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Women and comfort level with culture/ race bias.

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Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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A little anecdote: when I use to dress like an artist and musician with my leather jacket and plain clothes with my wilder hair, I got approached more by the hippie white women back in college. I have changed my scene since, but what culture you wear is also important to what the woman you may attract.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2022
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Sure you can, if you have strong masculine frame. Who cares what she thinks? You are stuck in the woman's frame, bro. This is the same as anything else. Too many guys on here worry about why they will be rejected. Just another form of analysis paralysis. Approach, get rejected or close, next.
Easier said.... It's not about giving a feck what she thinks at all, it's that in many cases she's already made up her mind, pre-emptively and you have no way of knowing when you'll run into those guaranteed rejections. When there are already any numbers of reasons for possibly being rejected, then you add one in which there's literally nothing you can do about, well yeah, it kinda matters lol.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Just another form of resistance for a man to dodge. Women are not that steadfast in their principles. She'll give it up for Idris Elba. (I'm saying that since Sosuavers always use the Clooney example.) A woman will say she's not attracted to X and then go fukk a guy who's exactly that.

Bottom line, it's not a reason to preempt yourself from approaching. "Oh, I'm a minority and she may be racist" = just another example of weak frame and overthinking.

Caveat, if you're in some redneck backwater and think you might get your a$$ kicked (or worse) by her inbred brothers (the original White Knights), then yeah you've got to look out for No. 1. That's why I say in some places this stuff means less than in others...some parts of the world (esp. in the US) have a perverse obsession with "race."
Idris Elba is not hot. If anyone is ****ing him, it's purely to use him as a stepping stone to a greater man. It also gets their foot into the door of the industry itself where they can find a more attractive man.
Mar 9, 2021
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But virtually all women do want a Chad lol. Maybe they're insecure and they think they can't have one, or they're too timid to go after one, but 9.5/10 times she still wants the stereotypical hot guy. If this wasn't the case dating apps wouldn't be so busted, you wouldn't have so many average guys who just become cam girl simps bc they can't get a date lol or all the beta guys who get cheated on or become cucks bc their gf can't stop Chad chasing.

And I'm not trying to promote anything, I'm just being objective. Tbh I think people project too much. Race is very rigid for some people. Period. And sure there are all spectrums in between...some people don't gaf about race, some people have preferences but are open to whatever, etc. But that doesn't negate that there is, and will always be a large sect of women that have strict race logistics they won't waver from. There isn't going to be an agreement on race and dating bc your experience will differ depending on what race you are. IDK why some people want to pretend there's the fake guise of's ok to admit and accept your privilege lol. Again, it's like a good-looking guy gaslighting to some ugly dude that looks don't matter while he has the luxury of good looks and never experienced what it's like to be considered ugly.
I don’t disagree that women want a hot guy, I disagree that every woman wants this stereotypical jaw lined alpha masculine Chad type. Maybe a hot guy to her is Justin Bieber or some Russell Brand looking dude. Not all men want a 10/10 model skinny blonde with big boobs and a butt. I am personally most attracted to plain Janes with glasses or middle eastern women with the stellar eyes. We all over here promoting HS football star Chad when there’s a market for other types of men that we can all achieve.

In how to deal with the race thing, I think for Asians, they should should ditch the nerdy/foreign personality and go from there. Hell, maybe imitating a Chad is their best strategy.

For blacks, if you are struggling then you need to move to a more open area plain and simple. I hate to be blunt, but no matter how much money or looks you have, you will always be the “blackie” to some people. Quit butting your head trying to impress these people and tell them to eat shvt period. The blacks that struggle the most are the ones like me that grew up in the suburbs and have to eat shvt until we leave lol.
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2022
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Just another form of resistance for a man to dodge. Women are not that steadfast in their principles. She'll give it up for Idris Elba. (I'm saying that since Sosuavers always use the Clooney example.) A woman will say she's not attracted to X and then go fukk a guy who's exactly that.
lol yep...just be very good-looking, rich, charismatic, famous, charming, in great shape, and 50 other things then a woman will bend her race mandates...I hope this wasn't an unironic statement, bc it totally proves my point. You essentially have to over compensate by basically being an exception to your race...yet the entire time she's still pining for some average white guy, anyway.

Bottom line, it's not a reason to preempt yourself from approaching. "Oh, I'm a minority and she may be racist" = just another example of weak frame and overthinking.
Spoken by someone who's never been the minority in an area or venue when historically, every race of the women there don't date your race. Not being 6'3 isn't a valid excuse not to approach, knowing and recognizing that 95% of the women in a given area prefer something else...kinda is IMO.

Caveat, if you're in some redneck backwater and think you might get your a$$ kicked (or worse) by her inbred brothers (the original White Knights), then yeah you've got to look out for No. 1. That's why I say in some places this stuff means less than in others...some parts of the world (esp. in the US) have a perverse obsession with "race."
This I agree with, but it's not always that blatant or obvious.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2022
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I don’t disagree that women want a hot guy, I disagree that every woman wants this stereotypical jaw lined alpha masculine Chad type. Maybe a hot guy to her is Justin Bieber or some Russell Brand looking dude. Not all men want a 10/10 model skinny blonde with big boobs and a butt. I am personally most attracted to plain Janes with glasses or middle eastern women with the stellar eyes. We all over here promoting HS football star Chad when there’s a market for other types of men that we can all achieve.

In how to deal with the race thing, I think for Asians, they should should ditch the nerdy/foreign personality and go from there. Hell, maybe imitating a Chad is their best strategy.
Well Bieber is still considered at a hot guy and is kinda Chad-ish these days. Yes, some women don't want some uber jacked meathead, but there's universal things they all covet...a tall, in shape, hot guy. Sure there's a "market" for other guys, it's just drastically smaller. Any man who's tried dating apps and isn't an 8/10 white dude can attest.

For blacks, if you are struggling then you need to move to a more open area plain and simple. I hate to be blunt, but no matter how much money or looks you have, you will always be the “blackie” to some people. Quit butting your head trying to impress these people and tell them to eat shvt period
Waaaaaaay ahead of you there. Personally, I don't try or gaf about impressing anyone, I just know and recognize what people will assume, regardless. I'm tall, on the lankier side, lighter skin, I wear a man bun and basically nothing but high fashion suits...I legitimately have an interest in fashion, so I always look as presentable as possible, but most random people would still assume I'm likely an uneducated criminal lols.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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Not true. You have to consider not only all the racist women (which is more than you're estimating) but also women who aren't racist but don't date outside of their race or have a strict preference for certain races. You can be the most masculine guy ever, if she's not attracted to your race, she isn't attracted to your race. Not to mention if she has a racial bias, being more masculine could just make you seem more "aggressive" or stereotypical. Women are more particular and selective than they've ever been, and race is at the forefront of that.
If you really don’t think that, the more masculine man (the better game) doesn’t “get the girl” I or no one else can help you and your essentiala lost cause as a man.

You really think cause you walk around in a suite and a man bun haircut your not perceived as anything other then a try hard?

any one still complaining about not be able to get laid cause of their “race” in 2022 is cappin hard. That’s all I’m going to say in this obviously obnoxious bait thread.

Here’s a twist, put an ugly minority with a thick accent in the most racist parts of Arkansas with 0 game and he’s going to get laid within a month. Put that same guy in the most liberal pats of California and he’s going to get laid 0 times.
Mar 9, 2021
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If you really don’t think that, the more masculine man (the better game) doesn’t “get the girl” I or no one else can help you and your essentiala lost cause as a man.

You really think cause you walk around in a suite and a man bun haircut your not perceived as anything other then a try hard?

any one still complaining about not be able to get laid cause of their “race” in 2022 is cappin hard. That’s all I’m going to say in this obviously obnoxious bait thread.

Here’s a twist, put an ugly minority with a thick accent in the most racist parts of Arkansas with 0 game and he’s going to get laid within a month. Put that same guy in the most liberal pats of California and he’s going to get laid 0 times.
Your last part makes zero sense lol. Is it because he will find a pig to fvck or something?

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Reading this thread is fascinating. As a fly on the wall, I’m wondering if we could remove every instance of <any non Caucasian race> and replace it with <a guy under 6ft tall> and we’d have a perfectly cogent discussion?
Given the traffic this thread has I’d be interested in figuring out the racial mix of active posters to SS, not that we could.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2022
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You're creating a narrative in your head about a girl you don't know - and surrendering frame to her and rejecting yourself. Get out of your male brain. Women do not have ironclad rules about who they will fukk. Otherwise there would be no game.
More like I'm making an educated assumption based on overwhelmingly logical odds. I wouldn't consider it rejecting yourself by actively avoiding predetermined rejection stemming from an aspect I literally cannot change...Again, this isn't something arbitrary like thinking you're too short or not in good enough shape...ofc women aren't ironclad about that, but race is something rigid and static. If she's not into black guys, unless you look like Zach Lavine or Patrick Mahomes or something and you have a ton of other attributes to compensate, that's that. Yes, if you're rich, really good-looking or famous, race isn't an issue.


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2019
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More like I'm making an educated assumption based on overwhelmingly logical odds. I wouldn't consider it rejecting yourself by actively avoiding predetermined rejection stemming from an aspect I literally cannot change...Again, this isn't something arbitrary like thinking you're too short or not in good enough shape...ofc women aren't ironclad about that, but race is something rigid and static. If she's not into black guys, unless you look like Zach Lavine or Patrick Mahomes or something and you have a ton of other attributes to compensate, that's that. Yes, if you're rich, really good-looking or famous, race isn't an issue.
Zach Lavine and Patrick Mahomes aren't even black.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2022
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Zach Lavine and Patrick Mahomes aren't even black.
...Technically/literally they are. Buuuuuut that's my point...That's the kind of black guys women want. Waffle colored and basically as close to white as possible.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Opposite of my experience lol. I’m like will smith black and I feel like the women that date black guys want a 50 cent/Tupac black guy.
They do because that blackness is primative and raw. That is why it confuses women and even men when a darker skinned person is so fresh and fit [pardon the pun]. It goes against their experience and raising. Imagine if you met a peaceful lion. You would have no respect for it. You can cuddle it and such, but then you only see it as a pet. Now imagine a lion that is feral and instinctual. Suddenly you do not want to mess with that lion. You respect it with distance. The irony of this allegory is that unfortunately it also means the woman will admire from afar. And that means no sex. So some men become wolves in sheep's clothing to compensate. It is a hard battle to fight. A good metaphor of nature vs civilization.

For instance, all the raiders of the past took women as they saw fit without any feminism to stop them. In western society, that is not allowed, so you have a lot of starving wolves. I am only speaking from a scientific pov what the symptom of nature and what is going on. Now how you navigate this, it is up to the man. He can choose to play with other lions. If he wants a sexy gazelle, he can use other methods to get it. In this case, the gazelle are the top tier women. So the lion will excel himself above the other animals, look as great as he can, and become effectively the Lion King.
Mar 9, 2021
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Based on my experiences- the women that will date a black guy can be categorized

1). The Mudshark...most common one, trash of another race that has settled to dating thirsty black and Hispanic guy. These women can be hot and get the "I saw a black guy with a hot white girl" response, but little do they know the skeletons in this woman's closet and this simp took on the dumb responsibility of handling them.

2). The Cleat Chaser...This woman only chases athletes or will only have sex with athletes. A lot of these women end up on the dating apps after they graduate from college and they are pretty easy to pick out based on their insecurities and how they complain about men and their exes lol....She is 25 yet all of her exes have had kids and multiple baby mommies lmao

3). The Django Chasers- This woman only chases exceptionally high-value black men, I'm talking surgeons, lawyers, high prime business owners, and frauds lol

4). The Hopeless Romantics/Tyler Perry- This woman is chasing a fantasy and won't let it go. This black guy has to be well off with advanced degrees, under 30, be woke af, go to church every Sunday, played football in college, be over 6ft tall with dreads, be a friendly extrovert, have the spark, act like Jesus, and etc....These are literally the worst type of women to deal with IMHO.

5). The I just want a black guy for xyz- It's basically coming in at the right time for this woman because she will settle for any guy as long as he is black or brown or whatever, so she can use it for her liberal sjw personality or pvss off daddy. When you see these women with their shvt together with a loser and scratch your head it's because of this. These girls just want a pet that they can show off and order around plain and simple.


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2019
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...Technically/literally they are. Buuuuuut that's my point...That's the kind of black guys women want. Waffle colored and basically as close to white as possible.
They're biracial, not black.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2022
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They're biracial, not black.
lol stop it. Literally no one refers to biracial people as "biracial". If you're mixed with black/white, literally everyone considers them black, whether they like it or not.


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2019
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lol stop it. Literally no one refers to biracial people as "biracial". If you're mixed with black/white, literally everyone considers them black, whether they like it or not.
Go ask biracial people if they've ever had any issues with acceptance within the black community.

Levine and Mahomes are both roughly 40% African, 60% European.
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