Senior Don Juan
Did you even read the rest of my post? OFC those guys aren't fecking those girls they're validating, but the damage is done. The girls are going to have inflated egos and bolstered standards bc of the droves of idiots giving them validation and affirmation for literally nothing. So getting at these girls are going to be that much more difficult, arbitrarily.Yes their gassed up but that's just free attention and validation. Most of those guys aren't even getting a chance to smell the ***** lol.
Amber Heard is just a crazy beach, but it still came down to him being literal Johnny Depp to get her in the first place. Also, Smith is just a simp, despite his fame and money, made obviously apparent with him letting his wife cuck him. There's literally millions of cases of guys with money and looks who do quiiiite alright that you're conveniently omitting.Well if game comes down to just looks and money. Why is Johnny depp going through a divorce? Why is Will Smith going through what he's going through? How could Kim K leave Kanye and get with a bum like Pete Davidson?
Also Kanye is a complete beta nutcase that has lost it over the years and his star is waning(thusly his usefulness to KK), and just like her entire rap sheet, she's with PD for clout. Also PD is tall, famous, rich, trendy, has status, is "funny" apparently, etc...hardly a "bum" lol.