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This could help you with approach anxiety..........


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2022
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Yes their gassed up but that's just free attention and validation. Most of those guys aren't even getting a chance to smell the ***** lol.
Did you even read the rest of my post? OFC those guys aren't fecking those girls they're validating, but the damage is done. The girls are going to have inflated egos and bolstered standards bc of the droves of idiots giving them validation and affirmation for literally nothing. So getting at these girls are going to be that much more difficult, arbitrarily.

Well if game comes down to just looks and money. Why is Johnny depp going through a divorce? Why is Will Smith going through what he's going through? How could Kim K leave Kanye and get with a bum like Pete Davidson?
Amber Heard is just a crazy beach, but it still came down to him being literal Johnny Depp to get her in the first place. Also, Smith is just a simp, despite his fame and money, made obviously apparent with him letting his wife cuck him. There's literally millions of cases of guys with money and looks who do quiiiite alright that you're conveniently omitting.
Also Kanye is a complete beta nutcase that has lost it over the years and his star is waning(thusly his usefulness to KK), and just like her entire rap sheet, she's with PD for clout. Also PD is tall, famous, rich, trendy, has status, is "funny" apparently, etc...hardly a "bum" lol.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Serious inner (perhaps professional) work . To get to the core of your insecurities. Which may be countered by outer work( clothes, fitness ,money ect). The better you feel about yourself, the better results you'll get.

Next what might help is understanding anxiety is just tension ,like a apex predator
feels anxiety whenever it spots possible prey. Its needed to be sharp.

More small talk. Imo a man must game the entire worl;grandmas ,children , animals ect. Not only women, you gotta hit on the whole world and love it all.

Final tip would be pick your battles wisely. A so called cold approach should always have a element of warming up involved, which can be accomplished by the energy you ooze out because you put in work, both inner and outer work. You offer her an opportunity instead of asking for chance. That confidence to a spectator might look like arrogance.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
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I disagree. It gets easier but it's still stressful.
I enjoy it. Like tyler durden said, if he's feeling down, he goes sarging. Feels like lightning is running through your arteries.


Don Juan
May 13, 2022
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Did you even read the rest of my post? OFC those guys aren't fecking those girls they're validating, but the damage is done. The girls are going to have inflated egos and bolstered standards bc of the droves of idiots giving them validation and affirmation for literally nothing. So getting at these girls are going to be that much more difficult, arbitrarily.

Amber Heard is just a crazy beach, but it still came down to him being literal Johnny Depp to get her in the first place. Also, Smith is just a simp, despite his fame and money, made obviously apparent with him letting his wife cuck him. There's literally millions of cases of guys with money and looks who do quiiiite alright that you're conveniently omitting.
Also Kanye is a complete beta nutcase that has lost it over the years and his star is waning(thusly his usefulness to KK), and just like her entire rap sheet, she's with PD for clout. Also PD is tall, famous, rich, trendy, has status, is "funny" apparently, etc...hardly a "bum" lol.
That's why frame is so important (frame is the sum total of money, muscles (looks), and GAME).

JD wasn't able to hold frame though so him being JD meant nothing in the grand scheme of things (that's like being 6'1 handsome and in good shape but can't get a women). Also he didn't have enough game to realise and accept the red flags and move accordingly. Will wasn't game aware if he was he would have known Jada was a 304 and moved accordingly.

Yea there are many who do quite well but you know what's keeping their relationship in tact.............? They can hold frame and they lead with game. (What happens when they stop you get a JD situation)

BRO YOUR SAYING KK IS WITH PD FOR CLOUT!!! Slap yourself right now! I can see PD being with KK for clout but the reverse you sound crazy.

Bruh women don't date down they date up! You telling me PD is the "UP"? She's with PD cause he has frame and leads with GAME. This is how come most guys can't explain why she's with him.

What do Pac, PD, and August A have in common vs KY, JD, & Will?
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Don Juan
May 13, 2022
Reaction score
These are mind monkey games.
Just talk to her. This is a game.
Its also a performance.
You will never get fully rid of AA. Anyone who tells you that you can is liying or selling you BS.
Approach. Get better at qualifying and body language and social skills. Thats it.
Overly worrying about exactly how she is thinking is a fools errand.

This isn't a "mind monkey game" as you say. A "mind monkey game" is thinking you can never get rid of AA (That's like convincing yourself you can never fully get into shape OR you can't fully be a millionaire. STOP PLAYING YOURSELF!

"You will never get fully rid of AA". So what you're saying is it's no man on the planet that has gotten over AA? Do you think a pimp has AA? (Yes a pimp is not an everyday man but that's not the point). Do you think the guy in your neighborhood slaying all of the ladies has AA? Heck guys like you get upset at the very guys who get the women you like! You think those guys have AA?

"Just talk to her" is easier said than done for most guys. That said my aim with the original post is to aid guys in overcoming AA by way of providing a level of awareness on how a female thinks which if understood minimize risk and rejection! So instead of guy's walking up to every female and getting rejected eventually falling into defeatism and posting on SS complaining about how technology, SM, Simps, and looks and money being the reason why AFC's like themselves can't get laid.

A women will take your attention and free validation at the same time will blatantly ignore you! Why? Because she doesn't want to give you the wrong impression (she's doesn't want you to get the impression that she is sexually interested in you). In other words when your monkeying about attempting to get that hot 10's attention and she's not giving attention back it means there are no IOI's or choosing signals Why because she doesn't want to give you the wrong impression, she's not interested so to minimize risk and rejection DO NOT APPROACH!!

If her not looking at you means she does not want to give you the wrong impression if she does give you attention what does that mean? That means that she DOES want to give you the right impression! This is when you "Just talk to her" in other words it's time to shoot your shot!

Only thing that can mess this up is you at this point!

Side note: If your not liking the women who are giving you attention than that means self improvement is needed!
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2022
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That's why frame is so important (frame is the sum total of money, muscles (looks), and GAME).

JD wasn't able to hold frame though so him being JD meant nothing in the grand scheme of things (that's like being 6'1 handsome and in good shape but can't get a women). Also he didn't have enough game to realise and accept the red flags and move accordingly. Will wasn't game aware if he was he would have known Jada was a 304 and moved accordingly.

Yea there are many who do quite well but you know what's keeping their relationship in tact.............? They can hold frame and they lead with game. (What happens when they stop you get a JD situation)

BRO YOUR SAYING KK IS WITH PD FOR CLOUT!!! Slap yourself right now! I can see PD being with KK for clout but the reverse you sound crazy.

Bruh women don't date down they date up! You telling me PD is the "UP"? She's with PD cause he has frame and leads with GAME. This is how come most guys can't explain why she's with him.

What do Pac, PD, and August A have in common vs KY, JD, & Will?
Depp's "frame" has nothing to do with it. Heard is clearly a total pathological psychopath and a golddigger. She would've erupted regardless. Will is a cuck. Plain and simple. PD is everywhere. SNL, movies, commercials, hosting, etc. Hollywood is clearly trying to make him a "thing" and he is totally one of the current "it" guys. Obviously, KK can smell that a mile away. Kanye's star is on the decline...she made a lateral move. This post is filled with way too many cringe buzz words to even take seriously, anyway and I don't even see what your point is.


Don Juan
May 13, 2022
Reaction score
Sorry dude your just wrong. I hate to be the barrer of bad news to your ego.
Every performance has its thrill.
Stop lying to yourself would be a good start
Your not very convincing. If I'm wrong break down how. I'm here to learn and grow not to argue.

Like your telling me I'm wrong but not providing me with any real evidence to support your argument. Share with the class your step by step tutorial (for lack of a better word) of how you would approach a women.


Don Juan
May 13, 2022
Reaction score
Depp's "frame" has nothing to do with it. Heard is clearly a total pathological psychopath and a golddigger. She would've erupted regardless. Will is a cuck. Plain and simple. PD is everywhere. SNL, movies, commercials, hosting, etc. Hollywood is clearly trying to make him a "thing" and he is totally one of the current "it" guys. Obviously, KK can smell that a mile away. Kanye's star is on the decline...she made a lateral move. This post is filled with way too many cringe buzz words to even take seriously, anyway and I don't even see what your point is.
Frame is the sum total of money (a man's financial status and status in general) muscles (look and overall appearance) and GAME (a set of social skills for people to people interactions more specifically male and female interaction). He has the money and look but little to no game If he had game he would have recognized the red flags and walked away instead of ending up in the situation he's in today! Same goes for Will and I agree he's a CUCK but he's a cuck due to his aligning with and prioritizing feminine interest and not knowing and understanding how to navigate male/female interactions (this is why having a rotation and notch count is prerequisite before marriage if that is the end all outcome).

PD is not an "it" guy (yet) him being with KK is what will make him an "it" guy if he maneuver's the right way. If you would have asked a stranger who PD was pre KK most people wouldn't have known. Ask who he is post KK they might ask "KK's boyfriend?" or something to that extent. KK isn't smelling a clout opportunity PD is preselect and that's based off of his FRAME and mate history.

They're only cringe because they aren't cliche or popular and MY point is it's all about FRAME (most importantly GAME) when dealing with women. What's YOUR point!?