Master Don Juan
I get what you're saying and my point is in line with what you're saying - the tests themselves are the issue, not the concept of intelligence itself. Tesla was obviously highly intelligent...and I doubt it wouldn't show up in an IQ test.What IQ Tests aspire to be versus what they are in reality are very similar to places like universities and colleges that rewards pre-defined, narrow forms of intelligence - typically rote learning. Robotic learning. No divergent thinking. No new thought forms allowed.
The issue we have is that we have a society that purposefully rewards and advances non-threatening forms of intelligence, that don't threaten the hierarchy. Guys like Tesla found this out the hard way. If you want to be rewarded and advance in this matrix you have to be intelligent in a way that doesn't upset the power balance apple cart. Otherwise the threatened Alphas that run this matrix will kill you.
Peterson is a perfect example. If he was a real intelligent threat to the system he'd be killed. Peterson is allowed to stay because he operates within the matrix rules, same as the IQ test.
Your point seems to be a bit off topic, but yes, critical thinking, divergent thinking, rejection of authority, and trusting yourself is definitely not valued. There are plenty of rebels, iconoclasts, cultural critics etc who were never "snuffed out". Can you name any?