I haven’t read this entire thread even though I started it, but let me say this about you guys who say you get zero IOIs.
I’ve observed over the years that most men reach way beyond their grasp. You append that statement about zero IOIs with “from girls I’m attracted to”. You’re looking for IOIs from women who are way out of your league. I’ve been there most of my life myself. We men walk around imagining that even in our underdeveloped state, gorgeous and relatively well-adjusted women will want us. I hate to burst your bubble, but you’re not ready for these women, and they’re not attracted to you. That’s right… the women you’re attracted to are not attracted to you because they can smell your desperation and awkwardness.
What I did to fix this problem was to lower my sights just a hair down to women who were not as perfect as my imagination thought I deserved, and started realizing there were plenty of fairly pretty girls who were attracted to me. Once I settled on fairly pretty, I became more confident, worked on myself, and naturally flowed into the higher echelon of women.
I repeat… most men fantasize that they deserve women who are simply out of their league. You’re looking for attention from the upper tier, and you don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell with them. Because of this, you are completely blind to the IOIs that are there from your value-peers.
Walk before you run. If you would take a step out of fantasy-land and look around you, you would see plenty of interest from women that you automatically reject. You are automatically rejecting them just the same way your perfect specimens of womanhood are automatically rejecting you.
Take your expectations down a few notches and practice success with less than ideal (but still pretty and respectful) women. If you apply the knowledge within these pages while obtaining successes with the women of your league, you will outgrow them as more and more upper-tier women start to notice you.
I’m ready now to be entertained by the flames of the excuse-makers and know-it-alls who will surely rise up with their torches to set me, their benevolent advisor, ablaze.
In all seriousness, though, at least entertain the possibility that your standards are higher than you’re ready to attain. Look around you and just have friendly conversations with normal women. Your eyes will start to open to IOIs from better and better women as you gain experience.
Years ago, I was willing to bring my physical standards down in order to find a woman of character (because I value character over looks), but lo and behold, I came a cross a woman of true character who was also a natural beauty. She radiates that natural feminine “prettiness” that we value so highly. I married her last year. She is the kind of woman I would always fantasize about years ago when I was completely invisible to women like her.
I had refined myself for a few years by relating with more average, yet still pretty women, and almost unknowingly graduated to the big leagues.
I’m rambling too much here which I tend to do when I post from my phone. I’ll put on the brakes, but guys, look to see if there is a grain of truth in what I’m saying. You may not like the way I’m saying it, but at least consider my main points.