Maybe men should stop going to the gym. I’m serious. Men have made “having muscles” about as pedestrian as stepping in dog sh1t.
at the same time, women are getting fatter. This only appears to make men thirstier. Should we take some tips from women and just all stop putting effort in? It works for women.
Men have competed with each other now, through their own thirst, to a point where women find them utterly ridiculous. Men are out-competing themselves into oblivion for fat chicks. It’s hilarious. Women think it’s hilarious too. Women hate themselves so if you appear to make an effort for women, women automatically view you as a misguided, cooked fool.
Women don’t want men who are obsessed with how he looks. That’s faggotry. She wants aloof, cool, confident and authentic. You can’t be that guy if you’re freaking out about gym and sticking steroids in your butt so you can keep up with Zac Efron - most guys are living like this, or aspire to. It’s pathetic.
There is some truth to this actually. Even my mom has been subtly **** talking me on the phone about me going to the gym as a now middle aged man. Women do not respect it if you obsess over your looks at all.
I go for myself though. Working out makes me happier....literally. Especially a good long cardio session like treadmill fast pace or swimming laps. I recently got into weights again but nothing serious. I am basically retired now so i begin to feel like a lazy slob if i don't get some exercise each day.