I agree with this sentiment wholeheartedly, but there are a few things to consider.
As a gringo in Latin countries, you will be popular but not for the reasons you want. You are an escape plan for most of these women - don't get it twisted. And like Snag87 said, don't bother bringing them over here. American society is an absolute poison for the mind and it will inevitably corrupt her.
This doesn't mean you can't meet a good woman out there. In my experience, particularly in Latin America, women are much more traditional and respect a man's role. You need to be a MAN, though. That means initiating, leading her, etc.
Sex is also not as taboo in Brazil as it is in the states. In the states I have to sit here and play pretend and act like I'm not doing this for sex. Whereas in Brazil, if it's not clear you're trying to **** her, she thinks you're wasting her time. They'll think your gay or something. In my blue pill days, I absolutely blew it with some fine hunnies because I was trying to be your standard American "good guy".
Women are Women, but I have fortunately not experienced your typical American mindset here in Brazil, and it's very refreshing. Personally, It just feels like women in the states hate men. Everything said about men is so nasty & negative - it's a terrible energy to be around. I can't believe I was lectured at work by a fellow female coworker on how "Men are so garbage, they aren't worth much these days".
Like seriously, that is what the workplace has turned into in 2022. The corporate route absolutely eats your soul
I'm talking completely out my ass here, but I believe you can take a dude out of the states, and he'll be super successful overseas. Take an American corporate woman overseas, and I doubt anyone can tolerate them other than Indian simps begging for bob & vagene photos.