I agree with this but I also believe the best relationships occur when both people are whole and complete first - internally.
Strive for that, deal with your internal shyt first. Become whole and complete first, love yourself first.
I don't believe you can truly love another if you don't and even this girl, I don't believe you love her Murk, if you did, you wouldn't be feeling as you do. The disgust, the disdain.
Close intimate relationships are akin to looking in the mirror and seeing your own image reflected back to you. The disdain you feel, the disgust is actually the disdain and disgust you feel for yourself.
It's too painful to acknowledge so instead of addressing it, together or alone, you dump the girl and thus alleviate the need to deal with any of it. Running away from it..
Problem is it's still there, festering within and the patten of decadence and debauchery continues.
Apologies I realize I'm getting into some deep shyt here.
Just some things to consider. It's all a journey mate.