That makes sense in the short term. Those effects will level off over time, but keep going with no porn and no masturbation. You'll be in a better place if you keep it up.
If Options A-C are the only options in life, Option A is the best one. In option A, you must avoid porn and masturbation. As a male, once you hit your 30s, you will be a social outcast if you are unattached or marginally attached (shorter term relationships typically lasting 12 months or less). Most people you know will be married and in multi-year LTRs. You'll barely see your married male friends and the guys in 3-5+ year long LTRs won't be much better than your married male friends. On the infrequent occasions that you do see them, you'll have less and less in common with them. Your siblings and cousins will likely have pursued the marriage and family path, so you'll even be a bit of an outcast within your family and have some less than ideal family gatherings.
There is an Option D.
@DEEZEDBRAH will be familiar with the following refrain. Enjoy the decline. Pillage what you can. Learn seduction and have sex with the high notch count woman. Stay in good shape to give her the vaginal tingles.