Observations on Atlanta's scene.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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So @SW15 and I have been trying to add our experiences being in various cities for a while and giving our observations on their scene. Today, I want to focus on my home city, the A Town. I grew up in the Peach State and sometimes, I gotta say, having traveled all over I do miss some aspects of it. While I cannot relate too much to the people of Georgia, I consider myself a Georgia boy and the year has been kind to us (Braves and Dawgs won!). No time to waste though, let's go.

The nightlife is pretty good.

Atlanta isn't NYC or Vegas but it's doable, I am surprised PUAs don't put more attention to it. The best spot is The Dark Horse in VA Highlands but in Buckhead, you can't go wrong with the Big Sky area. The Ivy is good and right next to it, Johnnys Hideaway (world famous cougar bar). Compared to here in Miami, I say Atlanta wins big time and has a nightlife that is 5 times better. It ain't NYC but for what it is, it offers a real good opportunity for you to pull. If you have some decent game and decent looks, you are easily above 95% of guys there.

I say Atlanta is a city where you can pull once a week if you explore all your options and do a good number of approaches. Start off at the Buckhead Saloon/Big Sky area and run numbers game. Another night, go for broke at The Ivy. One other night, consider Dark Horse and spend the night there. I realized I took Atlanta nightlife for granted after seeing just how god awful Miami nightlife is.

If you have not been to an Atlanta stripclub, please go. Go to Pink Pony in Brookhaven (not the one near the airport) and to The Cheetah Lounge.

A pretty good city to settle down in.

House prices once you get outside of the perimeter are reasonable and you can get a good bang for your buck. You will find a lot of family oriented types and some can be real good friends of yours. People in Georgia are quite laid back outside the perimeter on politics, it's not the NYC outrage culture where Republican = Satan. People just live their own lives and largely leave you alone for the most part. Right now, Atlanta is affordable enough and probably the most livable between NYC and Miami. Expect a heavy sports culture as people live and die on college football since it's the south. You can definitely find a healthy and welcoming community in the city once you get outside the perimeter. At times, after seeing how awful and outraged type people in NYC were, I sometimes miss Atlanta.

Try out the food.

Southern food, man, it is amazing. If you have not had cheese grits, I recommend having cheese grits with biscuit for a breakfast. Try the nasty Varsity, it is awful but you just try it lol. Due to the growing Asian and Indian population, you have a lot of good food from those cultures. Even better, try out some of the American food, especially if it is fried like a nice fried chicken sandwich. We spoil you with food in Georgia, which is why we are so fat as a state!

Probably the best city in the world if you are into black women.

If you are not into black girls, come to Atlanta and you will find your exception. They say Atlanta is great for single men, yeah, that's single men who are into black women. Black women in Atlanta are open to dating all kinds of men of different races and I have seen them date anywhere from white to asian to brown to latin to whatever guys. You will find some cool and classy black girls in Atlanta.

Bbbbuuuutttttt if you are into anything else.

Don't have high hopes. I mean it's like while we have the hottest black women out of anywhere on the planet, our quality in all other race of women is awful. Even white women in Atlanta are a borderline disappointment. Back in my college days, the classy sorority girls went off to Nashville or NYC while the trashy ones and ugly ones ended up in Atlanta. You either get a trashy sorority sister type with a huge ego or an ultra leftist Woke warrior (which we surprisingly have a lot of) type. Hot white girls do exist though so don't give up hope and keep on gaming.

Our Asian, Indian, Latin, and ethnic girls though? I'll venture and say some of the most hideous out there.

Bizarro world and why you see some hot girls with guys that would struggle in most other cities.

Atlanta might desperately claim to be the capital of Black America and a progressive city but deep down, in the heart of it, it is a good ole boy network. Buckhead is pretty much post-college kids from SEC schools in their 20s who love to go to places like Big Sky and Ivy. Women still care about who you were in college and stick with their former Greek Life crew. You will see men having status based off of who they were in college, even though they are an overweight 25 year old that wears khakis and collar shirts to bars. It's a weird type of Bizzaro world.

Make no mistake about it, Atlanta's culture (especially in Buckhead) is very status chasing and clout heavy. One of my friends calls it LA's inbred cousin and yeah....it's hard to disagree. Due to the film industry and the rap flashiness, Atlanta is heavily clout driven.

The culture is also oddly sex shaming, it's a big city that can feel socially like a small town.

Yes, Atlanta is the home of some of the best strip clubs in the country and rap music that is overly ratchet. At the same time, it is the Bible Belt and you will find a lot of people who will hate you for being the guy that gets around. Somehow, the hyper leftist culture mixed in with Christians that desperately want to appear self-righteous leads to a socially congestive atmosphere where women cannot sleep around as openly as they would in an NYC or an LA. It's a big city that can easily feel like a small town. Lots of crazy youth churches too.

You can sense this frustration in locals as well. Compared to NYC or Miami, I noticed a lot more passive-aggressiveness in Atlanta whenever I was buying something or from people around me. Lots of people had pent up frustration and you commonly saw it with road rage.

But there are opportunities and the competition is a joke.

Compared to NYC and especially Miami, the competition in Atlanta is a joke. While it is a more closed off environment due to how social circle heavy it can get, you can still find a lot of women who are open and looking to meet a cool guy. My favorite bar was The Dark Horse in Virginia Highlands, 4 stories and you meet so many amazing women who are approachable. The scene may be more hipster but you will find all sorts of girls there, especially sorority types who are fed up with Buckhead.

Out of every state I have lived in, it is worth mentioning that Georgia guys have the worst game. I blame it on the heavily religious upbringing mixed in with extreme reliance on social circles but Georgia guys are very awkward and odd around women. For some men, even sex before marriage is a foreign concept, I am not kidding here. While the black population does bring up the game level in the city, I have found that even black guys in NY or CA had far tighter game than their Atlanta counterparts.

Anyone with an ounce of game knowledge could probably find a niche and clean up fast in Atlanta. Your competition is minimal and most guys worth their salt get so fed up with the city's scene that they bail. If you did have low moral standards, you'll be shocked at how many married women desperately want to get screwed because they missed out on some of their sluttiest years.

Be ready to deal with ****blocking, mate guarding and passive aggressive AMOGing from local dudes though.

Georgia guys are not used to some random guy going up to a girl at a bar and chatting her up. When I lived in NYC and even now in Miami, I notice guys do it all the time. In Atlanta, so many women just stuck to their circles and people in theirs. You'll commonly see this at The Ivy where former Greek Life folks stay in their cliques. If you approach a girl in an NYC or Miami and she's with a dude or a group, people will just brush it off and some may even respect you for it. In Atlanta, expect for guys to straight up fight you or have an aggressive response.

I cannot help but feel that the sexual frustration and an environment that can seem so closed leads to a lot of pent up frustration in local guys. Whenever I have lived in other cities, I always found something off about fellow Atliens. They were either super judgmental, overcompensating, or just always really bitter compared to folks from elsewhere.

Misc, other.

Atlanta has its ups and downs but I still call it home. I feel like it is a good city for you to spend a year or two in to get yourself together before you move to an NYC or LA. You can also build a great life for yourself in the city once you decide to settle down. I never knew how good some aspects of it were until I left to go an NYC or a Miami.
Mar 9, 2021
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I’ve been to those buckhead bars plenty of times. You are spot on about Atlanta being some frat good ole boy network city in disguise. I’m not in to black women but, I did notice the white women in Atlanta weren’t that great looking either. A 6/10 white girl is basically a 8/10 in Atlanta lol. Coming from Nashville, and never liking it in the first place, I saw Atlanta as a bigger Nashville with more traffic and had zero desire to ever live there lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Atlanta could be considered to be a "black NYC". What I mean by that is that for a generic young, black college graduate, Atlanta is a place with lots of jobs and pretty much has the most vibrant black middle class - heck, it even has the boutique HBCUs. Of course, it's also vibrant for all the other colors of the rainbow. As for obesity, except for the Indochinese, all the races are trying to outcompEAT the others. :lol:

Of course, Atlanta also arguably has the most incelibate, non-religious university around (OK, technically an institute :rolleyes: ). :mad:


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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deep down, it is a good ole boy network. Buckhead is pretty much post-college kids from SEC schools in their 20s who love to go to places like Big Sky and Ivy. Women still care about who you were in college and stick with their former Greek Life crew. You will see men having status based off of who they were in college, even though they are an overweight 25 year old that wears khakis and collar shirts to bars. It's a weird type of Bizzaro world.

Make no mistake about it, Atlanta's culture (especially in Buckhead) is very status chasing and clout heavy. One of my friends calls it LA's inbred cousin and yeah....it's hard to disagree.

It is a more closed off environment due to how social circle heavy it can get...In Atlanta, so many women just stuck to their circles and people in theirs. You'll commonly see this at The Ivy where former Greek Life folks stay in their cliques. If you approach a girl in an NYC or Miami and she's with a dude or a group, people will just brush it off and some may even respect you for it. In Atlanta, expect for guys to straight up fight you or have an aggressive response.
Atlanta seems like it would be good for men who are socially entrenched. The guys who likely have the best experiences are the guys who grew up in Atlanta or the Atlanta suburbs, went to some SEC school if they went to college, and then did their post college time in some of Atlanta's young professional scene. These aren't the type of guys who would typically read SoSuave.

If you're moving to Atlanta randomly due to a job and knowing no one, it seems like it would be extremely tough. That situation I just described is more difficult in any city (would be easier in NYC and Miami) but Atlanta seems like it'd be much worse for that.

How's the pretention in Atlanta among white women? If there's clout chasing, I would imagine it to be on the higher side.

white women in Atlanta are a borderline disappointment. Back in my college days, the classy sorority girls went off to Nashville or NYC while the trashy ones and ugly ones ended up in Atlanta. You either get a trashy sorority sister type with a huge ego or an ultra leftist Woke warrior (which we surprisingly have a lot of) type. Hot white girls do exist though so don't give up hope and keep on gaming.
When guys in bigger Western US cities look at Atlanta, they look at the more favorable ratios compared to their own metro. However, most of that favorable ratio is due to black women. If you're trying to date white women in Atlanta, it doesn't seem like a good time unless you are socially entrenched in some way.

I’ve been to those buckhead bars plenty of times. You are spot on about Atlanta being some frat good ole boy network city in disguise.

I did notice the white women in Atlanta weren’t that great looking either. A 6/10 white girl is basically a 8/10 in Atlanta lol.
If there's a shortage of good white women in Atlanta, that's would be problematic for those most interested in white women.

A pretty good city to settle down in.
This is most applicable for guys in secure LTRs and married. If you are in that boat and receive a job offer in Atlanta, you might experience this city well. You might be in for a rude awakening if you ended up breaking up or getting divorced.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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I’ve been to those buckhead bars plenty of times. You are spot on about Atlanta being some frat good ole boy network city in disguise. I’m not in to black women but, I did notice the white women in Atlanta weren’t that great looking either. A 6/10 white girl is basically a 8/10 in Atlanta lol. Coming from Nashville, and never liking it in the first place, I saw Atlanta as a bigger Nashville with more traffic and had zero desire to ever live there lol.
Oh yeah, Atlanta is not really the place to be to find that many quality white women. It used to be better a couple decades ago but now Georgia is practically being infiltrated by the left coast woke warriors. Even I have been shocked at how many SJW, woke warrior, and stereotypical leftie women have flooded Atlanta. It even pours over to Athens where you will find so many of the anti-Trump pro-Bernie types than in any other southern college town.

If you are more LTR-minded though, you can get lucky and find some cool white women but I would not really hold your breath. Nashville, Charleston, and even smaller southern cities are a far better option. One other downfall of Atlanta white girls is that they are really trashy and sexually picky at the same time. A lot of them get down to ratchet rap music but have a smug aura about them.

Despite all that though, the one thing that makes the city decent is that your competition sucks in Atlanta. You can get laid solely due to the fact that the average guy there has little to no game. On a long enough timeline, you'll find the cool odd white girl who is kind of lost in the city and can have a lot of fun with her.

The worst quality here is by far the ethnic women though. Latinas, Asian, Indian, and Arab women here are garbage. So many of them not only look like crap but they have annoying attitudes and try to get under your skin. They are trashy and loud.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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@SW15 Haha, that would borderline be me. Got lucky and got into a decent frat in college. What I will say is that looking back at it, it seems like anyone in that life who was going places went elsewhere than Atlanta. The classiest and best looking sorority girls either ended up in Nashville or they aimed to go for world class cities like NYC and LA. It was commonly the trashier girls in the party scene that moved to Buckhead. Same goes for guys who want to make something of themselves, they commonly landed in NYC or other big cities instead of being the generic finance major that landed in EY.

You realize how boring and old it gets too, like some people legit never grow up. It's social ladder climbing contests and gossips left and right, no productive and successful person wants to live life like that. Meanwhile, everyone gets fatter and finds you weird for not being LTR-minded by 25.

Atlanta white girls and Georgia white girls in general are very clout chasing. They have massive egos, are prudish, and trying to size everyone up. Now that being said, a brash guy with game could absolutely slay them. My friend from Boston always called them out on their BS and ended up eventually sleeping with them. They are so used to having obedient men in their circle that as soon as they meet a wild guy, they get hooked.

Now for living in Atlanta as an adult, I wouldn't count out being single there. As I have said, the competition really sucks and you will find a few bored women in every neighborhood that are willing to find a guy to have some fun with.
Mar 9, 2021
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Yeah my friend kills it with mediocre looking white women in Atlanta. He might land a ons with a slutty 8, but most of his women are 5s and 6s lol. He just dresses fratty and goes out Buckhead religiously. This topic makes sense to how he is doing so well now because he’s pretty average lol. He’s also pretty dark triad and a bully lol


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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I’ve lived there a few years and as someone only attracted to white and Hispanic women, I got very little action. Even white women aren’t attracted to white men there. Great place for @Solomon .


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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I lived in Atlanta during the Olympics in '96. I second the above posters, hottest black women in any city I've ever lived in. When I lived there, I ignored the white girls lol (and I'm white). Very cool time to be living in that city.

One thing I will say though - when I lived there, traffic sucked (not just during the Olympics, but also in '95 and '97). Most of the freeways were congested throughout the entirety of the day and many of the arterials roads were one lane each direction. Now, the metro population is TWICE what it was then, and when I look on the map, I can see they haven't built any new freeways in 25 years. I couldn't imagine living there now.

Fwiw, the black people there were the coolest black people of any city I've lived in.

Edit - now that I think about it, a lot of the traffic issues were due to white people insisting on living in the far-flung suburbs (Gwinnett, Cobb and Cherokee counties) while working in the city of Atlanta - a classic instance of "white flight". And anecdotally, I was living with friends of my parents at the time and they frowned upon me dating black girls. There was definitely a weird segregationist mindset there at the time.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Atlanta seems like it would be good for men who are socially entrenched. The guys who likely have the best experiences are the guys who grew up in Atlanta or the Atlanta suburbs, went to some SEC school if they went to college, and then did their post college time in some of Atlanta's young professional scene. These aren't the type of guys who would typically read SoSuave.
I've lived in both Atlanta & Dallas; I prefer the latter.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I've lived in both Atlanta & Dallas; I prefer the latter.
I live in Dallas (see Dallas thread). Based on the way @Jesse Pinkman describes Atlanta, I would not be inclined to live in Atlanta. In theory, if I were to move to Atlanta, it would be without being socially entrenched there.

I also perceive the weather is worse there. Dallas' weather isn't ideal but it seems better than Atlanta's due to lower humidity levels.
Mar 9, 2021
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I live in Dallas (see Dallas thread). Based on the way @Jesse Pinkman describes Atlanta, I would not be inclined to live in Atlanta. In theory, if I were to move to Atlanta, it would be without being socially entrenched there.

I also perceive the weather is worse there. Dallas' weather isn't ideal but it seems better than Atlanta's due to lower humidity levels.
Atlanta blows lol.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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I'll say, as decent as Atlanta can be for the night game, what makes it suck is just how passive-aggressive the people are compared to elsewhere. Everyone seems to be carrying a whole lot of resentment over something. It gets better outside the perimeter but you only go there once you have settled down and have nothing else to do. Of all the cities, Atlanta is a great city to Monk Mode in and just leave an unassuming life in once you get to the outskirts. It is cheap enough, safe enough outside the perimeter, and people leave you to be.

I don't know, maybe it's because I am fatigued from NYC's COVID-hysteria and hyper virtue-signaling ways now. At times, I feel like I can use a home out in the burbs to temporarily reset, maybe get a dog, engage in peaceful activities, be healthy, and work on myself.

But yeah, once it comes to the game though, Atlanta is just toxic. You have to deal with social politics of a city trying to be popular like LA and the sex shaming too due to how religious people can get. Outside of a handful of good bars, it takes a strong mind to really thrive there. Like you have to have a few solid wings to game with.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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It gets better outside the perimeter but you only go there once you have settled down and have nothing else to do. Of all the cities, Atlanta is a great city to Monk Mode in and just leave an unassuming life in once you get to the outskirts. It is cheap enough, safe enough outside the perimeter, and people leave you to be.
Monk mode is not a good way to go through life. Sex is necessary. I have no idea how actual monks and observant priests (the majority of priests) do it.

Fear of celibacy is why a lot of people stay in subpar marriages. To an incel, banging a wife 1-2 times a month seems like a good deal. 3-5 years after the wedding day, a lot of couples are having low sex frequency like what I described. It isn't pleasant. It is better than no sex and no hope for sex.

I wonder about those marrieds in the 'burbs. It is more probable than not that those marriages will end. The men will need to move closer to the action. It's easier for a divorced woman to date in the suburbs because thirsty guys will find them.

But yeah, once it comes to the game though, Atlanta is just toxic.
Yes. I think a lot of transplants would have a tough time in Atlanta without the SEC school affiliation if they look like basic men. Tattooed dirtbags or other niches could make it work. The women that the tattooed dirtbag who works in the warehouse of a Walmart tend to meet and attempt to attract are different than the types of women that white collar professional men tend to meet and attempt to attract.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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I don't think that going Monk Mode for a set amount of time is a bad move. TBH, after the NYC COVID hysteria and how crazy people got, it wore on my mental health. I am talking not being able to get coffee without a Karen yelling at you for not having a mask on. You come to a point after enough experience in life where you value your sanity and your mental health. I went back home for a few months to Atlanta and was as happy as I could have ever been.

Yeah I was with my parents but I had my dog to play around with and a healthy routine. It isn't long-term but something to get in shape for the time being and get your life together before you get back out there.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I don't think that going Monk Mode for a set amount of time is a bad move. TBH, after the NYC COVID hysteria and how crazy people got, it wore on my mental health. I am talking not being able to get coffee without a Karen yelling at you for not having a mask on. You come to a point after enough experience in life where you value your sanity and your mental health. I went back home for a few months to Atlanta and was as happy as I could have ever been.

Yeah I was with my parents but I had my dog to play around with and a healthy routine. It isn't long-term but something to get in shape for the time being and get your life together before you get back out there.
Temporary monk mode is understandable at certain points in time. Owning real estate is not a temporary play. Yes, real estate can be sold & it’s possible to move but it is a giant pain. It’s easier to move as a renter. You can decline to renew a lease at a certain point. Buying a house in an Atlanta suburb or a suburb of mostly any city is a logistical disadvantage for men who are under 40-45 & pursuing 20s/30s childless women.

COVID hysteria was bad in 2020 & 2021. I believe that unattached people were at a major disadvantage. Indoor masking made approaching so much more difficult, as well as setting up dates. Attached people, especially those who lived with their romantic partners, had a huge advantage during this period. They seem to have squandered it as I have read that breakup & divorce rates increased due to COVID.