girls, and when they approach a girl who thinks he's cute or whatever, they have enough game to seal teh deal. Great. But lets not throw them a parade.

Of course there are some that are better than others. I do think Julien is one of the best, personally. I also think Vadim from honest signals is worth a mention. AMS is scared to cold approach and made excuses to not approach a group of young girls who he seemed to be interested in. Just talks a good 'alpha game'. Same with most of the redpillers from what i've seen. Just manly waffle.

But as I say, even the guys who are the very very best, aren't out there doing what much of the material says one can do with game. (effectively 'seduce' whoever they want, in spite of initial attraction) THAT has never been caught on camera, or anywhere else.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
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Miami fl
The guy is saying and selling things that already first semester psychology students know. His value ain’t special and the audience he is picking is probably fake as hell
Read the book tribe of mentors that's why I say the local library and here is all you need i've heard nothing but good things of anthony robbins but then again i've never brought any of his books just borrowed from the library


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
Reaction score
Disagree with you on this. I've banged girls that seemed at first like they weren't interested in fvcking me and failed to bang girls that seemed very clearly into me. I'm still learning. Neither mode one nor mystery method (or whatever) will provide you with the answers. As I've seen too much of "well that's not true according to my experience" from both sides.
mm disgree wth the notion here. women are not some genius social manipulators. the most cunning people in the world are men not women. most girls are pretty easy to read. if i go on a date with a girl, i can tell where we stand. body language, willingness to follow my lead, her qualifying herself, how shes dressed and (the biggest one imo) her emotional investment in the interaction (is she trying to be charming or is she take it or leave it). women have a certain vibe around alpha males.
i agree at first she could have low interest or a bf, but once ur on a date you can tell


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
Reaction score
I swear every single response you have, just digs you deeper into the simp department. Women can be attracted to you WHILE having manipulative tendencies. These aren't always two separate categories. There's plenty of women who may have attraction for you, but are wholesome pretenders who will act like you need to take them out on 4 dates before you smash. An indirect cat like you will spend money on four dates to get this ***** while I would rather get rejected from being mode one in 5 minutes. Puhleaseeeeeeeeee give up talking to me on here because you ain't teaching me ****, and you know deep down I've opened your small mind up today....so you can thank me later and hide behind your silly comments all you want.

this is stupid. there are better ways to date without getting taken advantage of. when im on a date with a girl, we are going for cheap drinks and splitting the tab. usually kiss on first date and sexual by date 2. if no sex by date 3 it's over (which rarely happens bc i understand how to seduce girls on dates). so how are they gonna take advantage of me einstein?

this is all just bc you have weak game.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
Disagree with you on this. I've banged girls that seemed at first like they weren't interested in fvcking me and failed to bang girls that seemed very clearly into me. I'm still learning. Neither mode one nor mystery method (or whatever) will provide you with the answers. As I've seen too much of "well that's not true according to my experience" from both sides.
usually the more she flirts with you , the more likely it is that she is just messing with you

women like to toy men for their own amusement

the woman game is to seduce the guy without having to take her clothes off