It's actually the beta safety net that allows women to be reckless with their vag holes. Not Alphas banging everyone. Women need safety in order to pursue hypergamy comfortably. Beta's give women a free pass to get pumped and dumped until she's 50, then the beta shows up and still pays for everything.
If you actually want to improve the market for yourself then you need to be focused on things that enable the market decline that you despise. These are things fault divorce, #metoo, simping, "women and men are the same" propaganda, transgender and gay laws. If these laws were removed you'd see women change literally overnight. All you're seeing now is just Alpha Lawmakers trolling you with rules they have written to c0ckblock you.
See the game for what it is. By banging fat ch1cks, you're not depriving other men of sex. You're actually encouraging women to be fat (banging a woman validates her).
Here's an example for you. I have been seeing a girl who lives close by me, by the beach. She has a lot going for her, but she was about 5 kilograms overweight for me. So what did I do? I let her svck my c0ck but I refused to bang her. I told her that if she lost 5 kilos it would enhance her look so much that she's crazy not to do it. I then soft-nexted her and kept in light contact. What happened? Over about a month of me occasionally seeing her (she lives close by), but not banging her, she got thinner and thinner before my eyes. Eventually she got thin enough to bang. That's how you treat fat women for the betterment of mankind. Not what you're doing.