Which coaches are the real deal?


Apr 5, 2021
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All of the dating coaches can help you. Just pick any of them.

The way they'll help you is that after they take your money and give you nothing useful in return, you'll realize that they don't give a sh1t about you or if you get laid or not. They were using you to make themselves rich.

This would wake you up to reality (which is the actual definition of the red pill, btw).

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
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All of the dating coaches can help you. Just pick any of them.

The way they'll help you is that after they take your money and give you nothing useful in return, you'll realize that they don't give a sh1t about you or if you get laid or not. They were using you to make themselves rich.

This would wake you up to reality (which is the actual definition of the red pill, btw).
I disagree. Not all of them just want your money. The guy I recommended in the post above yours actually does care about his clients. He cares about the progress they make and he cares about there goals. I knew him before he had a YouTube channel. Yeah, he makes money off it but it's his job. Nothing is free in life.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
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Yes, always be skeptical of anyone who stands to make money from what they're telling you.

That being said, there ARE some good ones out there.
What's WRONG with them charge you money for a service they offer???

It's not like they put a knife in your neck and force you to give them money, right? So what's the big deal? Or you expect they must coach you for free?

I don't know about the other coaches, but CW made it clear that everything you'd need is already in his book & his free youtube videos.

But if someone is too retarded to have to ask him for personal coaching, then the service's not free.

I see no problems with that.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2020
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North Carolina, US
Corey looks and sounds like a chump.

"The sound of your piss hitting the urinal, it sounds feminine." (he's talking about Corey Wayne)

Name that movie....
It’s The Other Guys with Will Smith.

“If I were a lion, and you were a tuna, I would swim out in the ocean, and freaking eat you. And then I would bang your tuna girlfriend.”


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2020
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book of pook always worked for me. Everytime i followed anyone else i got burned. Serious.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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HIM. HE IS BETA. His actions, his mannerisms. For the 100th time. He is a BETA personality. Doormat.
Do I need to break it down some more?

I already did. Are you butthurt that someone doesnt like CW? You sure seem like it.

"Let me know if you change your mind" - Corey Wayne. That statement is beta AF. Because he is beta AF. The people that use that line are beta AF.
I agree, that statement is beta AF. But other than that I wonder on what basis did you form such a strong impression of him? I have my suspicions that he might not really be what he portrays himself to be because of: - serial dater of single moms
- gets butt hurt when someone in the comments challenge what he says
- he keeps repeating the mantra 'most women will sleep with you by the 2nd or 3rd date' which if applied in real life practically limits his dating pool to hoes or women with more red flags than a Chinese military parade.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Doc Love was the first guy I read in the early 2000s when I was in college.

I liked Roosh best from the "Bang" and "Day Bang" eras.
Doc Love is my all-time fave. Taught me a lot. Saved my ass.
I might have discovered Doc Love too early in life as I was 18 and 19 when reading some of his stuff. Guy was excellent and I learned some good stuff there.

Rollo is not a "coach" and specifically says he does not give "prescriptions". Anyone who honestly read and knows his material knows that. He is also one of the early founding Mods of this very forum. He is part of why SoSuave still exist today. Anyone who knows his material and history would know that as well. So coming to a web forum site that he helped build up back in the day,...to bash and misrepresent him,... is kind of stupid
I read "The Rational Male". I like the Iron Rules of Tomassi. I think "The Rational Male" is a good read. Also, Rollo's blog posts in the years since "The Rational Male" (published 2013) are useful. The biggest critique that everyone has of Rollo is that he's been married since 1996 and probably in the same relationship since 1994.

Rollo has contributed more to the Manosphere than most. It'd be good if most of us were thankful for what he has contributed. I recognize it.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
The main issue I do not care for about Tollo Romassi is that he doesn't use his real name. He's headlining events now using his screen name. I think he can use his real name now, George Miller. He's about as Italian as Chef Boyardee.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Most dating and pickup coaches are trash. AG Hayden is just desperate for attention these days and has gone off the loose end. Even Playing With Fire, as much hype as he gets, is sort of crappy. I like the daygame program that Austen Summers has but outside of that, he is weird. In Miami I have seen a lot of coaches trying to test out their theories and such but almost all of them fail.

IMO, the GOAT program for men to get laid a lot was that put together by Good Looking Loser back in the day. While I think his game was wack and he was caught frauding videos with fake models, his forum produced the best results by far. You'd go on there and see guys actually pull and have proof that they did. You had guys come into the forum inexperienced and leave with 100+ lays by the end of it all. Result speak and no one delivered them like the guys on the GLL forum.

What made the forum so great is that it was heavily action oriented. None of that BS towards theories or whining about crap. Your place in the hierarchy was determined by how much you got laid which had dudes going out, approaching, and trying to close. Then look at your typical pickup group where some short bald loudmouth can get respect by just writing about game while having very few results to back it up.

I think anyone that talks too much about theories, red pill nonsense, and politics is a trash coach. Men would benefit the most from being a part of a community that gives some basic dating advice but:

1. Pushes hard for field reports.
2. Pushes hard for proof pics and "receipts" of a guy getting laid.
3. Rewards the guys getting laid rather than guys that play politics and just post a lot.

The Good Looking Loser community back in the day was without question the best game community of all time solely due to the fact that the guys on it got laid a lot and they had proof to back it up.


Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
Most dating and pickup coaches are trash. AG Hayden is just desperate for attention these days and has gone off the loose end. Even Playing With Fire, as much hype as he gets, is sort of crappy. I like the daygame program that Austen Summers has but outside of that, he is weird. In Miami I have seen a lot of coaches trying to test out their theories and such but almost all of them fail.

IMO, the GOAT program for men to get laid a lot was that put together by Good Looking Loser back in the day. While I think his game was wack and he was caught frauding videos with fake models, his forum produced the best results by far. You'd go on there and see guys actually pull and have proof that they did. You had guys come into the forum inexperienced and leave with 100+ lays by the end of it all. Result speak and no one delivered them like the guys on the GLL forum.

What made the forum so great is that it was heavily action oriented. None of that BS towards theories or whining about crap. Your place in the hierarchy was determined by how much you got laid which had dudes going out, approaching, and trying to close. Then look at your typical pickup group where some short bald loudmouth can get respect by just writing about game while having very few results to back it up.

I think anyone that talks too much about theories, red pill nonsense, and politics is a trash coach. Men would benefit the most from being a part of a community that gives some basic dating advice but:

1. Pushes hard for field reports.
2. Pushes hard for proof pics and "receipts" of a guy getting laid.
3. Rewards the guys getting laid rather than guys that play politics and just post a lot.

The Good Looking Loser community back in the day was without question the best game community of all time solely due to the fact that the guys on it got laid a lot and they had proof to back it up.
I used to post my dating reports here with pics. However, one of them somehow found their pic here. Damn Google. Be careful about that now. Google now indexes things in minutes or hours.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
I used to post my dating reports here with pics. However, one of them somehow found their pic here. Damn Google. Be careful about that now. Google now indexes things in minutes or hours.
Yeah I know which is why on the GLL forum, they made it invisible to google. I think this site would benefit tremendously from a private forum that you have to be logged into in order to access or at least have a certain post count or like count to view. I've been meaning to post such pics at some point but that is my fear too lol.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
Most dating and pickup coaches are trash. AG Hayden is just desperate for attention these days and has gone off the loose end. Even Playing With Fire, as much hype as he gets, is sort of crappy. I like the daygame program that Austen Summers has but outside of that, he is weird. In Miami I have seen a lot of coaches trying to test out their theories and such but almost all of them fail.

IMO, the GOAT program for men to get laid a lot was that put together by Good Looking Loser back in the day. While I think his game was wack and he was caught frauding videos with fake models, his forum produced the best results by far. You'd go on there and see guys actually pull and have proof that they did. You had guys come into the forum inexperienced and leave with 100+ lays by the end of it all. Result speak and no one delivered them like the guys on the GLL forum.

What made the forum so great is that it was heavily action oriented. None of that BS towards theories or whining about crap. Your place in the hierarchy was determined by how much you got laid which had dudes going out, approaching, and trying to close. Then look at your typical pickup group where some short bald loudmouth can get respect by just writing about game while having very few results to back it up.

I think anyone that talks too much about theories, red pill nonsense, and politics is a trash coach. Men would benefit the most from being a part of a community that gives some basic dating advice but:

1. Pushes hard for field reports.
2. Pushes hard for proof pics and "receipts" of a guy getting laid.
3. Rewards the guys getting laid rather than guys that play politics and just post a lot.

The Good Looking Loser community back in the day was without question the best game community of all time solely due to the fact that the guys on it got laid a lot and they had proof to back it up.
I more or less agree about GLL. Especially with the benefit of hindsight.

It's funny seeing people mention all of these various names to me. I used to think lots of them were 'good' too but over the years and with lots of experience and seeing things in a different light, I think they are basically all trash. Just think, which of them is HONESTLY going to be the guy who gets laid lots. Some ladies man, super stud. The guy who is gonna steal your girl etc. There's basically none. There's still people who think mystery or even ross jefferies or Robert Greene or whatever are some sort of 'seduction' God, but i'd bet my house that robert green or any of them names would get rejected 200 times in a row if they were trying to hit on the hot going girls I go for. You could say 'yeah, but they're all old now' but that's not the point. They were the ones who said 'age doesn't matter' for example lol.

The truth is that some of them get results, but it's simply not that impressive. They play the same numbers game with the same 'hit rate' as any other random dude. Watch infields. Coaches get laid with 'yes girls'. If they open a girl who clearly isn't receptive, they are powerless. Suddenly their 'attraction material' (negs and dhvs for myster, NLP seduction patterns for jefferies etc) doesn't work. We can all get laid some if we approach as much as mystery used too. (ps - his infields should honestly be confirmation for anyone with some social skills that he really isn't a threat! Some of his infields are painful!)

Someone mentioned Roosh. Are you kidding me? Did you ever see his infields? (didn't have many but some were on youtube). Completely hopeless. His book was as basic as you can possibly get in terms of 'game'. I was always amazed people spoke like he was telling them something they didn't already know (galnuc etc lol. As if asking a girl her age and name and where she lives is groundbreaking 'game')

The cold, hard truth is that none of these coaches are any better than the guy off the street basically. They can't be. Because there IS no ****ing magic 'game' that can force attraction in a girl lol. It's all based on some big lies.

I'm not saying game or social skills do'nt matter at all. But it's not what it's marketed as. It's more some fairly basic ideas to help you not screw up as opposed to some magic to actually make them attracted. The 'attraction material' part of game (and it varies based on who you listen too) is simply not fit for purpose. Negs, self amusement, cold reads, dhv stories...i could go on. It's not gonna help when you open a girl who isn't attracted to you. And depending on your age, looks, and her age and looks, that could be a LOT of girls in a row lol

GLL's main thing was that it's basically a numbers game and past having some fairly basic social skills (such as the knowledge you need to make a move on a girl or whatever!) it's kind of out of your control. Their forum was the only one who provided lots of proof. There were tonnes of guys on there whose results obliterated what the PUA coaches have ever been able to show. And simply doing it by getting as good looking as possible (surgeries, roids, gym etc) and hitting on a tonne of girls. And that's basically all there is. And they knew it. They didn't really care about what we all know as 'game', because they realised it was basically irellevant (past being somewhat 'normal' lol)

All of the coaches are no better than me or you. If they looked identical to me, or if i looked identical to them, i'd get identical results to coach kyle or aghayden or mystery or whoever you like
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Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
I more or less agree about GLL. Especially with the benefit of hindsight.

It's funny seeing people mention all of these various names to me. I used to think lots of them were 'good' too but over the years and with lots of experience and seeing things in a different light, I think they are basically all trash. Just think, which of them is HONESTLY going to be the guy who gets laid lots. Some ladies man, super stud. The guy who is gonna steal your girl etc. There's basically none. There's still people who think mystery or even ross jefferies or Robert Greene or whatever are some sort of 'seduction' God, but i'd bet my house that robert green or any of them names would get rejected 200 times in a row if they were trying to hit on the hot going girls I go for. You could say 'yeah, but they're all old now' but that's not the point. They were the ones who said 'age doesn't matter' for example lol.

The truth is that some of them get results, but it's simply not that impressive. They play the same numbers game with the same 'hit rate' as any other random dude. Watch infields. Coaches get laid with 'yes girls'. If they open a girl who clearly isn't receptive, they are powerless. Suddenly their 'attraction material' (negs and dhvs for myster, NLP seduction patterns for jefferies etc) doesn't work. We can all get laid some if we approach as much as mystery used too. (ps - his infields should honestly be confirmation for anyone with some social skills that he really isn't a threat! Some of his infields are painful!)

Someone mentioned Roosh. Are you kidding me? Did you ever see his infields? (didn't have many but some were on youtube). Completely hopeless. His book was as basic as you can possibly get in terms of 'game'. I was always amazed people spoke like he was telling them something they didn't already know (galnuc etc lol. As if asking a girl her age and name and where she lives is groundbreaking 'game')

The cold, hard truth is that none of these coaches are any better than the guy off the street basically. They can't be. Because there IS no ****ing magic 'game' that can force attraction in a girl lol. It's all based on some big lies.

I'm not saying game or social skills do'nt matter at all. But it's not what it's marketed as. It's more some fairly basic ideas to help you not screw up as opposed to some magic to actually make them attracted. The 'attraction material' part of game (and it varies based on who you listen too) is simply not fit for purpose. Negs, self amusement, cold reads, dhv stories...i could go on. It's not gonna help when you open a girl who isn't attracted to you. And depending on your age, looks, and her age and looks, that could be a LOT of girls in a row lol

GLL's main thing was that it's basically a numbers game and past having some fairly basic social skills (such as the knowledge you need to make a move on a girl or whatever!) it's kind of out of your control. Their forum was the only one who provided lots of proof. There were tonnes of guys on there whose results obliterated what the PUA coaches have ever been able to show. And simply doing it by getting as good looking as possible (surgeries, roids, gym etc) and hitting on a tonne of girls. And that's basically all there is. And they knew it. They didn't really care about what we all know as 'game', because they realised it was basically irellevant (past being somewhat 'normal' lol)

All of the coaches are no better than me or you. If they looked identical to me, or if i looked identical to them, i'd get identical results to coach kyle or aghayden or mystery or whoever you like
Yeah what really set GLL apart was the fact that he acknowledged looks mattered and I'd take him over just about any coach for one reason, he looked like he lifted and hit the gym. The guy was a former hockey player and on his entire forum, the guys were putting in the work constantly to get shredded, look good, and then approach a ton.

IMO, the clear distinction between coaches that get laid and those that do not is how much time they spend with theory versus action. GLL was perhaps the only guy that spent a ton of time doing in fields and offering actionable advice he wanted you to act on. In his forum, everything was based on taking action and judging guys based on not just the results but the receipts.

Something I see way too many "coaches" doing these guys is wasting time on the wrong avenues such as obsessing over race, height, and all of that stuff. AG Hayden is basically desperate for views recently with his cringey videos and Playing With Fire is an extension of an incel forum.

IMO, GLL was the last and perhaps only real player around and like any player, he moved on to other things.

I wish we could bring the GLL culture on here, I'd love to post my receipts in the future.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
My favorite by far is ToddV, I love his style because it fits with my skills.


Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score

Yeah Todd is pretty decent and respectable, his game with the two blondes was just legendary status IMO. However, he does have a dry style and doesn't emphasize looks as much. I would either use him or Austen Summers for a daygame or nightgame template in terms of what type of style to use but then transition to GLL for all else.


Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
Yeah I know which is why on the GLL forum, they made it invisible to google. I think this site would benefit tremendously from a private forum that you have to be logged into in order to access or at least have a certain post count or like count to view. I've been meaning to post such pics at some point but that is my fear too lol.
A surreal experience where I doxed myself.